Byod around a table


  • Draft Survey to parents, teachers, and staff about BYOD

    Draft Survey to parents, teachers, and staff about BYOD
    The Likert survey will gather information to help build a case for BYOD and get as many people on board as possible. It will also gather data on interests.
  • Period: to

    Phase 1 - Inital Survey and Results

  • Collect Survey

    Due date for survey.
  • Start looking into hardware and Wifi implementation

    IT department to take lead in looking into infastructure.
  • Anazlye Data from Survey

    Anazlye data from survey and present to staff and board.
  • Research professional development for staff meeting

    Research and schedule professional develpoment opportunities for staff. The BYOD program is most efficient when teachers recieve ongoing professional develpoment.
  • Period: to

    Phase 2 - Preparing for Implementation

  • First of the year staff meeting

    Get buy-in on idea. Ask members if they would like to be on the BYOD Committee. Ask for professional development ideas/wants/needs.
  • Draft BYOD Policy

    Draft a BYOD policy to use with students and parents. The policy will include the expectations for use and will explain what happens when these expectations are not followed. Draft will be approved by BYOD Committee and Advisory Board.
  • Board Meeting to explain BYOD policy

    Share BYOD Policy with Advosory Board gather feedback and partial approval.
  • Professional Developement

    Holding date for all day professional development seminars.
  • Staff Meeting - Check-in about BYOD

    Meet with staff to give updates about BYOD and ask for questions/comments. At this time, the BYOD Committee will also give an update.
  • Pilot BYOD in Upper Grades

    Begin BYOD pilot in Upper Grades. Students must have already completed the BYOD policy.
  • Period: to

    Phase 3 - Pilot for Upper Grades and 4-5 Grades

  • Re-cap Meeting for Pilot

    Discuss Upper school pilot and how to continue on for pilot for 4-5 Grades.
  • Professional Development

    Holding date for all-day professional development seminars.
  • Send Pilot Survey

    Send survey to staff, students, and parents asking about their thoughts on BYOD, policy, and implementation.
  • End of Year Meeting - BYOD discussion

    BYOD Committee to give and gather BYOD information before launch in the next school year. Staff to make a best practice for Behavior Managment, review BYOD policy, and make updates. Staff will also make a best ideas for using computing devices in the classroom. List to be reviewed at beginning of school year meeting.
  • Send BYOD Policy to Grades 3-8

    Send BYOD policy for the new school year.
  • Period: to

    Phase 4 - Implement BYOD in Grades 3-8

  • Update hardware and wifi

    Continue onging infastructure enahancements.
  • BYOD Policy Singature Due

    All students must turn in their BYOD policy documents.