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Causes of World War One

  • Bismarck

    Bismarck was appointed prime minister and foriegn Prussia by Kaiser Wilhelim the 1st
  • Bismarck's first steps

    The first thing Bismarck wan't to do was oust Austria as the prime influence on german states, he decided to do so by inflecting war over territory
  • Bismarck's steps Towards War

    first, he needed to engineer a credible reason for war. Thus, in 1870, Bismarck attempted to place a Hohenzollern prince on the throne in Spain
  • The Telegram

    The Telegram
    July 14th 1870: Bismarck released a doctored version of a telegram ostensibly from the Kaiser to Bismarck.
  • Napoleon III

    Napoleon III
    On the 19th of July Napoleon the third respond to civil revolt by declaring war on prussia.
  • Napoleon III

    Napoleon III
    On the 23 of july Napoleon responded to civil revolt by declaring war on Prussia
  • Prussian Forces

    ◊ Prussian forces laid siege to Parris between September 1870 and January 1871
  • Bismarck's Treaty with russia

    Bismarck, in 1887, agreed to a so-called Reinsurance Treaty with Russia,
  • Britain's Power

    Britain's Power
    At this time britain was the greatest power of all.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is the final event that "verified" the begining of the first World War.
  • Austria-Hungary

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on the 28th of july.
  • Japan

    Honouring a milatary agreement with Britain Japan declared war on Germany on the 23 of August, but this resulted in Austria-Hungary declaring war on germany.