Americas 1

Atlantic World and Discovery of the New World

  • Aug 5, 1492

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
    In 1492 Columbus set sail in a daring attempt to reach asia by going west. He set sail and instead of Asia he landed on an island in the carribbean. He later claimed this Island for spain and named it, San Salvador or, "Holy Savior." He then explored other Islands in the Carabbean in search for gold.
  • Sep 22, 1511

    First Inslaved Africans Arrive in the Americas

    First Inslaved Africans Arrive in the Americas
    After an uncomfortable and long journey, in 1511 the first enslaved africans arrived in the Americas. This would be the start of a terrible system in the New World. These people were captured by Africans and traded to the Europeans for gold, guns, and other goods. Then the europeans would put them on a cramed ship to go to the Americas where they were sold to slave owners.
  • Sep 22, 1521

    Cortes Conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortes Conquers Aztec Empire
    In 1520 some of Corteses men killed many of the Aztecs warriors and chiefs during a religious ceramony. This event caused the Aztecs to revolt against the Spanish and driving them out. But, the Spainiards fought back and conquerd the Aztec Empire.
  • Sep 22, 1533

    Pizarro Conqures Incan Empire

    Pizarro Conqures Incan Empire
    PIzzaro went into South America and found the Incan Empire. He waited till the right moment to ambush the Incans. He first kidnapped the ruler, Atahualpa. Altahualpa filled a room up with gold, and twice as much silver for them to let him go. As soon as he did so the Spaniards killes him. The Incan people desserted the Empire and so Pizzaro could capture the main city, Cuzco without struggle.
  • English Found Jamestown

    English Found Jamestown
    Four months after the English set sail, they reached virginia. They claimed the land for themselves and started up a colony called, Jamestown. This settlement was Enlgands first colony in North America.
  • English Found Plymouth

    English Found Plymouth
    The second English colony was Plymoth. This colony was set up by pilgrims who wanted religious freedom from England.
  • French and Indian War ends

    French and Indian War ends
    The French and the English had a seven year war over the territories.