British Columbia between 1821-1898

By MrEllet
  • Hudson's bay company and North West company

    North West Company, Hudson Bay Company merged, B.C.'s fur trading departments organized into New Caledonia(interior) helped increase demand for fur and increase settlements
  • Hudson's bay trading post

    Hudson's Bay trading post built on the Fraser River. which helped trade with the Natives. first non-native settlement in area.
  • Oregon treaty

    The Oregon Treaty was signed and made the line between Canada and USA at the 49th parallel instead of what President Polk wanted which was 54-40
  • Vancouver island Crown colony

    Vancouver Island turns into a Crown Colony and later turns joins with British Columbia and becomes a province.
  • Vancouver island's first legislative assembly

    Vancouver island's first legislative assembly included 7 people and helped in the merging of Vancouver Island and British Columbia.
  • BC a Crown Colony

    1858 was a very exciting year for Canada and it all started with BC turning into a Crown Colony and in the end joining Canada

    although not the first gold found in British Columbia the Fraser river held the first actual Gold Rush in 1858
  • Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie becomes a leader of British Columbia

    Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie becomes one of the first leaders of the new Crown Colony of British Columbia. Begbie would become B.C.'s most famous judge, often referred to as a "hanging judge." Because he would hang lots of people. He won the respect of the Miners and Settlers>
  • Vancouver Island is British Again

    in 1859 the HBC's lease on the island expired and the Island went back to being under British control
  • Billy Barker strikes gold

    Billy Barker strikes gold on Williams Creek making him one of the most prosperous miners of the Cariboo Gold Rush. Later the same year the town Barkerville is created, which named after the miner and his prosperous claim. quickly became the largest city west of Chicago.
  • Cariboo road expanding

    in 1864 the Cariboo road reached Barkerville which helped people travel to the booming city.
  • Vancouver Island and British Columbia become one

    The two colonies of British Columbia and Vancouver island join into one under one administration.
  • Gassy Jack

    A talkative fellow named "Gassy Jack" opened a saloon for forestry workers on the shore of Burrard Inlet. It became so popular that a community built up around the place and called itself Gastown.
  • New Capitol

    the Capitol was changed from New Westminster to Victoria not much else...
  • Barkerville burning to the ground

    The once great booming in popularity town named Barkerville burned down in what was called the Barkerville fire. though reconstruction began the next day. this happened in the dying years of the gold rush
  • Gastown joins Granville

    The popular Gastown (named after Gassy Jack) is Incorporated into Granville
  • British Columbia joins confederation

    in 1871 British Columbia, joined Canada and was promised. that they're debt would be payed off and that they would be connected with the rest of Canada via Railroad.
  • Trans-Continental Railroad

    After some long years the Trans-Continental Railroad was finished. it travels through Kicking Horse Pass and down into the small settlement that we now know as Vancouver. Helped bring people to the city and improved economy by property prices going up.
  • Granville joins into Vancouver

    the city of Granville is incorporated into the city of Vancouver with a population of about 1000.
  • First Mayor Saves the day

    The first Mayor of Vancouver, M.A Mclean was a realtor. so after a bush fire which burned down the city in less than 30 min was no chance for him. He started rebuilding and re-planning the city just the next day.
  • first train

    The first Trans-Continental railroad train completed its full trip and made it to Vancouver.
  • David Oppenheimer becomes mayor

    David Oppenheimer who helped shape Vancouver by buying lots of land and convinced the Government to move the ending of the Railroad to near the land was which is why it ended in Vancouver which in turn helped colonize the city
  • First Granville bridge

    The first Grandville Bridge is built, is replaced in 1909 and the one we have today is the third version which was built in 1954
  • First lighthouse

    The first lighthouse at Brockton Point is built to improve the port and ocean access.
  • Beaches galore

    Sand was added to the English Bay Beach. up until then you would have had to walk through bushes to get there. A single large rock separated the men and women swimmers.