
By dldab5
  • The day I stopped being a fetus.

    The day I stopped being a fetus.
    I was born.
  • Snapped my arm into a half circle

    Snapped my arm into a half circle
    They had to squeeze it back into place, the pain killers didnt even kick in.
  • Punched a butterfly

    Punched a butterfly
    Punched it right in its butterfly face.
  • First time I was told about my family's history of injury

    First time I was told about my family's history of injury
    Including but not limited too: Torn out armpits, fullbody immolation, skulls pierced by wood, choked on dust while running through school airducts. The list goes on. Also attacked by hornets and almost driven off a cliff by them.
  • first time I arrived at a terrible dark place.

    first time I arrived at a terrible dark place.
    T'was a dark day when I came upon the foul hive that I know must descend into daily.
  • Day I met my good buddy vedran

    Day I met my good buddy vedran
    He regrets that day ever since
  • Obtained a fluffy bunny

    Obtained a fluffy bunny
    He is pretty dang fluffy.
  • First time I learned about Warhammer 40K

    First time I learned about Warhammer 40K
    See da orks are da biggest and da strongest, cus 'ey's made for fight'n 'n winnin
  • First time I played a table top rpg

    First time I played a table top rpg
    My character got his neck snapped by a weeping angel statue.
  • Today

    the days I was given this project