Causes of the Civil War

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    Causes of the Civil War

  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin is what turned slavery into a huge deal in the late 1790 early 1800. When the cotton gin was created it was easier to go through the cotton with the machine but than that means more slaves on the field picking cotton, which was the most difficult and most abusing job there was as a slave. This was a cause of the civil war because it made it so more slaves could work in the fields, which became a big deal. Without slaves we would have had to make our own clothing in the 1850s
  • Missouri Compromise

  • Compromise of 1850

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin is a book about slavery in the south. A young woman by the name of Harriet Stowe in the North wrote the book so that other people in America and in other countries could see what slaver was like. Because this book was written it left Britian out of the Civil War. This became a big part of the civil war because it left britian out of the civil war.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision

    Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision
    This was a court decision that ruled that slaves where property and not "humans." It also ruled that slaves will be allowed in the territories or where ever the masters move.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
    John Brown was a radical abolitionist, he was dedicated to seeing slavery being brought to an end. When John raided Harper's Ferry his goal was to arm the slaves adn start a huge slave up rise across the south, though he failed and in the North he was looked at as a hero. In the south this was a reilization that anti slavery movements are getting much stronger.
  • Election of Lincoln

    Election of Lincoln
  • Session of South Carolina

    Session of South Carolina
    South Carolina was the first state to secced, which means to break away. They broke away in December of 1860. The South now called themselves the States of Confederacy. This won't be the end of the secceding 10 other states will follow South Carolinas lead. This was a cause in the civil war because it was the first offical state to leave the united states of America.
  • Attack on Fort Summter