APUSH Timeline

By lahilde
  • Shays' Rebellion

    An armed movement of debt-ridden farmers in western Massachusetts in the winter of 1786-87. The rebellion created a crisis atmosphere.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Conference of the state delegates at Annapolis, Maryland, that issued a call in September 1786 for a convention to meet at Philadelphia to consider fundamental changes.
  • Great Compromise

    Plan proposed at the 1787 Constitutional Convention for creating a national bicameral legislature.
  • The Federalist

    Newspaper written by James Madison.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Act of Congress that implemented the judiciary clause of the Constitution by establishing the supreme court and a system of lower federal courts.
  • Tariff of 1789

    Apart from a few selected industries, this first tariff passed by Congress was intended to raise revenure and not protet Amedrican Manufactureers from foreign competition.
  • Suffrage

    Regulations made by the state limited voting to a small percentage of the population.
  • Ratification of the Constitution

    The Constitution was ratified with a majority vote from the states. It got majority of vote with the promise of a Bill of Rights.
  • Intercourse Act

    asic Law passed by COngress in 1790 which stated that the United States would regulate trade and interaction with Indian tribes.
  • Second Great Awakening

    The Second Great Awakening happened among citizens. Mainly slaves.
  • Bank of the United States

    Hamilton's second component of his fiscal program.
  • Cotton Gin

    1793 cotton gin was invented which made work faster and easier. the popularity and want of the cotton gin improved the economy.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Treaty with Britain negotiated in 1794 in which the United States made major concessions to avert a war over the British seizure of American ships.
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Treaty in which Native Americans in the Old Northwest were forced to cede most of the present state of Ohio to the United States.
  • John Adams

    After Pres. Washingtons Farewell Address, John Adams was elected president.
  • Quasi-War

    Undeclared naval war of 1797 to 1800 between the United States and France
  • XYZ Affair

    Diplomatic incident in 1798 in which Americans were outraged by the demand of the French for a bribe as a condition for negotiating with American diplomats.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    acts passed by Congress that curtailed freedom of speech and the liberty of foreign residents in the United States.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Mr. Jefferson was elected president.
  • Slave Revolt 1

    Gabriel Prosser's slave revolt was discovered in Virginia. This causes Virginia to tighten law on manumission of slaves.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson and Congress purchased a large amount of west land. This was called the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Madison thought Marbury guilty of fraud and took him to court.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Two men, who were friends with Thomas Jefferson that agreed to go travel the land of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Re-election

    Thomas Jefferson was reelected president.
  • Embargo Act

    Act passed by Congress prohibiting American ships from leaving for any foreign port.
  • James Madison

    1808 elected president.
  • Slave Trade

    Congress prohibits U.s. participation in the international slave trade.
  • War of 1812

    Madison gets congress to declare war on Britain. This becomes a war.
  • Madison Reelected

    James Madison was reelected as president.
  • Louisiana

    Louisiana was admitted to the Union.
  • Treaty Of Ghent

    Treaty signed in December 1814 between the United States and Britain that ended the War of 1812
  • James Monroe

    James Monroe is elected President of the United States
  • Indiana

    Indiana is admitted to the Union.
  • Second Bank of the United States

    A national bank chartered by Congress in 1816 with extensive regulatory pwers over currency and credit.
  • "alabama Fever"

    Large migration to the Old Southwest
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817

    Treaty between the United States and Britain that effectively demilitarized the Great Lakes by sharply limiting the number of ships each power could station on them.
  • Illinois

    Illinois admited to the Union.
  • Transcontinental Treaty

    Treaty between the United States and Spain in which Spain ceded Florida to that United States, surrendered all claims to the Pacific Northwest and agreed to a boundary between the Louisiana Purchase tterritory and the Spanish Southwest.
  • The Panic of 1819

    There was a delayed reaction to the end of the war of 1812 that worried people.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Sectional compromise in Congress that admitted Missouri to the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state and prohibited slavery in the northern Louisiana Purchase territory.
  • Monroe Reelected

    James Monroe is reelected as president.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Declaration by President James Monroe that the Western Hemispheere was to be closed off to further European colonization and that the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of European Nations.
  • Slave Revolt

    Nat Turner's revolt inVirginia
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    Garrison begins publishing antislavery newspaper, the Liberator