
Bielski Partisans

  • Tuvia Bielski's Birthday

    Tuvia Bielski's Birthday
    Tuvia Bielski was born on May 8, 1906. Making him 81 when he died in 1987.
  • Asael Bielski's Birthday

    Asael Bielski's Birthday
    Asael Bielski was born on January 1, 1908 making him 37 when he died in 1944
  • Alexander or "Zus" Bielski's Birthday

    Alexander or "Zus" Bielski's Birthday
    Zus Bielski was born on October 19, 1912. Making him 82 when he died.
  • Aron Bielski's birthday

    Aron Bielski's birthday
    Aron Bielski was born and as of 2018 he is still alive making him 91 years old today
  • Antisemitic Laws Are Passed

    Antisemitic Laws Are Passed
    Hatred towards Jews becomes worse forcing Jews into separate neighborhoods. They could only go to Jewish doctors, stores, hospitals and parks. They also had a curfew of 8:00.
  • Mass Shooting of Jewish Ghetto

    Mass Shooting of Jewish Ghetto
    13,000 Jews from the Minsk ghetto were rounded up, and shot into a mass grave.
  • Round up of Jews

    Round up of Jews
    The brothers mother, father, Zus's wife and young kids, are arrested and killed by the Nazi's.
  • Bielski Partisans Form

    Bielski Partisans Form
    The Bielski Partisans officially form, with Tuvia Bielski as the leader. The goal is to rescue Jews, but they will kill Nazi's if needed.
  • Deportation of Jews to Chelmno

    Deportation of Jews to Chelmno
    Germans deport more than 65,000 Jews from Lodz to the Chelmno killing center.
  • Germans start Deportation to Auschwitz

    Germans start Deportation to Auschwitz
    Germans deport around 65,000 Jews from Drancy, outside Paris, to Auschwitz.
  • Germans Deport Jews to Auschwitz (Netherlands)

    Germans Deport Jews to Auschwitz (Netherlands)
    Germans begin to deport nearly 100,000 Jews from the occupied Netherlands to the east (primarily to Auschwitz).
  • Germans Deport Jews to Treblinka

    Germans Deport Jews to Treblinka
    Germans start the deportation of over 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka .
  • Bielski Base is Found.

    Bielski Base is Found.
    The Germans attacked the Bielski Base, forcing the Bielski's to flee and make a brand new base else where.
  • New Camp is Complete

    New Camp is Complete
    Completed around November 1943, the new camp, became close to a real village. The camp,Jerusalem, had a kitchen, a bathhouse, a small mill, a bakery, a tailor shop run by 18 men, a school for around 50 children, a gunsmith shop, a synagogue, and even a jail.
  • The Partisans Must Split into Smaller Groups

    The Partisans Must Split into Smaller Groups
    Tuvia ordered the fighters, about 150 men to remain in the current forest, and the non fighters to move back to their original forest . Tuvia was in charge of the noncombatant group, and Zus helped lead the group of fighters.
  • Bielski Base was Liberated

    Bielski Base was Liberated
    The Red Army finally comes and liberates the forest where the Bielski base was.
  • Asael was Killed

    Asael was Killed
    Since the base was in Soviet territory Asael Bielski was ordered to fight for the RedArmy and was killed in battle. Asael was 37 years old when he died.
  • Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide

    Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide
    Adolf Hitler shot himself in his secrete bunker 10 days after his 56 birthday, because Germany was losing the war. Also he was not going to be caught alive. Even if that meant taking his life.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrendered to the Western Allies.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders to the soviets.