
Causes of the civil war summative timeline

  • 1858 BCE

    Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    Lincoln and Douglas debate(fought) to become the leader of the senate. Showed how candidates would criticize each other to get the spot they wanted. Douglas won and Lincoln was and important leader of the Republican Party.
  • 1857 BCE

    Dred Scott v. Sanford

    Dred Scott v. Sanford
    Dred Scott owner die and was left in control of the owners wife. Scott sued for his freedom in Missouri state court. Lower court favor but the Supreme Court did not because he was not a citizen and had not live in free soil(land) for a long time. Showed that it a lower court ruled on he's favor the Supreme Court had to do it to. White southerners cheered the decision but northerners were stunned.
  • 1856 BCE

    Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Abolitionists and pro-slavery force clashed in Kansas. Killing many people. Kansas had two opposing governments and population was angry. New government arrived and restore order.
  • 1850 BCE

    Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    Made it a crime to help runaway slaves and allowed officials arrest those slaves in free areas. Benefited slaveholders because slaves would be afraid and would not runaway. Slavesholder had a little more control over them. Most northerners opposed the act in peace but violence did erupt when Anthony Burns was arrested in Boston abolitionists use force to escape him.
  • 1850 BCE

    Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay ones again introduced the compromise of 1850. Where California was a Free State the rest of Mexico cession was divided into two territories Utah and New Mexico. There was still problems with states(territories) wanted to enter the union but people did not want to unbalance free and slave state also problems with states wanting to secede from the union. John C. Calhoun argued with Henry Clay's plan.
  • 1846 BCE

    Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    It stated that representatives and involuntary servitude shouldn't existin the territory of the Mexico cession it passed in the senate because the south had more power. It benefited those that were against slavery but not those that were in favor. We needed it because it proposed to no longer have slavery. Stirred up debate that showed growing sectionalism.
  • 1820 BCE

    Missouri Compromise of 1820

    Missouri Compromise of 1820
    Missouri wanted to enter the union. Adding a new state would have tipped the balance of free and slave states. Henry Clay Introduce The Missouri Compromise the three main conditions where Missouri would enter The union as a slave state, Maine would join the union as a free state keeping the number of slaves and free equal, and last slavery would be prohibited in any new territory or state north of 36 30 latitude Missouri Southern border.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    A plan that would divide the remainder of the Louisiana purchase into two territories Kansas and Nebraska and allow people in each territory to decide on the question of slavery. It gave people the right to choose. Northerners that were against slavery protest and send anti-Nebraska petitions to congress.