American Revolution

  • Mayflower reaches Massachusetts

    Mayflower reaches Massachusetts
    pg. 368
    People: Pilgrims
    Place: Massachusetts
  • English Catholics found Maryland

    English Catholics found Maryland
    Pg. 369
    People: English Catholics
    Place: Maryland
  • Quakers establish Pennsylvania

    Quakers establish Pennsylvania
    pg. 369
    People: Quakers
    Place: Pennsylvania
  • The Seven Years´ War starts

    The Seven Years´ War starts
    pg. 371
    People: English and French
    Place: Europe and North America
  • Parliament passes Stamp Act

    Parliament passes Stamp Act
    pg. 371
    People: American Colonists
    Place: 13 colonies
  • Parliament puts taxes on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea

    Parliament puts taxes on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea
    pg. 371
    People: American Colonists
    Place: 13 colonies
  • Boston Massacre happens

    Boston Massacre happens
    Pg. 372
    People: American Colonists
    Place: Boston
  • Parliament passes Tea Act

    Parliament passes Tea Act
    Pg. 372
    People: American Colonists
    Place: 13 colonies
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    Pg. 373
    People: American Colonists
    Place: Philadelphia
  • Battle of Lexington

    Battle of Lexington
    Pg. 373
    People: American Colonists
    Place: Lexington
  • Declaration of Independence is issued

    Declaration of Independence is issued
    Pg. 374
    People: American Citizens
    Place: United States
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Pg. 374
    People: American, French, and British soldiers
    Place: United States