The landing of the pilgrims at plymouth currier and ives

American Literature

  • 1620-of Plymouth plantation

    1620-of Plymouth plantation
    in the 1500s and 1600s a group of protestants led a movement to purify England. A group of separatist withdrew from the church. a congregation of separatist now known as pilgrims fled England to Holland and eventually America. The pilgrims sailed on the mayflower to cape cod.
  • the crucible part 2

    the crucible part 2
    what did the puritans of Salem value?
    the puritans valued modesty and life without sin.
    how did these values shape their American Dream?
    these values shaped their american dream but influencing only religious practices on the settlers
  • 1692-the crucible

    1692-the crucible
    the Salem witch trials took place in Massachusetts bay in 1692, when two girls began to behave in a satanic way. these girls claimed that three women had caused them to behave that way. these three women were brought in and one confessed to practicing witch craft and the other two were found guilty by default.
  • what did the Americans value during the enlightenment?

    what did the Americans value during the enlightenment?
    the American Enlightenment added scientific reasoning to politics, and religion, promoted religious tolerance. the american revolution fought for religious freedom,and political philosophy.
  • how did these values shape the american dream?( date unknown)

    how did these values shape the american dream?( date unknown)
    the values of religious freedom and political philosophy shaped the american dream by creating a democracy and the bill of rights that allow freedom of expression.