art history

By mkozi
  • Stone Age (30,000 b.c.-2500 b.c.)

    Stone Age (30,000 b.c.-2500 b.c.)
    Cave painting, fertility goddesses, megalithic structures. Lascaux Cave Painting, Woman of Willendorf, Stonehenge
  • Mesopotamian (3500 b.c.- 539 b.c.)

    Mesopotamian (3500 b.c.- 539 b.c.)
    Warrior art and narration in stone relief. Standard of Ur, Gate of Ishtar, Stele of Hammurabi’s Code
  • Egyptian (3100 b.c.- 30 b.c.)

    Egyptian (3100 b.c.- 30 b.c.)
    Art with an afterlife focus: pyramids and tomb painting. Imhotep, Step Pyramid, Great Pyramids, Bust of Nefertiti
  • Greek and Hellenistic (850 b.c.- 31 b.c.)

    Greek and Hellenistic (850 b.c.- 31 b.c.)
    Greek idealism: balance, perfect proportions; architectural
    orders(Doric, Ionic, Corinthia) Parthenon, Myron, Phidias, Polykleitos, Praxiteles
  • Roman (500 b.c.- a.d. 476)

    Roman (500 b.c.- a.d. 476)
    Roman realism: practical and down to earth; the arch. Augustus of Primaporta, Colosseum, Trajan’s Column,
  • Indian, Chinese, and Japanese(653 b.c.–a.d. 1900)

    Indian, Chinese, and Japanese(653 b.c.–a.d. 1900)
    Serene, meditative art, and Arts of the Floating World. Gu Kaizhi, Li Cheng, Guo Xi, Hokusai, Hiroshige
  • Byzantine and Islamic (a.d. 476–a.d.1453)

    Byzantine and Islamic (a.d. 476–a.d.1453)
    Heavenly Byzantine mosaics; Islamic architecture and amazing
    maze-like design. Hagia Sophia, Andrei Rublev, Mosque of Córdoba, the
  • Middle Ages (500–1400)

    Middle Ages (500–1400)
    Celtic art, Carolingian Renaissance, Romanesque, Gothic. St. Sernin, Durham Cathedral, Notre Dame, Chartres, Cimabue,
    Duccio, Giotto
  • Early and High Renaissance (1400–1550)

    Early and High Renaissance (1400–1550)
    Rebirth of classical culture. Ghiberti’s Doors, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Botticelli,
    Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael
  • Venetian and Northern Renaissance (1430–1550)

    Venetian and Northern Renaissance (1430–1550)
    The Renaissance spreads north- ward to France, the Low
    Countries, Poland, Germany, and England. Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, Dürer, Bruegel, Bosch, Jan van
    Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden
  • Mannerism (1527–1580)

    Mannerism (1527–1580)
    Art that breaks the rules; artifice over nature. Tintoretto, El Greco, Pontormo, Bronzino, Cellini
  • Baroque (1600–1750)

    Baroque (1600–1750)
    Splendor and flourish for God; art as a weapon in the religious
    wars. Reuben's, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Palace of Versailles
  • Neoclassical (1750–1850)

    Neoclassical (1750–1850)
    Art that recaptures Greco-Roman grace and grandeur. David, Ingres, Greuze, Canova
  • Romanticism (1780–1850)

    Romanticism (1780–1850)
    The triumph of imagination and individuality. Caspar Friedrich, Gericault, Delacroix, Turner, Benjamin West
  • Realism (1848–1900)

    Realism (1848–1900)
    Celebrating working class and peasants; en plein air
    rustic painting. Corot, Courbet, Daumier, Millet
  • Impressionism (1865–1885)

    Impressionism (1865–1885)
    Capturing fleeting effects of natural light. Monet, Manet, Renoir, Pissarro, Cassatt, Morisot, Degas
  • Post-Impressionism (1885–1910)

    Post-Impressionism (1885–1910)
    A soft revolt against Impressionism. Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne, Seurat
  • Fauvism and Expressionism (1900–1935)

    Fauvism and Expressionism (1900–1935)
    Harsh colors and flat surfaces (Fauvism); emotion distorting
    form. Matisse, Kirchner, Kandinsky, Marc
  • Cubism, Futurism, Supremativism, Constructivism, De Stijl (1905–1920)

    Cubism, Futurism, Supremativism, Constructivism, De Stijl (1905–1920)
    Pre– and Post–World War 1 art experiments: new
    forms to express modern life. Picasso, Braque, Leger, Boccioni, Severini, Malevich
  • Dada and Surrealism (1917–1950)

    Dada and Surrealism (1917–1950)
    Ridiculous art; painting dreams and exploring the
    unconscious. Duchamp, Dalí, Ernst, Magritte, de Chirico, Kahlo
  • Abstract Expressionism (1940s–1950s) and Pop Art (1960s)

    Abstract Expressionism (1940s–1950s) and Pop Art (1960s)
    Post–World War II: pure abstraction and expression
    without form; popular art absorbs consumerism. Gorky, Pollock, de Kooning, Rothko, Warhol, Lichtenstein
  • Postmodernism and Deconstructivism (1970– )

    Postmodernism and Deconstructivism (1970– )
    Art without a center and reworking and mixing past styles.Gerhard Richter, Cindy Sherman, Anselm Kiefer, Frank Gehry,
    Zaha Hadid