Black Beauty

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    Joe Green

    Joe Green
    Joe learned quickly and Master needs him to send a message, so he rides Black Beauty. When they're on their way to complete the task, they see a man abusing his horses. Joe speaks to the man, however the man shouts at him. Angry, Joe informs Mr. Clay, the man's employer. The abusive guy finally ends up on trial and Joe gives evidence. The guy was sent to prison as a result. After the incident, John and Beauty both note Joe seems more grown up and they trust him more.
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    The parting

    The parting
    The mistress was very ill so the family need to leave to a warmer place and departure includes selling the horses. Merrylegs goes to the vicar's family, with Joe to help in the stable. The master sells Beauty and Ginger to his friend, the Earl of W, a good horse owner. John, does not know what to do next, and said that he wanted to help horses. The master and his wife leave.
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    Jhon took Black Beauty and Ginger to the Earlshall. The Lady insists on the use of the checkrein, even though the horses were not use to it because it’s fashionable, forcing the horses' heads upright. Beauty now is familiar with why Ginger, the became close friends.
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    A strike for liberty

    A strike for liberty
    Due to the checkrein Ginger rebels, hurting Beauty. Beauty was put in the carriage with Max, a horse used to checkreins. Max tells Beauty the checkreins shorten their lives, he said that checkreins hurt horses but people bought more horses that use it, Beauty then explains how checkreins harm horses' mouths and obstruct their breathing. York, the earl's coachman, is upset about the situation because he knows it was the lady`s fault but he did not say anything.
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    The lay Anne

    The lay Anne
    Lady Anne picks Beauty as her horse, who renames him Black Auster. One day, Lady Anne goes riding together with her cousin, Colonel Blantyre. She tells Blantyre to experience Beauty and she would ride a horse named Lizzie. While they are out, Lizzie gets startled and throws Lady Anne. Blantyre sends a mas on Beauty to get the doctor, and Beauty runs as fast as he can. Later, while Lady Anne is out of risk, Blantyre claims he believed the horse knew of Annie's situation as well as he did.
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    Reuben Smith

    Reuben Smith
    Smith was riding Black Beauty and stops for a meal at an inn. Beauty has an ill shoe, and the inn's ostler mentions the hassle to Smith. Smith loudly dismisses it. Smith was good unless he was drunk and careless. When he eventually leaves the inn, Smith is under the influence of alcohol and ignores Beauty's painful foot. He rides Beauty hard, insensitive to the horse's uncommon gait, till Beauty loses his shoe and hurts his foot and knees badly, he falls on the road, throwing Smith.
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    How it ended

    How it ended
    Hours later the earl's men discover Beauty and Smith. Smith was dead; however, the men did not figure out what happened. The next day Black Beauty was examined. He says Beauty will recover however will have scars on his knees. Then Smith's death proves he was drunk and clears Beauty of all blame. Black Auster was sold to a liberty stable and say goodbye to Ginger.
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    Ruined and going Down-hill

    Ruined and going Down-hill
    Black Auster was sold to a livery stable where he has many drivers, most of whom don't know the way to ride correctly. Beauty describes some of the incompetent drivers that cause harm to the horses because some thigh too much the rein and other loose it. Once he was riding into and caught a stone in his shoe. A farmer helps Beauty get the stone out and tells the driver to be gentle with Beauty.
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    A job-horse and his drivers

    A job-horse and his drivers
    A farmer helps Beauty get the stone out and tells the driver to be gentle with Beauty.
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    Beauty complains about people who think a horse is like a steam engine and mistreat it accordingly. He said a horse named Rory was significantly injured because of an ignorant driver. Peggy another horse, has a rare pace and another horse it too shy because humans did not let him see around because he has the blinkers all the time All three suffer because of ignorant humans. Then Black Auster was bought by a man who was not so experienced with horses but a good man.
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    A thief

    A thief
    Black Beauty's new owner, Mr. Barry, is generous but does not know so much about horses. Mr. Barry orders the first-rate food, but someone steals lots of it. Beauty grows vulnerable from the poor meals he received but Mr. Barry does not notice. Finally, a friend comments on Beauty's appearance and energy degree and tells Mr. Barry to observe. Then the men is arrested.