
Art in history

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    Art in the caverns

    Art in the caverns
    In the caverns time people draw diferent things in the walls that show how they hunt animals, find a home, do fire, etc. All this for there sons to understand how survive in the out side world
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    Cavern statues

    Cavern statues
    It can be difficult to believe but the first statues were created in the cavern times: With some mud they created litle statues most of them were like a woman with very big tits, no head and nealy no legs
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    Egyptians art

    Egyptians art
    The most of the egyptians art was created to show there storys of the kingdom, with there gods, kings, etc. They do there pictures in a very strange way too because they thinked that if they do them very real they would come to life
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    Egyptians jars

    Egyptians jars
    The egyptians were the first ones to draw in there jars, it was one importan movement for the art becouse in that moment a new opportunity to do art come to life drawing no only in walls but in objects
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    First big statues

    First big statues
    The first big statues in the world were the egyptians ones that were mostly from there gods and kings. Like you shall imagine for egyptians it was very easy to do there big statues brcause they were very good at proportions
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    Greek art

    Greek art
    Greek art have one of the most importants impacts in the modern art because they were the first ones to show humans in realistic form. The continue like that when they started to think that it was very boring to draw all like they see it so they started to draw people super strong, monsters, etc.
  • Jan 1, 672

    What do they use for medieval art ?

    What do they use for medieval art ?
    Medieval art started in century V to century XV.
    Medieval art includes sculpture , munuscripts , stained glass , metal work and mosaics , it also exists wallpaintings , in metal , textiles and tapestry. Now I am going to show you famous pieces of paintings of different styles from medieval time. That image that is in there is a medieval painting created in 672 and is a votive crown , maded from metal and jewels , its a treasure from Guarrazar.
  • Aug 5, 1120

    Medieval art

    Medieval art
    Roman art, German art, and Islamic art mixed together in Medieval time.

    In those times many people express their selves through art , but in diffent forms because it depends in which country they were.
  • Mar 31, 1220

    Other types of medieval art

    Other types of medieval art
    In medieval time they classify the art in gothic art , early chistian art , migration period art , byzantine art , insular art , pre romanesque art . and romanesque art .
  • Sep 22, 1335

    Famous mosaics from medieval time.

    Famous mosaics from medieval time.
    That is a mosaic drawing that is in the Byzantine church , created in the 12th century in Sicily , Monreale ; and its a great achievement from medieval time.
  • Nov 30, 1338

    Famous painting from medieval time

    Famous painting  from medieval time
    This is a wallpainting drawing of a good government, created in 1338 in the City Hall of Siena by Ambrogio Lorenzetti.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    art techniques in early renaissance

    art techniques in early renaissance
    arts in early renaissance were nothing realistic but at the age of 1475 the artists started to paint , draw , and make sculptures more realistic so they did polygons , symetrical shapes and the paintings of a human they did the correct propotions of the body.
  • Jan 15, 1450

    styles of art

    styles of art
    Another thing that they included in the times of renaissance was the use of darkness and light. So when for example the sun was at the right side of the painting they needed to use a little bit of darkness on the left side and also the appropiaded colours
  • Jan 1, 1475

    art techniques in high renaissance

    art techniques in high renaissance
    In early renaissance they perfectioned the symetrical figures and the proportions of the human body but at the time of high renaissance the thing that they perfectioned was the perspective of the human eye and also the 3d images.
  • Jan 1, 1475

    religious art

    religious art
    In the time of the high renaissance there was an special theme to paint or sculpt or something like that. It was that theme the one who artists did the most about. That theme was the religious art. At that time they loved to make pieces of art about religion.
  • different buildings of art

    different buildings of art
    we will travel in the window of the time and see the differents types of buildings of art and every materials to make buildings
  • modern times

    modern times
    In the time the art change a lot it change in all the senses the type of letter where the man write.
    Now you could write in paper and if you want to paint you just do it in oil and il will be really good, And now you paint with brushes and you write whit pencils or pents it is a big step for the humanity