
American Revolution/J.hoorn period 3

  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    Brittish troops march to Lexington and Concord to destroy the colonists supplies. These were the first battle of the Revolutionary War.
  • The second Continental Congress Assemble

    The second Continental Congress Assemble
    Assembled to work with colonialy war effort and push towards independence.They would serve as emergency government throughtout the war.
  • The Battle of Bunkerhill

    The Battle of Bunkerhill
    Brittish troops seige Bunkerhill four times but the first three they had to retreat. This battle was also the second amd bloodiest battl of the Revolutionary War. Though the Brittish won they suffered more casualties
  • Washington takes command

    Washington takes command
    Gierge takes command of the militias around Boston. His plen was to drive the redcoats out of the city if they did not accept the offer of peace.
  • The Declaration of Independence presented to congress

    The Declaration of Independence presented to congress
    Thomas Jefferson and colleagues take the Declaration of Independence and present to Congreess. The room of the congress was quiet all that day as the men stepped forward to sign it.
  • The battle of Trenton

    The battle of Trenton
    George Washingto and his troops use boats and cross the Deleware Rier to the city of Trenton where they engage hessians in battle.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton
    Washingtons troops circled aroun General Cornwallis's men and engaged them in battle soon claiming victory. during this hard battle the militiamen started to retreat but George Washington rode up with reinforcements and drove the Brittish away.
  • Period: to

    Valley Forge Ecampment

    George Washingtonsets up a winter encampment in Valley Forge. They made long cabins to protect themselves frmo the cold and wind, After the winter was over they lost a total of 2,000 soldiers.
  • King george seizes Savannah, Georgia

    King george seizes Savannah, Georgia
    As Brittsh troops start taking control of the southern colonies they seized this town and soon later the whole colony.
  • Firing stops in Yorktown

    Firing stops in Yorktown
    After several days of of fighting the Brittish finally surrendred after suffering casualties from French and colonist troops. This was the last battle of the Revolutionary War
  • The signing of the Treaty of Paris

    The signing of the Treaty of Paris
    The signing of this Treaty officially ended the Revolutionary War, making the colonies a seperate country. Though it was sighned in September it wasn't ratified until Jan 7, 1784