Causes of WW1

  • Causes of WW1

    Causes of WW1Mutual Defense Alliances - When countries make deals with eachother to help one another out when one of them is in need.
    Imperialism - When a country wants to spread its power and take over smaller territories.
    Millitarism - When a country makes their millitary force larger.
    Nationalism - When somebody thinks their country is the best and is mean to others who aren't from that country.
  • Trench Warfare

    Conditions of TrenchesThere was a terrible smell. There werent any facilities to go to the bathroom. There were huge rats and lice was all over the place. There was the smell of rotting bodies and BO.
  • Women's Roles

    Women were able to enter many durning the war. They entered many branchs of the military. Most of the jobs were clerical. Other job was nursing. Some of the women went over seas too.
  • Big 4

    France: Raymond Poincare(president) and Georges Clemenceau(prime minister)
    Britian:George V (King)
    Russia: Nicholas II
    USA:Woodrow Wilson
  • Assassination of Franz

    The assassination of FranzThere was a group of terrorists called The Black Hand that found out about Franz's visit to Sarajevo to inspect his troops. Franz first scheduled to have lunch at the City Hall. On his way to the City Hall from the station one of the terrorists threw a grenade and it went under the car following Franz. Then on the way to see the troops, Franz's cab driver took a wrong turn. As he began to reverse, another terrorist by the name of Gavrilo Princip fired two shots killing Franz and his wife.
  • Allies v Central Powers

    Who were the Allies and Central Powers
    Allies - Britain, France, Italy, US, and Russia.
    Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), and Bulgaria
  • Fighting Begins

    When did war begin and where
    FIghting began in Germany. It was declared by Great Britain.
  • British Blockade

    British BlockadeThe British Intercepted all trafic going to Germany. Weakening Germany because they didn't get there supplies
  • 3 New Weapons

    Mustard gas in WW1Machine gun: It put more rounds down range quicker and more damage could be done.
    Mustard Gas: Reduced hand-to-hand combat
  • America Joins the Fight

    The US entered WW1 because of the Germans' use of U-Boats.
  • Lusitania

    The LusitaniaThe Lusitania was an old Cruise Ship that was sank by German U-Boats. As it was heading off the Old Head or Kinsale, Ireland it was attacked. The Germans said that the US couldn't say Germany didn't warn them because Germany said that if we travel that part of the ocean we would probably be attacked and we were attacked. Of the people on board 761 were rescued and 1,198 were not.
  • Election of 1916

    Election of 1916Wilson and Hughs were the canidates. Wilson was the Democrat and Hughs was the Republican. The Democrats' modo was "He kept out of war." They also thought that if Hughs won the US would be drawn into war. Everyone thought Hughs won but during the night Wilson won Claifornia by 3,000 votes making Wilson the winner.
  • Great Migration

    The GReat Migration is the movement of African Americans from the rural South to the Northeast and the Midwest to fill the need for industrial workers. The need was because the workers had left to go to wart. The void was left because of the dcrease in immigration of Europeans.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmermann NoteA note sent from Germany to Mexico containing a proposal for an allience against the US. But the note was intercepted and strengthened US public support to go to war with Germany
  • CPI

    CPI PostersCommittee on Public Information. Woodrow Wilson was the leader. George Creel was the Chairman. Charles Dana Gibson was the main illustrator They were an advertizing agency for WW1 to make a positive influence on public opinion about the war. The posters they make would be an example.
  • Espionage & Sedition Acts

    It's purpose was to stop people from giving people the wrong idea about joining the military. Definition: $10,000 fine and 20 years in prison for interfering with the recruitment of troops.
  • Selective Service Act

    [selective service act](http:/// man between 18 and 45 must carry their selective service card.
  • WIB

    War Industries Board. Frank A. Scott was the leader. Purchase of war supplies, encouraged mass production by companies for efficiency and less waste. Also found appropriate jobs for employees with standardized testing.
  • 14 points

    14 PointsThe 14 points were a speech given by Wilson to a joint session of Congress. It was intended to assure that the great war was being fought for a moral cause & postwar peace. They were written by Woodrow Wilson.
  • League of Nations

    Maintain world peace. Jim Swanson was the author. It was set up to settle disputes by arbitration.
  • Armistice

    Armistice day 1918 It was an agreement with Germany to end fighting on Nov 11th. It was not considered a surrender by the Germans but a response to WIlson's 14 Points. Some of the benefits were preservation of infastructure, compensation for wartime injustice, and the excahange of prisioners.
  • Map

    Netural Nations: Norway, Sweden, Spain
    Allied Nations: Russia, Frane, Italy, Britian
    New Nations: Germany, Poland, Autria, Hungary, Yugaslavia, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
  • Final Statistics

    DEATH TOLL: USA: 115,000, Germany: 1,808,000 and France 1,385,000 and the overall total: 8,000,000
    $$ Spent: $186 billion in direct costs and $151 billion in indirect costs
  • Schenck v. United States

    He sent letters to drafted soldiers telling them that they didn't have to go to war
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This was one of the Peace treaties at the end of WW1. Article 231 was the most humilating portion of the treaty for the Germans. It forced the German nation to accept all responsibilty for the war. Germany was forbidden to maintain an airforce.