Apophis pyramid

By wyn0006
  • Christmas

    Sadie and carter goto the museum, they accidentally blow up a stone, and there dad gets captured by a god and sent into the duat,
  • They meet uncle amos

    after living with their grandparents for a while, their uncle amos thakes them to his magicical house.
  • Carter finds secrets

    Carters ba takes a trip through the duat, and finds out set his planning to bury his dad in pheonix arizona.
  • the escape

    Sadie and carter have to escape to a new home as set's minions have found them.
  • first nome

    Sadie and carter head to the first nome
  • Sadie and carter find their powers

    sadie and carter find that they have magic powers of the gods.
  • The feather of truth

    Sadie and carter head to paris to get a magical book, and then mexico to get the feather of truth
  • Get back dad

    Sadie and carter make it to the pyramid and are ready to fight set
  • Sadie and carter fight set

    Sadie and carter fight set, they win, their dad dissapears and they dont know where he is gone.
  • End

    End of book, they left it on a big cliffhanger.