Ann Frank

By Mesa5
  • Ann Frank is born!

    Ann was born today in Maine Germany at her house.
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    The Frank family moved to the Netherlands because they knew that the Germans were doing somthing bad soon and that Otto, the dad, got a new job offer.
  • luck fading

    The Germans were going to war and they were fighting in the town that the Franks were hiding in. Ann would look out her window and see her town being wrecked into pieces.
  • Education

    this was the last year Ann had education in her public school. After this her dad homeschcooled her.
  • Happy Birthday!

    It is Anns 13 birthday. For her birthday she got a dairy that she adored and loved, she soon named it kitty.
  • she starts

    Two days later Ann started writing in her diary. She wrote about feelings, reactions and what was going on in her life.
  • Moving again

    Moving again
    The Germans were now taking Jews away to concentration camps. The Franks only option was to go into hiding which was a very big risk for themselves. They also had some people that risked there lives to go and give food to the Franks while they were in hiding.
  • hiding

    The Franks had some frinds that needed to hide so they let them hide with them. One of them was named Peter and Ann soon fell in love with him.
  • good news and bad news

    Today a burgler broke in to the basement that was under neath the place where the franks were hiding, they thought that burgler might of herd him but nothing happened after that. Also, this same day Ann and peter had there first kiss in secret!
  • still writing

    still writing
    The Franks have been in hiding now for 2 and half years.This hole time Ann has been writing in her dairy that she got for her 13 birthday.This was the last day that Ann put an entry in her dairy.

    It was a nomal day when the franks heard something that sounded like vioces. They soon made there was upstairs and in turned out that it was the Germans.The Franks were now caught. They had some time to get a few belongings and then go to the train station where they would be sent to concentration camps.
  • bad luck

    the Frank family was split up now into different carts that were taken taken to concentration camps. Ann was with her sister Morgot and peters mother.
  • Peters gone

    Though peter was sent to a death camp with his dad and got killed there afew days after he arrived there.
  • Ann passing away

    Ann cought a terrible deises. It was very cold there and they did not get a lot to eat. she died in the arms of her sister, and her sister died 2 days later.
  • free

    Today the Russians freed all the jews who were in the concentration camps.
  • one person remaining

    Out of all the people that were hiding with the Franks, Otto frank was the only onr that was still alive. He was hoping that his daughters had made it too but he soon found out that they had past away in the concentration camps.
  • remairing

    Otto frank remaiared and had 4 chirldren of his own again.
  • the frank family is gone

    The last of the Frank family had just past away of old age. Though before Otto died he did find Anns dairy and got it published for the hole world to see.