
By 720118
  • Bach's Birth

    Johann Sebastion Bach was born in Eisenach. He was the youngest of the eight children of Johann Ambrosius Bach and his wife, Maria Elisabeth Lammerhirt.
  • Began studying

    Began studying music theory and the violin with his older brother.
  • Received a choral scholarship

    Received a choral scholarship to study music and academics in Luneburg, Germany.
  • Appointed organist

    Appointed organist at St. Boniface's Church in Arnstadt, Germany.
  • Served as organist

    Served as organist and concertmaster in the court of Duke Johann Ernst.
  • Served as director of music

    Served as director of music for the court of Prince Leopold of Kothen, Germany.
  • The Well Tempered Clavier

    A collection of solo keyboard music that Bach composed.
  • Served as director of music, teacher

    Served as director of music, teacher, and perform thoughout Leipzig, Germany.
  • Bach's Death

    On 28 July 1750 Bach died at the age of 65.