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Autobiography of A Girl

By khiruko
  • The Beginning Of It All

    On the eleventh day of the first month of the year of 1991, a hero...err, a heroine was born. The world was not at all ready for this, especially her own mother, for the young heroine would wreak havoc on all of the habitats of the earth.
  • The Development

    It started with the biting, then the punching, then finally the screaming and crying. The young baby heroine trained hard and vigorously, fighting for justice and defending the weak. Her training would continue on until she drew her very last breath.
  • Journey to Disneyland

    First day ever stepping foot in the kingdom of Disneyland
  • Father passed away

    A very rocky time for the family and I.
  • Trip to Washington State

    Trip to visit the older sister. The evil one.
  • Moving Out

    I decided to disembark from my mother's nest when I was nineteen. Since then, I've been living on my own.
  • Spiritual Experience

    Eye opening experience that made my belief in God grounded deeper into an unchangeable stone.
  • Trip to California

    A quick visit to the glorious, golden state known as California. Also known as my home.
  • Winter Vacation to San Diego

    Lovely time returning to the homelands for yet another adventure.
  • Vacation in Venice, CA

    One of the best vacations I have ever had. My love for the ocean grew even more.