Big 4339

Antireligion and Antisemitism in the Soviet Union

  • Period: to

    antireligious measures in the Soviet Union

  • Less than 20 Russian titles that were published were antisemitic literature

    One-fourth of these publications were in Yiddish.
  • David Moskowitz

    David Moskowitz
  • Bolshevik Party comes to power

  • Decree on Separation of Church from State and School from Chuch issued

    Soviet Union declared a "nonreligious" state. Church attendees were labeled "anti-Soviet," though the belief that religious is one's own private affair was widely accepted during this time.
  • Instruction written decreeing that religion may not be taught in general education institutions

    This also allows special theological institutions to remain open, allowing for specific religious schools.
  • Further decrees state that any persons under 18 cannot attend religious educational institutions

    later, the order then indicated that teaching of religion is permitted, provided it is not performed in any schools of general instruction
  • 1922-1923 committees organized to force religious teachers to give up teaching

    Primarily found in Jewish villages.
    Thousands of Jewish religious schools were closed down, religious education continued in underground hedorim.
  • Solomon Lapidus

    Solomon Lapidus
  • antireligious campaigns designed to lessen the influence of clergy and number of houses of prayer implemented

    Hundreds of clergymen from different religious practices arrested or deported.
  • Henia Sochaczewski

    Henia Sochaczewski
  • Primary method of closing down prayer houses and synagogues

    First stage- publishing letters and articles to the public citing alleged criminal activities in the synagogues
    Second stage- members of prayer house forced to resign due to the request of the people, thus dropping the number of required members
  • "Laws on Religious Associates" decreed

    Main document that regulated religious life, forced and defined religious practices.
  • "Instructions of the People's Commissariat of the Interior" decreed

    Additional regulations and laws that clarifies and supplements the April Law, including the details regarding religious registration, meetings and conventions, and surveillance.
  • Stanisl Rubilowicz

    Stanisl Rubilowicz
  • Synagogues and other houses of prayer close down in mass numbers

    Closed due to failure to meet the requirements of the Law and Instructions of 1929 including lack of required twenty affiliated members, failure to acquire a suitable house of prayer, or condemning a house of prayer unfit.
  • Leah Mikowski

    Leah Mikowski
  • Largest publication of antireligious and antisemitic literature published

    Largest publication of antireligious and antisemitic literature published
    Over 53 publications were exclusively antireligious and antisemitic.

    Printed material the most popular form of antireligious propaganda.
  • Leon Rybinski

    Leon Rybinski