Newborn baby1 378x414


  • baby is born

    baby is born
    Oliva is born
  • 13-15 months

    13-15 months
    she has gotten much bigger in size since her birth. She can stand with the support of furniture around her own. She can climb out of her crib and her high chair.
  • Cognitive process

    Begins to form concepts, She enjoys to mimic actions of others. Conducts experiments to discover separate outcomes
  • 16-18 Months

    She is able to walk sideways. stand one either foot with support. She can walk and squat down smoothly from standing position. She pushes and moves larger toys around the floor.
  • Cognitive development

    Can refine skills and concepts such as logic skills. Children this age are very inquisitive about the world around them, Stronger hippocampus causes memory for putting things away easier. Scribbles more freely and also can be intimate strokes in drawing.
  • 19-21 Months Physical Development

    Runs without falling. Responds to music with body, Enjoys climbing, jumping running and other vigorous horseplay. Able to hold two different object in their hands. Begins learning to multitask
  • 19-21 Months Cognitive Development

    Thought process turns into imaginative play, She remebers significant familiar objects and events. Looks at books for longer durations of time and studies images to relate them to life experiences and environment. Distinguishes differents smells and sounds.
  • 22-24 Months Cognitive Development

    Is interested in outcomes of activities. Highly curious about objects in their environment. Can follow simple directions. Hippocampus is even plumper and child can recall what is lost and where it may be found.
  • 22-24 Months Physical Development

    Balanced walk, and can also walk backwards. Cannot efficiently stop immedietly from running, Throws ball overhead instead of tossing. Likes to bounce and sway.
  • Physical Development

    Baby fat is beginning to emiciate from the body, allowing flexibility an agile movements.Climbs on jungle gym a fair amount with ease. Can take care of small simple personal hygiene task on own