Archimedes Property

  • 287 BCE

    Archimedes is born.

    Archimedes is born.
    In 287 BC, Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Italy.
  • 262 BCE

    Archimedes creates the screw.

    Archimedes creates the screw.
    In 262 BC, Archimedes created the screw to assist King Hieron in building his ship.
  • 260 BCE

    Archimedes discovers buoyancy.

    Archimedes discovers buoyancy.
    In 260 BC, Archimedes mathematically worked out the principal of the lever and discovers buoyancy.
  • 212 BCE

    Archimedes‘ death.

    Archimedes‘ death.
    In 212 BC, Archimedes was murdered because a Roman soldier thought that he had valuable items but they were just mathematic tools.
  • Current Day.

    Current Day.
    Today we can use Archimedes’ Principal with boats!