Canadian History Assignment

  • France Ferdinand was assasinated

    He was assasinated by Gavrilo Princip (one of a group of 6 assasins) Nationalism- Importance of a countries interests and what they stand for. An independent nation is free of foreign domination.
  • Beginning of WW1

    Centered in Europe. Austria declared war on Serbia.
  • Period: to

    Start of World War 1

  • Germany declared war on Russia

    Militarism-Having a country keeps a strong military capability and is prepared to defend for their countries national interests
  • Britian declared war on Germany

  • Period: to

    Trench Warfare started to dominate the Western Front

    In WW1 Two, three, four, or more trench lines running parallel to each other and being at least 1 mile (1.6 km) in depth. Food, ammunition, fresh troops, mail, and orders were delivered through these trenches. it had machine-gun emplacements to be ready to defend themselves against the enemy. These trenches arose within the first few months of the war’s outbreak.
    In between your trench and the enemys, there is No man's land. This is a gruesome territory with many dead bodies and blood.
  • First battle of Ypres

    Near the Belgian city of Ypres. Allied and German forces begin the 1st of 3 battles.
    Alliances- Formal agreement between 2 countries to cooperate for certain reasons.
  • Turkey entered the war on Germany’s side.

    Imperialisms- Extending a countries power through military force
  • Italy declared war on Germany and Austria

  • Period: to

    Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Canada claimed Victory, but with many unfortunate losses of fellow soldiers (more than 10,000 killed & wounded). In Northern France.
    For the 1st time all Canadian divisions attacked together
  • The official date of the end of WW1

    Germany signed an armistice with the Allies.
    Armistice- Formal agreement of warring parties to stop fighting.
  • Peace Conference

    Involved diplomats from more than 32 countries and nationalities.
    The "Big 4" were present:
    -PM of Great Britian
    -President of the USA
    -PM of France
    -PM of Italy
    They met together 145 times to discuss major decisions.
  • Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germans

    This forced the German nation to accept complete responsibility for initiating World War I. The German army had to be 100,000 men (limit).Germany was banned to maintain an airforce.