Civilllll war

Causes of the Civil War

  • Period: to

    Causes of the Civil War

    Literature Causes = !
    Fighting Causes = @
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    Political Causes = % Primary Causes = 1
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    Teritary Causes = 3
  • Slavery

    $- 1
    Location- Virginia Settlers purchase Africans to be used to do the labor of their plantations. This allowed for the South to become very reliable on the labor offered by the slaves. Over time, the South became very dependent on the labor, while the Northerners did not need slaves for their economy. This then allowed for a split opinion on slavery.
  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    Location = Washington, D.C. This compromise allowed for 3/5 of the slave to be counted as a person for the sake of counting population for the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. This allowed for the South to get a bigger number in the house.
  • 3/5 Compromise PART 2

    This put a divide between the North and the South because they each had differing opinions on how to count the slave population. This split up the North and South against their opinions on slaves.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    Location = Georgia Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin to speed up production of cotton. Since the gin produced cotton at an alarming rate, the plantation owners needed more slaves to do the labor. This made the South more reliable on slaves to produce the cotton. This resulted in the South having much dependency on slave labor.
  • American Colonization Society

    American Colonization Society
    Location = New Jersey The American Colonization Society was an abolition movement to get some of the slaves moved from the United States back to Africa. The Southerners felt as if the United States was beginning to turn against slavery and all of the Southern principles. This caused for great stress by the South.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Location = Missouri The compromise was to solve how to equalize the balance of slave and free states. With the compromise, Missouri became slave and Maine became a free state. This allowed for future problems on balancing the number of slave and free states, and the South feeling as if they are not equally represented.
  • Garrison’s publishing of the Liberator

    Garrison’s publishing  of the Liberator
    Location = Massachusetts By Garrison publishing The Liberator, which spoke very negatively of the sins of slavery, it sparked anger from the South. The Southerners felt as if the whole North was turning against them by agreeing that slavery was bad, which allowed for the South to feel as if they were not wanted and were not treated as fairly.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Location = Virginia This rebellion scared the South greatly. It resulted in fewer freedoms and more rules for slaves. The South began to prep for future rebellions. With the South being fearful, they began to feel as if the United States was turning against them.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Location = South Carolina South Carolina decided that they did not want to obey they Tariff of 1828 or 1832. They thought it was unfair and unequal treatment to the South. They threatened to secede if the tariff was not changed. This was a cause of the Civil War because it was the first threat of secession from the United States because the South felt as if they were not being treated fairly.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    -2 Location = South Florida all the way to Canada The Underground Railroad caused major tension between the North and the South. The South felt as if, by the North sheltering and allowing slaves to escape, that the North was turning against the South. The South felt as though the North was disrespecting them by letting their property escape. This resulted in the South not trusting the North’s actions.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Location = New Territory gained in Mexican Cession (California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico) Wilmot suggested that there be no slavery in the new soil. The South felt that was not fair because then the balance of free and slave states would be tattered with. The South were fearful of not being equally represented in government.
  • End of Mexican War

    End of Mexican War
    Location = Texas At the end of the Mexican War, the Mexican cession, including California, New Mexico, and Utah, were gained as a reward of winning the war. The land was then questioned as to be slave or free states. The North wanted the states to be free, but the Southerners wanted the slaves to be slave states. This caused tension between the North and the South because each part wanted something different.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Location = Mexican Cession (California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico) The Compromise of 1850 resulted in the North getting the better end of the deal. California was declared a free state and New Mexico and Utah were deemed with popular sovereignty. Unfortunately for the South, New Mexico and Utah were more than likely going to be free.
  • Compromise of 1850 PART 2

    The addition of these states added more free states, which then tipped the balance of slave and free states. This caused the South to feel as if they do not have as big of a say and allowed for the South to feel as if they are not equally represented in politics.
  • Fugitive Slave Act PART 2

    This caused tension between the North and South because the South felt like the North was disrespecting their property and the Northerners felt as if they were being forced to do something they did not believe in. This showed the feud between differing opinions on slavery.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    Location = All of United States This act required the North to turn in and return slaves that have escaped from the South. The Northerners disagreed with this act because they felt as if they were required to take part in the slave system, which is something they did not want a part of.
  • Publishing of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publishing of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Location = Connecticut Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote about the awful wrongdoings of slavery. This opened up the Northerners eyes on how brutal the action of slavery really was. The Southerners were very angry at Stowe, calling her book "fiction and a lie!" Lincoln greeted Stowe at a convention and said, “So this is the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war.”
  • Publishing of Uncle Tom's Cabin PART TWO

    By writing this book, Stowe angered the Southerners because they felt as if she did not make an accurate representation of what slavery actually was. This led to the Southerners feeling as if the Northerners were turning their backs on the South.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    Location = Kansas and Nebraska The Congress repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which stated no slavery in the new territory. The Act allowed Kansas and Nebraska to be determined if they were slave or not by popular sovereignty.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act PART TWO

    This angered the North because they felt as if the government was stepping boundaries by changing the law from no slavery to a possibility of having slavery in the new territory. By this creating this new act, the North became angry because they felt as if the territory should not be slave, which showed the different feelings towards slavery.
  • Border Ruffians

    Border Ruffians
    Location = Kansas Since Kansas was a popular sovereignty state, flocks of people rushed to Kansas to put in their say on the matter. This led to major conflicting between the two idealists. This shows the differing opinions on having slaves or not.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Location = Washington, D.C. Dred Scott, a slave, sued for his rights. The Supreme Court deemed that since he was a slave, he would always be a slave. This went entirely against the principle of states rights because the Supreme Court basically said that there are in fact no free states. This angered the North because they felt as if they would always be forced to accept slavery in their life, which is not what they wanted at all.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate

    Lincoln-Douglas Debate
    Location = Illinois In this debate, Douglas kept swaying back on principles he believed in, which allowed for the North and South to lose trust in him. The Democratic Party then split into two; supporters for Douglas and supporters for Lincoln, his candidate. This was a major cause of the Civil War because Lincoln was not favored at all by the South which resulted in them seceeding.
  • John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry

    John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry
    Location = Virginia The raid caused for Southerners to be very scared. They felt as if all slaves were soon to be on the rise. They felt as if war was inevitable. The South began to militarize in plans of future raids. The South began to be very cautious and feel as if the United States was ready to turn on them.
  • Election of Lincoln

    Election of Lincoln
    Location = All over the United States The Election of Lincoln allowed for major controversy. Many Southern states thought Lincoln wanted to complete abolish slavery. This led to the secession of many states, which then led to the Civil War.
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    Location = Southern States (First was South Carolina) The Southern states began to secede after the Election of 1860. They were fearful as they felt Lincoln was going to fully abolish slavery. They began to secede. By seceding, they made Lincoln feel it was his duty to get them back, which in part required war. The secession of the Southern states was a major cause of the Civil War because it resulted in the first shots of the war.
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    Battle at Fort Sumter
    Location = South Carolina After the secession of the Southern states, Lincoln felt as if he should deliver supplies to them. Upon arrival, the Confederacy shot at the Northerners. These were the first shots of the war.