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APUSH Period 4

  • Eli Whitney Patented the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Patented the Cotton Gin
    This revolutionary invention made the removal of seed process faster which made the overall manufacturing process faster.
  • Thomas Jefferson Elected President

    Thomas Jefferson Elected President
    Thomas Jefferson was the first Republican president after the Federalist presidents George Washington and John Adams.
  • Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt

    Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt
    He wanted to create a state solely for black in Virginia and he would be the king.
  • Second Great Awakening Began

    Second Great Awakening Began
    Protestant resurrect and gained many followers from Baptist and Methodist in 1820s.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States purchased the area from France
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    It was between the conflict of Federalist John Adams and Republican Thomas Jefferson. John Marshall delivers judicial appointments or commission but Madison did not deliver it. Marbury sued Madison for not deliver his judicial appointment.
  • Beginning of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Beginning of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
    They were sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the then wilderness of the Louisiana Purchase. Sacajawea accompanied them.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    It was made under Thomas Jefferson and to resist the British and France abuse of America's merchant ships that carry weapons to Europe belligerents.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
    Naval conflict between the Royal Navy under Leopard and the U.S navy Chesapeake in Norfolk attacking American ships to find those who ditched the Royal Navy.
  • James Madison Elected President

    James Madison Elected President
    He, a Democratic-Republican, won over Federalist Charles Cotesworth Pinckney.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    It lifted the embargo act with the exceptions of British and French ports.
  • Death of Tecumseh

    Death of Tecumseh
    He was against the redcoats and Americans; therefore, he created a confederation to advocate for Indian rights. He lost and later fought for the British redcoats until his death.
  • Francis Cabot Lowell Smuggled Memorized Textile Mill Plans From Manchester, England

    Francis Cabot Lowell Smuggled Memorized Textile Mill Plans From Manchester, England
    Francis Cabot created the textile manufacturing industry in America. He made the Boston Manufacturing Company using looms from the British model. He hired girls from the mills to work there; in return, they pursued religious and educational activities. Investors were benefited and boomed because of the Boston Manufacturing Company.
  • The British Burn Washington DC

    The British Burn Washington DC
    During the War of 1812, the British attacked the Chesapeake Bay and Washington D.C where the U.S army cannot defend
  • Treaty of Ghent Ratified

    Treaty of Ghent Ratified
    The treaty took place in Belgium to end the War of 1812 between the United States and Britain but mentioned no neutral commentary for seizing seamen.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    Federalist meeting in Hartfort Connecticut that opposed to James Madison's War of 1812 and stronger rule and rights in the South
  • Robert Owen Founded the New Harmony Community

    Robert Owen Founded the New Harmony Community
    He, along with a group of Harmonie Society, tried to establish a utopian village in Pennsylvania.
  • End of the War 1812

    End of the War 1812
    After the United States and Britain battled over Britain interfere in the United States naval or maritime rights, it ended with the Treaty of Ghent.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The war was fought between British, with an intention of capturing Louisiana, and Americans did not realize that the Treaty of Ghent had already been signed. It was still America's victory leading to Andrew Jackson's presidency.
  • Era of Good Feeling Began

    Era of Good Feeling Began
    After the Napoleonic War, American citizens could pay lesser on European political and military affairs. Isolationism was formed during that era. Creation of the Second Bank of the United States and nationalism contributed to this era.
  • James Monroe Elected President

    James Monroe Elected President
    He represented the Republican and defeat the Rufus King who represented Federalist.
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty

    Rush-Bagot Treaty
    U.S Secretary Richard Rush and Charles Bagot exchanged letters that put limitations on naval forces on the Great Lakes beginning of War of 1812.
  • Anglo-American Convention

    Anglo-American Convention
    An agreement to respect and restore the fisheries and slaves between the U.S, British, and Ireland.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    It was a treaty that declared Florida as a part of the United States and set the border with New Spain.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    Economic failure in banks and mortgages that cause people to cede their homes and farms. It ruined prices in manufacture and agriculture.
  • Dartmouth College V. Woodward

    Dartmouth College V. Woodward
    The U.S. Supreme Courtdeclared the charter for Dartmouth College granted by King George the III was a contract and cannot be weakened by the New Hampshire legislature. A board of trustees created a religious disagreement that removed the college president, John Wheelock.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    Chief Justice John Marshall determined that Congress has all authority to carry out its implied powers.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Conflict between North and South and Missouri became the 24th state. Started the conflict over slavery which later formed the Civil War.
  • Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt

    Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt
    He wanted to create city and plantation of blacks that would attack the whites and free all slaves.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    President Monroe made a foreign policy that stated that the United States should not be involved with wars in Europe; should not interfere with colonies in Western Hemisphere; and if European power suppress the Western Hemisphere, it violates the United States.
  • John Quincy Adams Elected President (Corrupt Bargain)

    John Quincy Adams Elected President (Corrupt Bargain)
    He did not won popular vote and the Corrupt Bargain was between him and Andrew Jackson to which he requested Henry Clay to elect him and made Clay Secretary of States.
  • Charles B. Finney Lead Religious Revivals in Western New York

    Charles B. Finney Lead Religious Revivals in Western New York
    He was known to revive and unite people under Christ and became the central figure of the Presbyterian Church. He believed that both men and women have to take action first. He led the Second Great Awakening.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    The U.S. Supreme Court declared that states cannot interfere by any legislative mean in Congress to control commerce. New York granted Robert Fulton and Robert R. Livingston rights to operate steamboat in state waters, which later bought by Aaron Ogden. Ogden sued and won case over Thomas Gibbons operating steamboat in the same body of water.
  • Erie Canal Completed

    Erie Canal Completed
    From the Hudson River, it connects the Great Lake and New York City. The canal made New York one of the biggest commercial center, which led to more canals being built as well as engineers to train and build more canals in the future.
  • Lyman Beecher Delivered His “Six Sermons on Intemperance”

    Lyman Beecher Delivered His “Six Sermons on Intemperance”
    It was a message against Catholic believes and he tried to get the majority to accept it. It describes evil, occasion, and nature.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    It was made to protect industry in the United States.
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President

    Andrew Jackson Elected President
    He was elected as the 7th president of the United States and he was known to destroy the Second Bank of the United States. He also founded the Democratic Party that promoted liberty for individuals and policies that Native Americans have to migrate by force.
  • Catharine Beecher Published Essays on the Education of Female Teachers

    Catharine Beecher Published Essays on the Education of Female Teachers
    She stressed the importance of female teachers by saying that women are natural educators. She suggested improvement in trainings for teachers.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    One of the first major U.S. policy that respects the Native Americans. The president gave the Indians land in the west in exchange for land in Southeast which would then removed them from the Southeast area.
  • Joseph Smith Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints

    Joseph Smith Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
    He believed an angel with the name Moroni told him about God's interaction with Americans. A record, "The Book of Mormon" was published that had words from God.
  • Andrew Jackson Vetoed the Re-Charter of the Second Bank of the United States

    Andrew Jackson Vetoed the Re-Charter of the Second Bank of the United States
    Andrew Jackson thought that the bank had too much monopoly in the market such as exportation. The monopoly increases stock as well as more foreigners became stockholders. He imposed on Americans to create a "government-owned bank".
  • Nullification Crisis Began

    Nullification Crisis Began
    Conflict between South Carolina and the federal government in attempt to reject federal Tariff of 1828 and 1832.
  • Black Hawk War

    Black Hawk War
    A war between the United States and American Indians led by the Black Hawks at the Mississippi River to regain Illinois.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    The U.S. Supreme Court that states do not have the right to exploit Native American land which formed a foundation for Native American law. Samuel Worcester who lived in Georgia where the Cherokee reside. They oppose Georgia imposing this law against white people to be in Cherokee's land.
  • Creation of the Whig Party in the U.S.

    Creation of the Whig Party in the U.S.
    They formed in opposition to Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party that he created.
  • Treaty of New Echota

    Treaty of New Echota
    The Cherokee gave up their land and trade for compensation, $5 million. The U.S. wanted their land because of gold.
  • Transcendental Club’s First Meeting

    Transcendental Club’s First Meeting
    Frederic Henry Hedge, Ralph Waldo Emerson, George Ripley, and George Putnam, as well as Unitarian minister, met in Cambridge, Massachusetts to discuss the idea of Transedentalism.
  • Andrew Jackson Issued Specie Circular

    Andrew Jackson Issued Specie Circular
    The purchase of public land should be paid with silver and gold to reduce paper money circulation.
  • First McGuffey Reader Published

    First McGuffey Reader Published
    Elementary school reading books that have became widespread in schools.
  • Martin Van Buren Elected President

    Martin Van Buren Elected President
    He represented the Democratic side and won against William Henry Harrison who represented the Whig party.
  • Texas Declared Independence from Mexico

    Texas Declared Independence from Mexico
    Texas declared independence from Mexico and it emphasized the life, liberty, and property for citizens. Similar to Declaration of Independence.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    After declaring Texas independence from Mexico and its ruler Santa Anna, Santa Anna decided to declare war and marched to Texas. Texan leaders were James Bowie and Lieutenant Colonel William Travis.
  • Horace Mann Elected Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education

    Horace Mann Elected Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education
    He advocated for educational reform and led the Common School Movement that ensured all children will receive basic education from local tax. This idea spread in Massachusetts and created the format for schooling.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    Ohio and national economies suffered from financial crisis. Many lost their savings and and raided for food.
  • Trail of Tears Began

    Trail of Tears Began
    Andrew Jackson's Indian removal plan made the Cherokee to cede their land east of Mississippi River and migrate to the West, especially to Oklahoma.
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson gave the “Divinity School Address”

    Ralph Waldo Emerson gave the “Divinity School Address”
    The essay mentioned the doctrine of Christ and the doctrine of Scripture. He believed that Jesus is divine but the doctrines also said Christ's suffers in "distortions". It took place in Harvard Diviinity School.
  • Webster-Ashburton Treaty

    Webster-Ashburton Treaty
    It was meant to resolve international slave trade, the northeastern border, and American interaction in Canadian rebellion.
  • James Polk Elected President

    James Polk Elected President
    He represented the Democratic side and won against Henry Clay, who represented the Whig side.
  • Treaty of Wanghia with China

    Treaty of Wanghia with China
    President Tyler sent Caleb Cushing to China to secure equal rights the Chinese gave to Europeans.
  • Beginning of Manifest Destiny

    Beginning of Manifest Destiny
    Continuation of territorial expansion to the West all the way to the Pacific.
  • U.S. Annexation of Texas

    U.S. Annexation of Texas
    Mexican and the United States went to war the colonists were upset that the Mexican government tried to limit slavery and acted against the Mexican Constitution.
  • Bear Flag Revolt

    Bear Flag Revolt
    A group of rebellious settlers in Sacramento Valley in California against Mexican authorities.
  • Start of the Mexican War

    Start of the Mexican War
    The war was caused by the United States seizure of Texas and where Texas should end, at Nueces River or the Rio Grande.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty ended the Mexican War and created a boundary between the United States and Mexico from the Rio Grande River and the Gila River.
  • John Humphrey Noyes Founded the Oneida Community

    John Humphrey Noyes Founded the Oneida Community
    Located in New York, the community practiced communalism such as property possession, work, and love; a place for Perfectionists.
  • Gold Rush Began in California

    Gold Rush Began in California
    Gold was found in Sutter's Mill and many pioneered to California to seek for fortune.
  • Henry David Thoreau Published Civil Disobedience

    Henry David Thoreau Published Civil Disobedience
    The book shows his view against the civil government, slavery, and the Mexican-American War. A Transcendentalist idea.
  • Commodore Matthew Perry Entered Tokyo Harbor Opening Japan to the U.S.

    Commodore Matthew Perry Entered Tokyo Harbor Opening Japan to the U.S.
    He sought to re-establish the trade relationship between Western countries and Japan after 200 years.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    It is also known as Treaty of La Mesilla and the United States purchased the northern Mexico area, which stretched from south Arizona and south New Mexico.
  • Kanagawa Treaty

    Kanagawa Treaty
    It opened trading in Japanese ports such as in Shimoda and Hakodate. Establishing American consulate was also part of the treaty.