
Anne Frank's life and legecy

  • birthday

    Anne Frank was born on 12 of June 1929 in Frankfurt Gurmany. From the moment Anne was born she was alway happy and always smiling. There was never a photo were she was unhappy. Anne was the youngest person in the family she had an older sister who loved her very much along with two loveing.
  • hiding

    nobody knows the time Anne started to hide people only know the year. Hiding for Anne was sceary the most terrifing part was when she was young,missed her home and when she could hear the gun fires. Anne took it all in very well when she got her diary she could let her emotions out very well.
  • going to school

    going to school
    Anne went to Montessori School she had a lot of fun with friends. The problem was Hitler despised the Jewish witch caused Anne to move to a Jewish elementary school
  • arrested

    Anne was arrested along with the others in the Annex. In the concentration camps she ended up with her mum and sister. Anne stayed strong wile she was in the camps. She was terrified but did not show it.
  • died cocentration camps

    Anne died from Typhus soon after her sister who died from the same thing. Anne's legacy will always live on. Anne was a loving and caring and belived in everyone
  • diary was pubblished

    Anne's diary was pubblished and every was intrested in it. Annes diary changed the world. Anne is now a symbol of all the children who died in the second world war.