An Overview of American History - Assessment 02.01

  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    On this day, the Jamestown settlement was established on the banks of the James River. Virginia exploreers landed on JAmestown Island to establish an Englsih colony. WIthin the (92) ninety-two years that this settlement was ran, the people suffered from many diseases, famine, settlement attacks and death. Slowly, Jamestown began to dissappear. By 1700, this once well known settlement was no longer the capital of Virginia, but now just a piece of land.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    On this day, male passengers signed the reconciliation that bound the Pilgrims together when they arrived in New England. There was a seperation that occured at this time and that was the parting of the Separisits from the Church of England. Others remained, but began to study different religions. This agreement then began to maintain order and a civil society.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    On this day, the Nation of France sold 828,000 sq miles of land to the west of the Mississippi River to America in a treaty. At this time, President Thomas Jefferson doubled the U.S. and our country quickly began to strive and become better.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    In the 19th Century, America quickly became the inland for (5) five Indian nations. By signing this Act, President Jackson would know grant land west of the Mississippi River to Indian tribes that agreed to give up their homeland.
  • The Assassination of Lincoln

    The Assassination of Lincoln
    On this day, the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth with a 44-caliber derringer during a theatre production at the Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the killing Lincoln was to throw the government into disarray. Found guilty on charges, John Wilkes Booth and his collaborators David Herold and Mary Surratt were all hung on July 7, 1865 for the assassination of this beloved President.
  • Prohibition

    In the writings of this act, Congress declared that there would a prohibitation of alcoholic bevearages served and more used towards manufacturing products and scientific research.
  • McCarthyism

    During the 1940's and 50's, Senator Joseph McCarhty made one of the greatest false accusations in modern America of all time. He accused many actors, film producers, writers and military personnel of infiltrating our American government as communists. This hurt many careers and also imprisoned some. By the mid 1950's, McCarthyism died down and his accusations were proven to be untrue. Many accused workers gained their lives back fully, but some didn't.
  • Fall of Berlin

    Fall of Berlin
    On this day, many East and West Berliners pushed, hammered and tore down the wall that had seperated the East and West Berliners from their loved ones for decades. This was the beginning of of longing freedoms for these two sides.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    The Civil Rights movement is known to be one of the most noted times of the century. During these years, the African Americans were hated, beaten, given seldom rights and were even killed. There were many influential people during these events such as, Rosa Parks, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X and many more made these hard times better and changed the road for African Americans for forever.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    This event was the peak of the Indian removal proccess negotiated by President Andrew Jackson. The trail was essenstially the most harshest treatment towards the Indians. They were forced from their homes and lands and traveled nearly 1,200 miles to Indian territory. On their journey, many died of countless diseases and some survived. By the time of their arrival, there were not enough to maintain a increasing population and soon the territory was shrinking rapidly and was soon gone for good.