Architecture History

By 52501
  • Renaissance Architecture

    Renaissance Architecture
    A classic idea based on "age of "awakening" in Italy and northern Europe. Known for symmetrical arrangement of windows and doors, extensive use of classical columns and pilasters, triangular pediments, square lintels, arches. domes and sculptures
  • Gothic Architecture

    Gothic Architecture
    A style of architecture and art that superceded Romanesque, from the mid-12th century to the mid-15th century.This type of Medieval architecture was considered barbaric, as if to suggest it was created by Gothic tribes who destroyed classical art Know for having pointed arches, thinner walls, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, huge stained glass windows and elaborate tracery
  • Rococo Architecture

     Rococo Architecture
    1700-1800 After the reign of King Louis XV of France witnessed a revolt against the earlier Baroque style of Louis XIV's court, the emergence of a more decorative, playful style of architecture was born. Known to have elaborately decorated rooms, whose plasterwork, murals, tapestries, furniture, mirrors, porcelain, silks and other embellishments
  • Baroque Architecture

    Baroque Architecture
    The idea of flowery elaboration transcended jewelry into other artforms, including painting, music, influenced architecture. Known for complicated shapes, large curved forms, twisted columns, grand stairways, high domes, and trompe l'oeil paintings.
  • Neoclassical Architecture

    Neoclassical Architecture
    It begun in 1640 and co existed with the Baroque style. It has a more classist style. Mostly known to have high roofs and columns.
  • 19th Century Architecture

    19th Century Architecture
    There werent specifically any new important design movements or thought, Instead the emergence of the revivals of old style such as Greek, Gothic, Neo-Romanesque and Beaux-Arts
  • Art Nouveau

    Art Nouveau
    Its roots lay in the English Arts and Crafts Movement, championed by the medievalist William Morris. Known to have characteristics of applying art to everyday objects, adding organic shapes and designs etc.
  • Art Deco Architecture

    Art Deco Architecture
    1925-1940 The Art Deco style evolved from many sources such as modern technology combined with patterns and icons taken from the Far East, classical Greece and Rome, Africa, Ancient Egypt, India, and Mayan and Aztec. They also got ideas form the machine age. Known for their cubic forms, ziggurat shapes, complex groupings of rectangles or trapezoids, bands of color, zigzag designs, strong sense of line and illusion of pillars
  • Frank Lloyd Wright - Prairie Style

    Frank Lloyd Wright - Prairie Style
    Influenced by American colonial architecture, 19th century Shingle style designs and Japanese architecture More of a domestic architecture, introducing open-plan layouts and the widespread use of unfinished natural materials
  • 20th Century Architecture

    20th Century Architecture
    Dominated by the use of new technologies, building techniques and construction materials.