Cold war

Canada's Role in the Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    -Padlock Law was an act in Qeubec to remove the spreading of communist propaganda
    -The Act prohibited anyone to use or allow any person to make use of it to propagate communism or bolshevism
    - A violation of the Act subjected such property to being ordered closed by the Attorney General - "padlocked"
    - Any person found guilty of involvement in prohibited media activities could be incarcerated for three to thirteen months
  • Gouzenko Affair

    Gouzenko Affair
    Gouzenko Affair-Trained in intelligence work, assigned to Soviet Embassy in Ottawa in 1943
    -1945, deflected to Canada because family was going to be sent back to Russia
    -He offered Canadian Governement top secret document exposing Soviet spies
    -In return askked for permanent protection
    -18 of 39 Soviet people Exposed by name from documents
    -he would appear in public with hod on to protect his identity
    -died from natural in 1982
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    -1948, Soviet Union broke agreement with its former allies
    -Attempted to force allies to give up estblished rights to occupy the western part of former German Capital "Berlin"
    -Attempted to physically block all supply lines to West Berlin
    Blockade Failed because allies organized ailift to provide food and other supplies
    -Blockade succeeded in raising the tesions between Soviet Inion and its former allies
  • NATO

    NATO-1949- NATO was created
    -NATO is a defence pact intended to protect members against further Soviet aggression
    -12 founed members of NATO, Belgium, Britian, Canada, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemberg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and United States
    -1955, Soviet Union organized Warsaw Pact which included, Albania, Bulgaria, Czezhoslovakia, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Soviet Union
  • The Forgotten War (The Korean War)

    The Forgotten War (The Korean War)
    -1950- The war was between South Korea (Republic of Korea) and North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
    -The war was a result of political division of Korea by an agreement of the victorious Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War at the end of World War II
    -The failure to hold free elections throughout the Korean Peninsula in 1948 deepened the division between the two sides
    -The U.S. provided 88% of the 341,000 international soldiers which aided South Korean forces
  • Draft Dodgers in Canada

    Draft Dodgers in Canada
    -Draft Dodgers are Americans who would settle in Canada to avoid drafting or conscription to the Vietnam war
    - At this time in Canada, they wanted more people living in Canada so they treated the Draft dodgers as immigrants
    -This was not illegal and the US couldn’t do anything about these people, unless they tried to move back to America
    -This increased the population of Canada
  • The Suez Crisis and Pesrson wins Nobel Prize

    The Suez Crisis and Pesrson wins Nobel Prize
    Lester. B. Pearson-1956- a diplomat named Lester B. Pearson led Canada into middle power respectability when he pulled the world back from the brink of war in the Middle East.
    -Lester Pearson proposed to send a team of neutral military personnel, (i.e. peacekeepers) to supervise troop withdrawals and separate the two sides
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    -1956-1975- Canada never fought in this war but it effected Canada greatly
    -Canada did send small groups of troops over to help when they could
    -This war was fought between the communist of the North and the government of the south
  • Sputnik and Canada's Space Program

    Sputnik and Canada's Space Program
    -first artificial Earth satellite
    - Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low Earth orbit on October 4, 1957
    -The satellite travelled at about 29,000 kilometres per hour (18,000 mph), taking 96.2 minutes to complete each orbit
    -He signals continued for 22 days until the transmitter batteries ran out on 26 October 1957
    - Burned up on 4 January 1958, as it fell from orbit upon reentering Earth's atmosphere, after travelling about 70 million km (43.5 million miles) and spending 3 months in o
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missles and Nuclear Warheads in Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missles and Nuclear Warheads in Canada
    -John Diefenbaker was the Conservative leader and the 13th Prime Minister of Canada
    -Through his time as Prime Minister he struggled with deciding if Canada should get Nuclear weapons or not
    -He stopped any work on the Avro Arrow and wanted to bring in the American weapon the Bomarc Missile
    -Diefenbaker did agree with the US to deploy 2 squadrons of the Bomarc missile in Canada but the warheads were not accepted until 1963
  • NORAD and DEW line

    NORAD and DEW line
    -Soviet bombers and nuclear missiles crossed the Arctic toward North America
    -To protect the continent, Canada and the United States created Norad, the North American Aerospace Defense Comman
    -a vast array of electronic eyes forever sweeping over the continent
    -critics call the organization an expensive monument to the Cold War, and a first step on the slippery slope to weapons in space
  • Avro Arrow and its Cancellation

    Avro Arrow and its Cancellation
    Avro Arrow-John Diefenbaker (leader of conservative party) stopped any production on the Avro Arrow
    -In the place of the Avro Arrow Diefenbaker ordered the American Bomarc missiles for Canada to use instead
    -Due to the cancellation of the Avro Arrow 14000 people lost their jobs and the unemployment rate in Canada increased
    -Many families very poor and living on one or no income depending on their family situation
  • THe Cuban Missle Crisis

    THe Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Cuban Missle Crisis-In 1962 the Americans found out that Cuba was making Soviet Missile sites
    -These missile sites could aunch a missie to any specific place in North America
    -The USA and Canada thought that the Soviet Union was going to attack so they prepared for the worst
    -n the end ithere was never an attack
  • Canada-Soviet Hockey Series

    Canada-Soviet Hockey Series
    Paul Henderson Winning Goal-For years Canada’s amateur hockey team had come close to winning many championships but could never beat the European teams
    -Canada thought that no European team could beat a team of NHL players
    -1972 a series was made to test this theory, by the second to last game the series was at a tie
    -It was up to this last game to decide who would be the overall winner, with 37 seconds left in the last game Paul Henderson scored winning the game for Canada, bringing pride to Canada
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Fall of the Berlin Wall-He wall started as barbed wire then to 12 feet high 4 feet thick concrete block
    -The Berlin Wall was built by the communist government of East Berlin in 1961, which separated East and West Belin
    -People living on the East side started realizing that they didn’t want to live under the Soviet union communist way of life, so they started to move west
    -Ronald Reagan asked the Soviet leader to “tear down this wall.”
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union
    The Fall of the Soviet Union-The Soviet Union was a Pre-war communist state in Eastern Europe and Asia
    -The Soviet Union slowly started to go downhill, starting with little trade with other countries, there was little to no money coming into the country it was just floating around the country
    -By December 1991 the world watched the Soviet Union split into 15 countries