
  • Jamestown

    100 members of Virgina Company founded it.Tobacco became it's first profitable export. http://www.history.com/topics/jamestown
  • Mercantilism

    Economic Theory, Promote gov. regulation of trade and economy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercantilism
  • Pilgrims/Puritans

    City on a hill, example for the world. Religious tolerance, Church of Egnland. Hard work within Christian life. Mayflower compact, frist written framework of gov. Halway Covenant, form of partial church membership. Felt as if English colonies were drifting away from religion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-Way_Covenant
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Exact date unknown. Many reasons for rebellion. Main reason was the refusal to retaliate against Native American attacks. https://www.nps.gov/jame/learn/historyculture/bacons-rebellion.htm
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    Belief in existence of surpreme being
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    Great Awakening

    Evangelical movement, left big impact on American Protestantism.
    Made people realize that religious power is in their hands rather than the Church of Englands. Helped people prepare for war of independence. https://www.reference.com/history/did-great-awakening-affect-colonies-f1999a5f7c928c0f
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    England Debt. Proclamation Line - tighter control of North America by Britain, and didn't allow colonies past the appalachian mountains. Stamp act, taxes on stamps, which were required, declaratory act, taxes and Sugar act. All dealt with taxes on colonies.
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    American Revolution

    The war against Britain for revolution. French Aid very helpful, helped turn the war around, supply troops, supplies, strategy, general. We won. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War
  • Declaration of independence

    Adopted by 2nd CC, statement that the 13 colonies were free from Great Britain. List of grievances, Preamble, etc. https://www.constitutionfacts.com/us-declaration-of-independence/fascinating-facts/
  • Articles of Confederation

    First constitution of US, loose confederation of 13 states, weak central gov. more power with states. However, the need for a stronger federal gov which prevalent. Shay's Rebellion, Farmers angry against state tax, start a rebellion, violent one. This showed the articles needed a stronger central gov http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/articles.html
  • British Violations of Treaty of Paris

    British did not want to give up control, maintained force in Detroit. Used Native Americans to destabilize region, especially in Kentucky. British Justification was that Americans didn't live up to their bargain to compensate loyalists for confiscated property. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Paris_(1783)
  • Land Ordinance of 1785/1787

    Where settlers could purchase farmland in West. Divided into townships that were six miles wide and six miles long. Generated revenue for gov, especially since Taxes was not possible under the Articles of Confederation. Land divided into separate "states." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Ordinance_of_1785
  • Constitution

    -Allowed Tax
    -Able to raise army
    -Distribution of Power, checks and balances. Anti Federalists opposed Constituion, concerns for liberty and individual rights. Federalists supported it, (federalist papers) Amendments
    -Freedom of Speech/religion 1
    -Right to bear arms 2
    -Reserved powers 10
    etc https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/how-did-constitution-strengthen-national-508955 http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/explaining-bill-rights
  • Hamilton Economic Policies

    Hamilton Economic Policies
    Wanted federal gov to assume states debts - national bank
    Use tariffs to help economy in North Jefferson disagreed with Hamiltons proposals, afraid it gave too much federal power, as well as being against Virginia paying more debt that they weren't in. Helped grow political parties even more. PS the musical is amazing
  • Bill of Rights

    Written by James Madison, 1791. helped extend rights.
    Helped clear up states v federal rights
    It is a list of restrictions on gov power
    Has the amendments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Bill_of_Rights
  • Washing Neutrality Proclamation

    Washington stays neutral in the war between Britain and France, since the colonies were weak. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proclamation_of_Neutrality
  • Founding Fathers Attitude toward political parties

    Washington, warned against it.
    Hamilton, leader of federalists
    Jefferson, Democrat, helped farther the party
    Franklin, Was more independent, but viewed the main two parties as bad as a two headed snake. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/willard-sterne-randall/founding-fathers-political-parties_b_1843593.html
  • Washington's farewell adress

    Washington's farewell adress
    Washing does not run for third term
    He says to have no parties, no strong geographical distinctions, and warned about long term alliances with foreign nations.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    Passed by John Adams.
    Alien act: Must have lived in US for 14 years to become citizenship, from 4 years. Gave power to gov to deport foreigners and made it harder for them to vote Sedition act: Prohibited any public opposition towards gov Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions: Made in response to Alien and sedition acts, said gov can't exercise powers not stated in the constitution.
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    Cult of domesticity

    Concept that Woman's role is in the home
    -Cleaning/cooking http://americainclass.org/the-cult-of-domesticity/
  • Election of 1800

    Burr VS Jefferson Original results were tied, House of Representatives were making final choice, who were mostly Federalists. Jefferson wins https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1800
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson purchases land from French, doubles the size of the US, for a cheap price. Helped Jefferson's party gain more power, as well as moving towards an Agrarian society, http://www.history.com/topics/louisiana-purchase
  • Marbury VS Madison

    Establishes Judicial Review. Power to supreme court to deem something unconstitutional or not http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/democracy/landmark_marbury.html
  • Eli Whitney

    Invented Cotton Gin, made removing seeds from cotton easier Because of this, slave increase. Cotton Industry Boomed http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/cotton-gin-and-eli-whitney Interchangeable parts let machines or weapons get fixed easier
  • War of 1812

    Causes: British capturing American ships
    War Hawks
    British arming natives http://www.history.com/topics/war-of-1812 Effects: What effects?
  • Lowell System

    Lowell System
    New England, recruit young women to work in spinning mill factories
  • Hartford Convention

    Federalists meet up in a convention, and make a list of demands and also threatened with secession. They wanted a refund from Embargo Act (Cut off trade)
    Wanted to ban presidents from the same state winning back to back https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartford_Convention
  • American System/Clay-Whig Policies

    Tariff of 1816, benefited North, hurt South. 2nd National Bank Internal improvements Erie Canal, helped New York become huge http://www.history.com/topics/henry-clay
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    Growth of cities

    Urban population increases by 60%, problems like clean drinking water and cheap public transportation as well as poor sanitation led to heavy urban mortality rates and frequent typhoid, dysentery, typhus, cholera and other epidemics. Low class lived in slums, croweded, damp, unlighted, illventilated cellers with 6-20 people living in one room. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3514 Political Machine: Boss helps people financially in return for votes.
  • Missouri Compromise

    by Henry Clay, conflict over if Missouri should be free or slave state. In the end, Missouri became a slave state, and Maine split off as a free state. Also made 36 ' 30 line, new states that are above it are free while below are slave states
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    Irish Immigration to America

    Potato Famine in Ireland, poor living conditions, caused Irish immigration to America. Irish people were discriminated against. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ug03/omara-alwala/irishkennedys.html
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Free new indepedent colonies from European or Latin American intervention. Issued because of European affairs in Western Hemisphere. Written by John Quincy Adams. This document is used later in the Roosevelt Corollary to show US had the right to use military force in Latin American Countries. https://www.boundless.com/u-s-history/textbooks/boundless-u-s-history-textbook/democracy-in-america-1815-1840-12/the-monroe-and-adams-administrations-102/the-monroe-doctrine-549-10304/
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Written by John Quincy Adams Said that Europeans should not interfere in North America, and that they would enforce it w/ British Navy. https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=23
  • Emerson, Cooper, and Other early 19th Century Authors

    Emerson: Transcendentalist, criticized society and political corruption Cooper, Famous works, novels, "Last of the mohicans" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Waldo_Emerson
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tax on foreign goods, passed to protect North and West industry from competition. South ignored, they relied on imports. Calhoun, wrote doctrine, that argued states rights to nullify federal law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tariff_of_Abominations
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    Nulification Crisis

    Dispute between South Carolina and Federal Gov, over right of states to discount federal law within their borders. Jackson states the federal gov has supreme power. Force Bill, authorized military use if states did not comply with tariffs. https://www.britannica.com/topic/nullification-crisis
  • Indian Removal Act

    Jackson, in exchange for unsettled land, west of Mississippi, US took Indian Lands within state borders. Tribes fought, but were forcefully moved. (Trail of tears) https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Indian.html
  • The liberator/William Lloyd Garrison

    Help organize Anti-Slavery Society, wrote their Declaration of sentiments. Supported Women's rights, and non-resistance. He burns the constitution, showing how radical he has become. https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-Lloyd-Garrison
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    Bank of the US

    Jackson starts to be against the Bank, and tries to get rid of it. Pet Banks were created for the federal deposits in states. http://www.ushistory.org/us/24d.asp
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    Group of people, believed that men and women had knowledge of the world that transcends what we see or feel physically. Not a religion, rather a way of life. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leader. Henry David Thoreau tried to put this into practice by living in a hut in nature on his own. Wrote his experiences. http://www.ushistory.org/us/26f.asp
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    Manifest Destiny

    God's Given right to expand west and take more and more land.
    It was a land of opportunity and optimism. Fueled by the idea of equality in the Jacksonian Era, it allowed people to be motivated to expand as much as they can. Natives were trying to be saved by being converted to Christianity. or at least tried anyway. http://www.ushistory.org/us/29.asp
  • Election of 1844

    Polk VS Clay Tyler planned another term but lost support in his party after opposing national bank. https://www.britannica.com/event/United-States-presidential-election-of-1844
  • Treaty of Guadalupe - Hidalgo

    End of Mexican-American war, Mexico Currenders. Peace by Nicholas Triste. Mexico ceded upper California and New Mexico to US. Rio Grande as Southern Border of US. Gov paid Mexico $15M https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/guadalupe-hidalgo
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    Laissez faire economics

    "Hands of government", that big businesses should regulate themselves without gov. involvement. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h844.html
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Convention, Women are man's equal, women should be educated with laws, both should be treated to equal morals and social repose, men and women should both be able to speak and teach moral and political issues, Eliza Stanton and Susan Anthony https://www.nps.gov/wori/learn/historyculture/report-of-the-womans-rights-convention.htm
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    Social Darwinism

    Using Darwin's theory of natural selection on individuals, and groups of people, to justify racism and imperialism.
  • Compromise of 1850

    California - 16th free state. No slave restrictions on Utah or New Mexico. Fugitive Slave law passed, owners can reclaim runaway slaves, but was unfair and had much controversy. http://www.ushistory.org/us/30d.asp
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    Know-Nothings (Natavists)

    Opposed Catholics and immigrants. Feared they would take over the US. Members under oath not to mention their beliefs.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Offered popular sovereignty as alternative to each state to decide if they would be a free or slave state. North hated it, and the whig party split up into two over it. Republican and Democratic parties remain after this. http://www.ushistory.org/us/31a.asp
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott V Sanford.Dred Scott, slave,lived free before returning to Missouri. Scott said he could be free. But surpreme court said,no black people can claim US citizen ship,and he became slave. North South tension grew. 3 years later = war http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/dred-scott-case
  • John Brown: Harpers Ferry

    Extreme abolitionist, led a raid into Harpers Ferry hoping the slaves would join them and help take over the city. No Slaves showed up. His men were killed and he was sentenced to death for treason. Divides the North and South even more. Leading to Civil war http://www.history.com/topics/harpers-ferry
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    Gilded Age business cycles

    -Economy grows 400%
    -Technological advances, expanding populating, improved transportation, financial innovation, and new business practices.
    -The titans of industry built monopolies during this time.
    -Laissez Faire.
    -Unskilled workers endured great poverty http://www.shmoop.com/gilded-age/economy.html
  • Lincoln/Republican policy on slavery

    Slavery should remain undisturbed in states where it thrives, but it should not be allowed to spread. Control it, but don't touch it. Many people thought they should be sent back to Africa. https://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/connections/abraham-lincoln-papers/history3.html
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    Civil War

    After much conflict between North and South, over slavery and other issues, 7 states seceded. France and Britain remained neutral. http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/civil-war-overview/northandsouth.html
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    Transcontinental RR

    Rail Road that would link the U.S east to west. Financed using Gov. bonds, and land grants. The Railroad allowed growth of markets, and cheaper distribution. https://gtgtechnologygroup.com/transcontinental-railroad/
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Frees the slaves during the civil war. Border states not effected. A move against the confederacy, it didn't do much at the time but showed it's executive power. http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/emancipation-150/10-facts.html
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    Post Civil War Southern Society

    Black codes, laws passed in the Southern states. These laws restricted Black freedom and often time left them working in a labor economy based on low wages and debt. Sharecropping, form of agriculture in which a owner of land allows a tenant to use their land in return for a share of the crops produced. http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/black-codes
  • Republican Reconstruction

    Republican Reconstruction
    Republicans wanted equal political rights for blacks and whites, and believed the confederates should be punished. Election of 1876 - Hayes (Republican) wins the electoral votes yet loses the popular votes. Known as the Compromise of 1877, the deal settled the disputed U.S presidential election after being involved in a big political battle. Once Hayes won, he pulled all troops from the south and ended reconstruction.
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    Southern and Eastern European immigrants - 1880s (New Immigrants)

    2nd wave of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. Formed ethnic neighborhoods. Some Americans were very against this. (Competition, racism, etc) Some urban reforms were made to help immigrants assimilate. New immigrants provided a good source of cheap labor. It also brought horrible working conditions. http://cvapush.wikia.com/wiki/%E2%80%9CNew_immigration%E2%80%9D
  • Labor Unions

    Gompers - Organizer of Feederation of Organized Trades and Labor unions of USA and Canada.
    Lewis - president of united mine workers of America
    American Federation of Labor - DId not want unskilled workers
    Congress of Industrial Organizations - Originally part of AFL
    Wagner Act - National Labor relations act, legalize workers rights to organize unions
    Taft Hartley Act - First major revision to wagner act
    Immigrants were not always welcome.
    Sherman Anti Trust act - limit monopolies
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Allowed the President to divide American Indian land and divide it into sections for individual. While the intent were to supposedly protect American Indian rights, often times the land they were given were poor.
  • Gospel of Wealth

    Gospel of Wealth
    Book written by Andrew Carnegie that said hard work led to wealth, and that the upper class should have the responsibility of philanthropy. (Help people financially)
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    Open Door Policy

    Opens up China to equal trade to other countries. Included in the deal were France, Britain, Japan, Italy and Germany.
    This policy allowed the Chinese gov. to collect taxes on trade https://www.britannica.com/event/Open-Door-policy.
  • Sherman Antitrust act

    Sherman Antitrust act
    1st federal act that outlawed monopolies and was the first measure passed to prohibit trusts. Used against labor unions. The law forbade any "restraint of commerce" across state lines, and courts ruled that union strikes and boycotts were covered by the law.
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    -Populist movement was a farmer political party that formed due to them being ignored by Democrats and Republicans. (Crop failures, falling prices, poor marketing, and lack of credit facilities) -Against Railroads, bankers, corporations. (put in something about racism) -Failed due to fraud, intimidation, and violence by Southern Democrats. http://projects.vassar.edu/1896/populists.html
  • Fredrick Jackson Turner Thesis

    Frontier Thesis - Argument that all the land in the West were claimed, and the frontier was gone. Turner asked whether the mystery and desire of 'manifest destiny' to continue developing America, would continue now that all the land in the west was claimed.
  • Spanish American War

    War with Spain. Spain "supposedly" sunk the Battleship 'Maine' and this point was really emphasized to justify the war, by using Yellow journalism. Considered the first "media war." Spain loses Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam. http://www.history.com/topics/spanish-american-war
  • Dubois Vs Frederick Douglass

    Dubois Vs Frederick Douglass
    Dubois said blacks should have to prove to whites that they should be treated equally and said they could be through achievement and success rather than violence and protesting. Douglass believed it was their right.
  • The Titans of Industry

    The Titans of Industry
    Consisting of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, J. Pierpont Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller, all business leaders who were insanely successful. Horizontal Integration: Companies that acquire similar companies in the same industry. Vertical Integration: Companies that acquire companies that operates either before or after the acquiring company in the production process.
  • Ford/Model T/Assembly Line

    Ford/Model T/Assembly Line
    Henry Ford installs the first assembly line to mass produce the Model T car. It reduced the amount of time it took to build a car normally from 12 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fords-assembly-line-starts-rolling
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    League of Nations

    Wilson proposes to Congress that America should join the League (14 point peace plan), but Congress denies it. However, the League was not strong enough to enforce peace especially because America did not join and was eventually replaced after it failed in WW2 with the United Nations which America happily joined.
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    1920s literature

    -Lost generation refers to the post WW1 ggeneration, a group of writers who had values no longer relevant in the postwar world. -Sinclair Lewis wrote about novels that presented the middle-class life and was also the first American to win the Novel Prize for literature. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lost-Generation
  • Naval Building Limitations

    International arms race along with Japans rising militarism sparked fear and Charles Evans Hughs decides to invite 9 nations to come up with a peaceful solution. Washington treaty (5 power treaty), signed by Uk, Japan, France, Us and italy agreed to limit the building of Navy to prevent an arms race. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Naval_Treaty
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    Mellon Economic Policies

    Andrew Mellon proposes his own ideas on how to deal with debt and balance budget along with Tax reduction. He theorized that big business would prosper in proportion to the lightening of its tax and then the profit would spread to the rest of the nation. https://www.treasury.gov/about/history/Pages/awmellon.aspx
  • Scopes Trial and cultural conflict

    Scopes Trial and cultural conflict
    High school teacher teaches evolution which was a violation of state law. The trial's purpose may have been to draw intense national publicity. Scope loses but was considered a victory regardless.
  • Kellog Briand Pact

    Kellog Briand Pact
    Agreement to outlaw war. Was useless since WW2 still happened. 15 countries signed the pact. Mukden Incident was a test of the pact, which let Japan invade Manchuria even though Japan had signed the pact.
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    The Great Depression

    Stock Market crash of 1929
    The banks fail, people start losing their savings, along with buildup of credit and decreasing consumerism. http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/depression/about.htm
  • Hoover attitude toward welfare and handouts

    Hoover attitude toward welfare and handouts
    Hoover felt they were not needed and that financial relief should be handled by the private sector. Poor slums nicknamed Hoovervilles.
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    1930s isolationism

    Unpaid debt, stock market crashing, and a change to tackle domestic issues instead of foreign. People felt that entering WW1 was unnecessary, and motivated by greed and propaganda. Neutrality acts were passed to avoid further involvement of America. However, with WW2 sneaking up, several acts such as "Cash and Carry" aimed to support Britain even though America was still declared neutral. http://www.ushistory.org/us/50a.asp
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    -100 days legislation - 15 bills passed, became basis of new deal.
    -FDR is more of an ordinary man but also a strong leader unlike Hoover.
    -Court Packing, plan to expand Supreme court to 15 judges to balance out his opposition of the new deal.
    -Good Neighbor policy- remove american influence from Latin america and have good relations including trade.
    -Lend Lease act - U.S can lend allies ships as long as we were paid after the war.
  • First Neutrality Act

    Prohibits export of ammunition, arms, and any "implements of war."
  • Neutrality Act of 1937

    Forbids any U.S Citizen from riding belligerent ships. U.S Merchant ships were also not allowed to give arms to belligerent ships.
  • Neutrality act of 1939

    Lifted Arms embargo, implemented cash and carry. Cash and carry stated that allies could buy arms from U.S as long as it was with cash and they came to go get it.
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    World War II

    Executive Order 9066 - permits Japanese Internment Camps
    Women enter the workforce, took a lot of men's job.
    Executive Order 8802 - outlaws discrimination in war facilities.
  • World War Ii draft and difference from WWI Draft

    World War Ii draft and difference from WWI Draft
    WWII draft. At first, it was the first peacetime draft by FDR, included ages 12-36 but once America entered the war, the ages changed to 18-37. Blacks could also be drafted and serve.
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    Truman wanted economic stability along with social stability. Conservative Republicans were in opposition. Cold War: Truman Doctrine, said America would focus on containment of Communism. Korean war: Known as the forgotten war, had no American support. War of containment of Communism, first Cold War military action. Split North and South Korea. Berlin Airlift: America dropping supplies into Berlin by plane after Soviets blockaded the road.1 Truman wanted to support Greece to stop comm.
  • McCarthyism

    Modern day witchhunt, Fear of communism allowed McCarthy to accuse anyone he thought to be a communist.
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    Baby Boom: Women return to the "home" life and after the war, more people wanted kids due to the countries prosperity. Suburb Boom: Cookie cutter houses, cheap, and practical. Nuclear war scare: People feared the soviets due to their new nuclear power. It also led to the red scare, fear that communism could take over America. Domestic Tranquility: Americans wanted a return to normalcy. Rock and Roll: Music for the rebellious youth
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    1950s Cont

    Economic Boom: No fighting was on American grounds meanin American did not have to rebuild resulting in a huge economic boom. Consumerism - rise of material goods and appliances.
  • Plessy V Ferguson / Brown V. Board of Education

    Plessy V Ferguson / Brown V. Board of Education
    Plessy V Ferguson ruled that racial segregation was constitutional and "separate but equal" is ok. Brown V. board ruled that "separate but equal" isn't okay and goes against Plessy V. Furguson.
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    Vietnam War

    Gulf of Tonkin, A U.S Ship spying, LBJ claims the ship was attacked but zero damage was done to it. LBJ sends in troops without congress's approval. Johnson: Hates the fact that China fell to Communism, and has a tougher stance on it. Believed in Domino theory. Nixon: Peace with honor, promises to leave Vietnam using Victimization, giving the South the tools needed to win, but he secretly escalates the war. Protests: See 1960s protests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War
  • Sputnik

    Soviets were winning the space race and launched Sputnik into space. Americans were afraid space power would mean the soviets could launch missiles from across the globe, so America started tightening up education and focused on the space race.
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    1960s Protest

    Kent State - Ohio, peaceful protest, kids fired upon.
    Jackson State - 2 students killed.
    Counterculture sparks, which are hippies. These people are rebels, who surround themselves with music, dressings, and drugs. Against War, racism and poverty. However, due to violence, they were discredited (woodstock concert.) Women's movement, Pushed for equality, and equal pay. Women get increased hiring, more civil rights, equal pay act is established (it fails).
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The U.S and Soviet Union for 13 days were insanely close to nuclear war after the installation of nuclear-armed missiles from the soviets in Cuba. JFK alerts the public of the missiles and creates a sea blockade around Cuba. The Soviet Union agreed to meet a peaceful compromise and remove the weapons as long as America did not invade Cuba. JFK also removed the weapons from turkey. http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/cuban-missile-crisis
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    Lyndon Johnson

    Great Society: Similar to FDR's new deal.
    Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 - Created to reduce poverty
    LBJ was focused on civil rights, trying to end segregation, sexism, and other social issues.
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    Social and political movement.
    Pushed for education and safer workplaces along with better living conditions. This movement targeted people living in cities. Muckrakers: "One who inquires into and publishes scandal and allegations of corruption among political and business leaders." Notable progressives include Jacob Riss, Ida Tarbel and Jane Addams. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/muckraker
  • Kyle

    I was born
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

    March on Washington: "I have a dream" speech by MLK. A political rally in DC for jobs and freedom. School Desegregation: Brown V Board of education ruled segregation was unconstitutional. Radical Black Leaders: Martin Luther King Jr. Sit ins: Sit in a restaurant, quietly, and wait to be served. http://www.ushistory.org/us/54d.asp