APUSH review timeline

  • Period: 1491 to

    Period 1-2

  • 1492

    The columbian exchange

    The Columbian exchange was the transfer of plants, animals, goods, and disease between the new world, old world, and Africa.
  • 1565

    St. Augustine Florida

    St. Augustine Florida was the first Spanish establishment, which was used to protect the Caribbean Islands.
  • Identured servitude

    Indentured servitude was the first answer to the labor question. With this system men and women would sign a contract forcing them to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and a "new life" there.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first successful colony of the future US, settled in Virginia.
  • Plymouth

    Plymouth was the first settlement created in Massachusetts by separatists who sought to create a religiously pure society.
  • King Philips war

    King Philips war was caused by a land dispute between colonists and natives. Massachusetts bay, Plymouth, and Connecticut form an alliance which helps the colonies win and begins forming colony unity.
  • Bacons rebellion

    Bacons rebellion was an armed rebellion by Virginia settlers, which caused an increase in enslaved labor in the colonies.
  • The glorious revolution

    During the glorious revolution the institution of William and Mary happens in Britain and James II is taken off the throne. This causes things to go back to normal in the colonies.
  • The first great awakening

    The first great awakening was a religious revival during the 1730's-1740's, which resulted in a new interest in religion and many denominational changes.
  • French and Indian war begins

    The French and Indian war began in the colonies when French settlers encroached on land claimed by the British. This was also the start of salutary neglect.
  • Period: to

    Period 3

  • Sugar/revenue act

    Used by Britain to get money to pay for French/Indian war. Caused a lot of protest in the colonies.
  • Sugar/revenue act

    Used by Britain to get money to pay for French/Indian war. Caused a lot of protest in the colonies.
  • Virginia resolves

    Found that parliament didn't have the right to tax the colonies. Decided on a compromise that Britain could ask colonies for money and local government's would decide the tax.
  • Sons of liberty

    Created in response to the stamp act. Has the sense that unified, violent action would result in change.
  • Virginia resolves

    Found that parliament didn't have the right to tax the colonies. Decided on a compromise that Britain could ask colonies for money and local government's would decide tax.
  • Intoerable/coercive acts

    Created to target Boston, MA after the Boston tea party. Created support from other colonies and called for the first continental congress.
  • Second continental congress

    Authorized the invasion of Canada and made George Washington in charge of continental army
  • Declaration of independence

    Stated that colonies were justified to be independent. Ratified and signed by the second continental congress.
  • Battle of saratoga

    Turning point of the war. Triggered French alliance with the colonies, which provided money and supplies.
  • Treaty of paris

    The treaty of Paris stated that the colonies were free and independent from Britain. It also set the western boundary at the Mississippi river.
  • Shay's rebellion

    Shay’s rebellion was a rebellion in Massachusetts to “fix” the debt and bad government. It influenced the removal of the Articles of confederation and the creation of the constitution.
  • Constitutional convention

    The constitutional convention was an event to decide how America was going to be governed. Out of this convention came the great compromise, the three-fifths compromise, and the division of power/federalism.
  • Protective tariff

    The protective tariff was a tax on imports to force people to buy domestic goods as a part of Alexander Hamilton’s economic plan.
  • Jay's treaty

    Agreement with Britain to leave the NW forts in exchange for the U.S. paying their debts. Contributed to the formation of political parties.
  • Whiskey rebellion

    Southerners made whiskey and beat up tax collectors as rebellion. In response Washington rounded up an army to send a message that rebellion would no longer work. The whiskey rebellion was the first test of the constitution.
  • XYZ affair

    The XYZ affair caused increased tension between the U.S. and France and led to an undeclared war on the U.S.. Causes American civil liberties to be restricted and become xenophobic of foreigners.
  • Alien and sedition acts

    Caused non-citizens to be deported for any reason and jailed people for criticizing high government officials, which were both unconstitutional. Was protested by the Virginia/Kentucky resolutions (also unconstitutional).
  • Period: to

    Period 4 (part 1)

  • Marbury v. Madison case

    Marbury v. Madison established the concept of judicial review, which gives courts the power to examine the powers of the different branches of government.
  • Start of Lewis and Clark expedition

    The Lewis and Clark expedition was a military expedition to explore Louisiana for economic value and to map the land, as a result of the Louisiana purchase.
  • Beginning of the war of 1812

    The war of 1812 was a military conflict between the U.S. and Great Britain that lasted until 1815, caused by the impressment of the US and violations of neutrality.
  • Beginning of the era of good feelings

    The era of good feelings was an increase in national pride and a new desire for unity in the US that lasted until 1825 as a result of the war of 1812.
  • Clay's American system

    Under Clay’s American system it created a protective tariff on imported goods, the second bank of the US, and infrastructure to improve and connect the US. It was not liked by southern states.
  • Boundaries convention

    The boundaries convention between the US and Britain created a treaty stating that the forty-ninth parallel would be the boundary between the US and Canada. They also agreed that the US and Britain would jointly occupy Oregon, along with Russia and Spain.
  • Transcontinental treaty

    A treaty between the US and Spain in which the US purchased Florida for five million dollars and Spain gave up their claim on Oregon. It also defined the boundary between Louisiana and New Spain at the forty-second parallel.
  • Industrial revolution

    Shift from handmade goods to making things with machines. The industrial revolution created a major relationship change between workers and management.
  • Missouri compromise

    The Missouri compromise was federal legislation that admitted Maine to the US as a free state and Missouri as a slave state in order to maintain balance between slave states and free states in the senate.
  • The monroe doctrine

    The Monroe doctrine was the guide of US foreign policy during the 1800’s. It was used to establish the importance of the US and encourage the growth of democracy in the western hemisphere.
  • The age of Jackson

    The age of Jackson caused many changes in the US such as the rise of the common man, democratization of the political process, and an increase in the power of the presidency.
  • Period: to

    Period 4 (part 2)

  • Tariff policy/tariff of abominations

    Increased tariff from 25% to 45%, and was later lowered back down to 35%. The tariff policy led to the nullification of South Carolina.
  • The bank war

    The bank war was a scheme led by Nicholas Biddle to make people vote for Clay instead of Jackson in the 1832 election. Resulted in out of control inflation and later the panic of 1837.
  • The trail of tears

    The trail of tears was a part of the Indian removal that took place during the 1830’s. Native Americans were forced from their homes and guaranteed land in “Indian territory” in Oklahoma.
  • Beginning of the antebellum period

    An idea about the perfectibility of man and that society can be made better. This period led to many reform movements such as the temperance movement, abolitionist movement, and the first wave of the women's movement.
  • Death of "king caucus"

    The end of the caucus system to appoint presidential candidates. Candidates began to be chosen through political conventions, to get more people involved.
  • Manifest destiny

    Belief that God wanted white Americans to overspread the continent. This led to a huge growth of the population and nativism.
  • Period: to

    Period 5

  • End of the second great awakening

    The second great awakening began in the early 1800’s and was tied to the rise of the common man. It resulted in a push towards utopian society and reform movements.
  • Annexation of Texas

    The annexation of Texas was a part of manifest destiny and occurred after the Texas secession.
  • Oregon treaty

    The Oregon treaty expanded the U.S territory of Oregon to the forty-nine degree line.
  • The mexican war

    A conflict over land in New Mexico and California becoming a part of the US, lasts until 1848. Results in territorial expansion and controversy over slavery in the US.
  • Wilmot proviso

    A proposal for no slavery in the Mexican cession. Creates a split in the right for congress to regulate slavery
  • The compromise of 1850

    A dispute over whether California and New Mexico would be slave states. Created a realignment of political parties and the fugitive slave law. It also resulted in the end of the slave trade and helped abolitionists gain more people.
  • Kansas/Nebraska bill

    Created to separate mid-America into Kansas and Nebraska by using popular sovereignty. Created a conflict with the Missouri compromise and later led to the Missouri/Kansas border wars, which established that Kansas would be a free state.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford case

    Decided that an enslaved person was property and were not allowed to go to free states. This implied that there were no “true” free states.
  • John Brown's raid

    A raid to free enslaved people and lead them to Canada. Was not successful, John Brown was found guilty for treason and executed. He was known as the martyr to the North during war.
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham Lincoln is elected president and appealed to many different people in the North. This pushed the south over the edge because they felt as if their voice didn’t count.
  • Secession of South Carolina

    Was later followed by many other southern states in 1861 to form the confederate states of America, which was founded on states rights and slavery.
  • Beginning of the civil war

    The civil war began over issues in Ft. Sumter and was fought over the issue of slavery in the US. There were two armies, the confederates (south) and the union (north).
  • Appomattox courthouse

    End of the civil war, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant. Created a political dominance by the North/Republicans.
  • 13th amendment

    Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude as a result of the civil war.
  • Reconstruction period

    A period consisting of many different plans to reintegrate southern states back into the union, as well as create a better society for African Americans. Lasted until 1877.
  • Period: to

    Period 6

  • Formation of the KKK

    Becomes a hate group to prevent African Americans from becoming an equal part of society during the reconstruction period. President Grant tried to prevent this by using force acts, but they were not enforced.
  • The "era of good stealings"

    A term developed during the 1868 election to describe the scandals that went on in the government during this time. This made citizens believe that the government was corrupt and needed reform.
  • Completion of the transcontinental railroad

    A result from the “boom” in industry created by the civil war. Makes railroads become a big business, which causes many problems to poor workers.
  • Beginning of sharecropping/tenant farming

    A new labor system formed in the south in which, black families would rent a small plot of land to work, in return they would have obligations to the land owner.
  • Social darwinism

    A term adopted during the gilded age, meaning the wealthiest and most successful people would survive. This term was applied to racism and imperialism.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Decided that reconstruction was over, the south would get federal money to rebuild, and the south didn’t have to follow the 14th or 15th amendments. Created the phrase “the north won the war but the south won the peace”.
  • Chinese exclusion act

    An immigration restriction that prevented Chinese immigrants from coming into the US.
  • The American federation of labor

    A labor union made up of skilled laborers who fought for higher wages, fewer hours, and better conditions.
  • Interstate commerce act

    Stated that railroad companies had to charge fair rates. However, this law was never actually enforced.
  • The battle of wounded knee

    Conflict caused by Native Americans practicing the sun dance, after it had been made illegal. 200 Native Americans were killed and is known as the “end” of the Indian wars.
  • Sherman antitrust act

    A law that was intended to make monopolies illegal. Instead it was used to break up labor unions until the 1900’s.
  • Panic of 1893

    The panic of 1893 caused small railroad companies to go out of business, and be bought by the larger companies. This led to regional monopolies because there was no regulation during this time.
  • Pullman strike

    A strike against Pullman cars among railroad workers across the country. The government gets involved and rules in favor of the workers. The Pullman strike was groundwork to raise awareness that there was a problem with big businesses.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    The Supreme Court case that ruled separate but equal facilities was okay. This case proved that the status of African Americans was still second-class citizens.
  • Fusionist party

    The fusionist party was a political party made up of African Americans and poor white people. The end of this party led to white conservative democrats coming to power and African Americans being disenfranchised.
  • Beginning of the progressive era

    The progressive era was a period of social activism and reform during the early 1900’s, used to “call out” the corruption in the government/bug businesses and improve life for average Americans.
  • Sinking of the maine

    The sinking of an American ship, which was blamed on Spain by newspapers. This becomes a public outcry to war and leads to the Spanish-American war.
  • The treaty of paris

    The treaty of Paris helps spread imperialism by the US gaining Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines as territory. It also gave Cuba their independence.
  • Period: to

    Period 7 (part 1)

  • Open door policy

    The open door policy was created by John Way, which gave the US, Japan, and other European powers free trade in China.
  • Beginning of the buidling of the panama canal

    After many different treaties and agreements, the US is given permission to start building the panama canal with the hay/Bunau-Varilla treaty. The Panama canal wasn't finished until 1914.
  • Hepburn act

    The Hepburn act gave the ICC the authority to establish maximum rates that railroads could charge.
  • Meat inspection act

    A law saying that any meat crossing state boundaries must be inspected by the federal government. This was one of many laws put into place during the progressive era used to protect the people.
  • Great white fleet

    The great white fleet was created by Teddy Roosevelt during the transition from wooden ships to metal. It was a way to “show off” by sending the ships around the world.
  • Dollar diplomacy

    Dollar diplomacy was a part of Taft's foreign policy. Under this plan, the US gave other countries money as a way to encourage the spread of American companies in other countries.
  • Mann-elkins act

    The mann-elkins act gave the ICC the authority to regulate telephones and telegraphs.
  • Moral diplomacy

    A part of Wilson’s foreign policy plan. Under this, the US would do good for building other countries around the world as a way to create a relationship with them.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was from Austria-Hungary and killed by Gabrillo Princip. This caused the beginning of world war 1, war was officially declared in July 1914.
  • National park service

    The national park service was established by Woodrow Wilson as a way to manage the national parks/monuments and protect conservation efforts.
  • The US enters the war

    After the resumption of submarine warfare and the Zimmerman note/telegram the US declared war in April 1917.
  • Espionage and sedition acts

    The espionage and sedition acts made it a crime to speak badly of war or interfere with military operations as a way to promote the success of the enemies.
  • Armistice

    The armistice was on November 11, 1918 and marked the end of world war 1. It also led to the treaty of Versailles.
  • Period: to

    Period 7 (part 2)

  • 19th amendment

    This gave women the right to vote and led to many changes in how women were viewed and acted during the 1920’s.
  • Emergency immigration quota act

    A limitation put of immigration because there were too many immigrants. Under this system only three percent from the 1910 census were allowed in from each country.
  • Kellogg Briand pact

    The Kellogg Briand pact was an international agreement that outlawed war. However, there was no real way to enforce this.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday took place on October 29, 1929, when the stock market crashed. This marks the beginning of the great depression.
  • Rugged individualism

    Rugged individualism was president Hoover’s way of dealing with the great depression. This meant that everyone was for themselves and that it wasn’t the government's responsibility to provide relief.
  • World economic conference

    The purpose of the world economic conference was to promote international cooperation and trade. During this FDR withdrew American representation to focus on the economy.
  • Creation of make work programs

    A part of FDR’s new deal. This gave many people beneficial jobs and helped stimulate the economy during the great depression.
  • National labor relations act

    Created under FDR’s new deal. This law guarantees the right of protection to employers and employees as a way to fix labor problems.
  • Decline of the new deal

    During this time new deal programs were slowly being taken away. The programs didn’t fix the economy, but they did a balance in labor/industry.
  • Neutrality acts

    Created because of the recognition of world war 2, results in an embargo on the sale of war materials to the countries that started war and a ban of travel on ships from belligerent countries.
  • Attack on pearl harbor

    Attack on the US by the Japanese. This slows down the US and brings them into the war in a major way.
  • Manhattan project

    A research and development project, supported by the US during world war 2, that created the atomic bomb.
  • Victory in Europe

    Germany surrenders to the allies after Hitler committed sucide. Marks the end of world war 2 in Europe.
  • VJ day

    Victory over Japan day is when Imperial Japan Surrendered, marking the end of world war 2.