
Andrew Jackson

  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Jackson and his men win "The Creek War". The purpose was to clear the Mississippi Territory for American settlement
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson put a stop to the British Royal Navy, this effort also put an end to the war.
  • Rachel Donelson Dies

    Rachel Donelson Dies
    She died due to a heart attack
  • Inauguration of President Jackson

    Inauguration of President Jackson
    Jackson was marked as the Seventh President of The United States. He had a celebration and people from to see Jackson, but afterwards the White House was completely trashed by the visitors
  • Jefferson Day Dinner

    Jefferson Day Dinner
    An annual fundraising celebration, that was held by Democratic Party organization
  • Jackson Signs Indian Removal Act

    Jackson Signs Indian Removal Act
    This act was signed so America could gain lands West of the Mississippi Territory. This caused The Natives to move farther West.
  • Jackson Vetoes Bank Bill

    Jackson Vetoes Bank Bill
    He Vetoed the bill because he felt that it put the liberties of citizens at risk
  • Jackson Issues Nulification Proclamation

    Jackson Issues Nulification Proclamation
    Jackson uses his power as President to change Tariff laws. The state he had a confrontation with was South Corolia
  • Congress Passes Force Bill

    Congress Passes Force Bill
    Authorizing Jackson to use military forces to collet tariffs if necessary. Also, to allow more people to vote.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was a forced relocation of Native Americans to the West of the Mississippi Territory.