American War of Independence

  • the first Virginia colony

    the first Virginia colony under the English domain
  • there were 13 colonies

    there were 13 colonies under the British domination
  • beginning seven-year war

    beginning seven-year war between the English, the French and the natives
  • end of the seven-year war

    end of the seven-year war between the English, the French and the natives
  • the stamp act was published by the English

    the stamp act was published by the English. The colonies did not respect the tax that was injected because the iglese law said that only the countries that were represented in the parliament could be charged with taxes
  • the war of independence broke out

    the independence war broke out with head George Washington
  • the colonies did not respect the tax that was injected because the iglese law said that only the countries that were represented in the parliament could be charged with taxes

    arrived at the port of Boston three ships full of you and the population disguised as an indigenous and threw into the sea all the load of tea that had been increased by the docks
  • bunker battle Hill

    bunker battle Hill where the French arrived to help the settlers
  • the colonies declared themselves independent and formed the United States of America

    the colonies declared themselves independent in Philadelphia and formed the United States of America with first president Washington
  • beginning new war between the colonies and England

    beginning new war between the colonies and England
  • end new war between the colonies and England

    end new war between the colonies and England
  • the British left America

    the British left America
  • new war between Americans and French

    new war between Americans and French a Yorktown
  • paris-treated training

    paris-treated training with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Jhn Jay
  • the Treaty of Paris was signed

    the Treaty of Paris was signed