Australia in WWII

By annieo
  • Australia at War

    Britain declares war on Germany. Prime Minister Robert Menzies announces "Australia is also at war"
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    Recruitment begins for the AIF
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    6th, 7th, 8th and 9th division of AIF sent to Middle East and Malaya
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    Australia Realises the seriousness of the situation
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    First victory for British Empire over Italian troops
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    Allies suffer defeat in Greece. The Allies are forced to have a fighting retreat to Crete. While the main army is evacuated, Australians hold the Germans back. Over 3000 Australians are taken prisoner
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    AIF divisions (except for 9th) are shipped home to defend Australia from feared attack by the Japanese
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    Darwin is attacked at Pearl Harbour by the Japanese
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    Agreement by Australia, Britain and the US that operations against Japan should be under US direction
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    Curtin insists 7th division return to Australia
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    Rationing is introduced in Australia
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    Australia only has the Militia to defend coming invasion of Papua New Guinea
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    Japan and Australian Militia commence guerrilla warfare on Kokoda track in Papua New Guinea to defend Port Moresby, the last place before the Japanese get to Australia. Australians are mostly 18-19 year olds, barely trained, under-equipped, poorly supplied and outnumbered.
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    Australians carrying out a fighting retreat in Kokoda
  • Militia

    Australians regain Kokoda
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    Australian troops sent on 'unnecessary campaigns' by the US. The campaigns claiming over 1000 Australian lives but having no impact on the outcome of the war
  • Germany

    Germany officially surrenders one week after their leader, Hitler, commits suicide
  • Australian Death

    The last Australian to die in war in Europe
  • Japan

    Japan ceased fighting
  • Japan

    Japan fromally surrenders