
Ashley's To Kill a Mocking Bird Pre-reading Activity

  • the missouri compromise

    the missouri compromise
    who- the northern and southern states
    what-The Missouri Compromise was an agreement passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery states in the US
    where- all of U.S.
    when- in 1820
    why- the northern states wanted to limit slavery and the southern state wanted to admit more slaves
  • the dred scott decision

    the dred scott decision
    who- Dred Scott
    what- Dred Scott was suing his owner, Sanford.
    where- saint louis
    when- 1833
    why- Dred scotts owner, Sanford, was living in free soil and Dred Scott was still enslaved
  • the john brown raid (harper's ferry)

    the john brown raid (harper's ferry)
    who-abolitionist John Brown and several followers
    what- brown and followers seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry.
    where- Harpers Ferry
    when- 1859
    why- Brown had hopes that the local slaves would join the raid to stopp slavery
  • The American Civil War

    The American Civil War
    who- the US, the north v. the south
    what - a war that took place in the US where the north faught the south
    where- the boarder states
    when- from 1861 to 1865
    why- to see whether the US would have slaves or not
  • the reconstruction period and the emancipation proclamation

    the reconstruction period and the emancipation proclamation
    who- abraham lincoln established the emancipation proclamation
    what- a law setting all slaves free
    where- the US
    when- 1863
    why- Abe decided to establish the proclamation so african americans could fight for the north
  • the jim crow laws

    the jim crow laws
    what- laws that forbid intermarriage
    where- all of US
    when- 1880 to 1960
    why- whites thought they were superior and blacks, latinos, and asians were ment to serve them
  • plessy vs. freguson decision

    plessy vs. freguson decision
    who- homer plessy
    what- plessy was arrested because he sat in a "whites" train car
    where- louisiana
    when- In 1890
    why- the train was ment for whites and since he was one eigth black and sat in the train car he was arrested
  • the Brown Vs. the Board of Education Decision

    the Brown Vs. the Board of Education Decision
    who- the board of education, and students
    what- the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional.
    where- topeka kansas
    when- 1896
    why-the decision stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."
  • when, To Kill Mocking Bird, was set

    when, To Kill Mocking Bird, was set
    who- main character scott
    what- a story of a girl and her brother in the times of racism
    where- maycomb county, Alabama
    when-1933 to 1935
  • the montegomery bus boycott

    the montegomery bus boycott
    who- MLK, Rosa parks
    what- the day when the blacks of Montgomery, Alabama, decided that they would boycott the city buses until they could sit anywhere they wanted
    where- washington DC
    when- 1955
    why- so blacks could sit where they wanted and have equality
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird was written

    To Kill a Mocking Bird was written
    who- harper lee
    what- a book about the mis-treatment of humans
    where- published in NY
    when- 1960
    why- to show the mis-treatment of humans
  • the march on washington

    the march on washington
    who- african americans
    what-more than 200,000 people gathered as part of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
    where- in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C
    when- 1963
    why- for equality