APUSH Events in History

  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    English Colonists (Most unwilling to work) land in Virginia, sponsored by the Virginia Company of London, on the Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery
  • First Slaves Arrive in America

    Initiating a new slave trade, the first slaves arrive in america and are sold off to notable wealthy colonists/plantation owners.
  • The Puritans settle on Plymouth Rock

    Arriving on the Mayflower, the puritans or more commonly reffered to as the "pilgrims" settled in Massachussettes to escape religious persecution.
  • Seven Years War/French and Indian War Begins

    Seven Years War/French and Indian War Begins
    After Brittain and France's rivalry spread to the New World for control of the East Parts of North America, battles began to take place in the New World. The Colonies were dragged into this and were promised that if they fought for the brittish, they would not have to contribute to the war's economic cost.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Sons of Liberty revolt against the Brittish tax on tea by dressing as native americans, raiding a brittish merchant ship, and throwing all tea overboard into the bay.
  • Intolerable Acts

    After previous acts that restricted the colonies' ability to govern and maintain themselves, Brittain issues the intolerable acts, a series of acts that were meant to punish the colonists after the Boston Tea Party.
  • Revolutionary War Begins

    After the Intolerable Acts, Boston Massacre, the Declaration of Independence, and the Olive Branch Petition, a diplomatic agreement failed to be reached hence the start of the Revolutionary War.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Farmers in Massuchessetes were having their homes forclosed so they protested against "economic injustices"
  • Declaration of Independence

    America's founding father's met at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia and Ben Franklin played a huge role in drafting this document.
  • Articles of Confederation Adopted

    Articles of Confederation Adopted
    The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation after much debate on the topic.
  • Treaty of Paris Ratified/Creation of the United States of America

    After the Brittish surrender at the Battle of Yorktown due to the French's help, Brittain had reached an all time high for taxes and was forced to surrender because of their economy. With the treaty of Paris, the colonies gained their independence.
  • US Constitution Replaces the Articles of Confederation

    After the Articles of Confederation failure, the US Constitution was put into place in order to create a more powerful federal government.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney patents his creation, the Cotton Gin. Made with the intention to decrease the need of slavery, it did the exact opposite. With the Cotton Gin Plantation owners realized with more slaves they could make more cotton and more money.
  • Marbury vs Madison

    This court case was brought to the surpreme court over the case of the midnight judges and their failure to be paid their commision. The outcome said that that Madison should pay the commision but that the court cannot force it. It established the Surpreme Courts role in ruling on whether or not a legislation is constitutional or not.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson acquires the Louisiana Territory. After sending representatives to negotiate a purchase of just New Orleans for $10 million from Napolean Bonaparte. After an offer of $15 million for the entire Louisiana territory, they accepted.
  • Lewis and Clark begin their expedition

    Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out from St. Louis, Missouri with a primary goal of finding a waterway to the Pacific.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    Due to Brittains failure to remove their soldiers from America, impressment of American Citizens, and France and Brittains inabilty to acknowledge America's neutrality, America entered into the War of 1812.
  • Acquisition of Florida

    Spain ceded Florida to America in an agreement that let Spain keep Texas if they ceded Florida.
  • Erie Canal Completed

    Erie Canal Completed
    The Erie Canal, when finished, linked the Hudson River to Lake Erie essentially making the entire great lake a port to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner, a slave, organized a rebellion consisting of 80 other slaves. He and his rebellion killed 55-65 people which made it the rebellion with the most fatalities.
  • Trail of Tears

    15000 Cherokee Indians were forced to move from their land to make room for american colonization. 4000 die from disease or starvation on their trip.
  • Civil War Begins

    The American Civil War begins after the succession of the confederacy due to the northern dissaproval of slavery. Robert E Lee and Ulysses S. Grant are Generals.
  • American Civil War Ends

    The American Civil War ends with Robert E Lee signing a treaty to the Union stating their surrender and agreeing to emancipate slavery. Jim Crow Laws, segregation, and equality among races are still not honored for a long time to come.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Assasinated

    Abraham Lincoln is Assasinated
    Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, is assasinated by John Wilkes Booth due to the south's resentment torwards the union and Lincoln, head of the union, over the outcome over the Civil War.