
Atlantic World and Discovery of the New World

By shaber1
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue

     Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    Columbus sailed with his ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria from Spain to what he thought was the East Indies. He called the natives "los Indios" meaning Indians, not knowing that he had actually sailed to a San Salvador in the Caribbean, and the people were Taino. He never knew that he in fact discorvered the America's.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas
    The first African slaves in the America's arrived under the portugese in boats with very harsh conditions. Many slaves died on the journey from Africa to the America's due to these aweful conditions. They were captured by other African's and then sold to the Europeans as slaves. The buying and selling of African slaves to work in the America's was called the Atlantic slave trade.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire
    Cortes and his 600 men reached the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, and te emporer, Montezuma thought Cortes was a god in armor. He agreed to giving him some of there gold, but it wasn't enough because he said he had a "disease of the heart that only gold could cure." He and his men conquered the Aztecs even though they were greatly outnumbered, because they had better weapons and brought diseases that the natives weren't immune to.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

     Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
    Pizzaro and 200 of his men met the Incan Ruler, Atahualpa and his army. They ambushed the Incan army and kidnapped Atahualpa, who offered them a room filled with gold in return for his release. They took the gold but killed Atahualpa. Then they went into the capitol, Cuzco and easily took over.
  • English found Jamestown

     English found Jamestown
    jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the America's, founded by a group of investers under King James. They named it Jamestown after him. The settlers wanted to find gold, and weren't interested in farming, which led to the death of many settlers due to lack of food. Eventually, the the colony began to improve once they started farming tobacco.
  • English found Plymouth

     English found Plymouth
    Plymouth was is in Massachusetts, and was found by the Pilgrims, who came to the America's in search of religious freedom. They came looking to join the exsisteing English colony, Jamestown, but weren't able to find it.
  • French and Indian War ends

     French and Indian War ends
    The French Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, was a war over the Ohio Valley between the Brittish and French. The Brittish ended up winning the war.