April 7th,1939 Before WWII

  • National Liberation

    National Liberation
    Day of national liberation. Macedonia was claimed a official country on this day. That is why this day is reconized every year.
  • Declared Independence

    Declared Independence
    Bulgaria declared independence from Ottoman Empire. This day they were clarified as a national country.
  • Macedonia occupied

    Macedonia occupied
    World War 2, Macedonia is occupied by Bulgaria. Bulgaria invaded Macedonia, but shortly came to an end.
  • Period: to

    European Timeline Project

    This timeline represents some evets to the folowing countries we were assigned. Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Cyprus.
  • Turkey declared republic

    Turkey declared republic
    On this day Turkey is declared a republic counrty. And Kemal Atatum was voted as president
  • Abolition of Monarchy

    Abolition of Monarchy
    Greeks voted for abolition of the monarchy. Greece becomes a Republican country .
  • Monarchy restored

    Monarchy restored
    Greek monarchy had been restored. After failing in the past years.
  • President dies

    President dies
    President Ataturk of Turkey dies. It was succede by Ismel Inonu.
  • Albania helps invade

    Albania helps invade
    Shortly after World War 2, Italy invades Albania. King Zog flees to Greece.
  • Attacks through Albania

    Attacks through Albania
    Italian army attacks Greece through Albania.
  • Enver Hoxha

    Enver Hoxha
    Enver Hoxha becomes head of a new Albanian Communist party
  • German forces invade

    German forces invade
    German forces invade and occupy Albania following Italy surrender.
  • Republics open election

    Republics open election
    Republis first open election, won by oppsition Democratic Party.
  • 2 day massacre

    2 day massacre
    Greek Cyprists began a 2 day massacre that killed 83 turkish cyprists men.
  • Fighting

    Macedonia started fighting between ethnic Albania.
  • Thrown out of office

    Thrown out of office
    Communist ruler Todor Zhivhov was thrown out of office after a 35 year Bulgarian dictatorship.
  • Papandreou back to power

    Papandreou back to power
    New election returns Papandreou back to power
  • Communist party won

    Communist party won
    A communist party won parliamentary elections in the Greek Cyprists parton at the island.
  • Identified itself

    Identified itself
    Bulgaria identified itself as a close ally of the U.S and has maintained close diplomatic relations with Israel.
  • Dismissed cabinet

    Dismissed cabinet
    Cypruspres Demetris Chrtotras dismissed his cabinet
  • Summer Olympics

    Summer Olympics
    Macedonia competed in the summer olympic games. There were four competeters, but country failed to win a medal.