American History Timeline

  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    1. Who - Samuel Adams, Henry Bass, John Smith, Thomas Chase, and four other men
    2. What - Men who rebelled against many Acts that the British
    3. When - August 1765
    4. Where - Boston Massachusetts
    5. Why - There were nine original men who disagreed on how the British were oppressing the colonists
    6. How - The Sons of Liberty rebelled against the British and ending intolerable acts.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    1. Who - American Revolutionaries and Redcoats
    2. What - American Revolutionaries provoked the British soldiers into shooting at them
    3. When - March 5th, 1770
    4. Where - Boston, MA
    5. Why - The British were overruling the colonists
    6. How - A massacre of 5 deaths occurred and 8 soldiers were tried for murder. They were pleaded not guilty.
  • Boston Tea Party

    1. Who - Sons of Liberty and British navy
    2. What - Sons of liberty spill the British' tea
    3. When - December 16, 1773
    4. Where - Boston, MA
    5. Why - Because the American Revolutionaries wanted to make a point of no more ridiculous taxation.
    6. How - Without the Boston tea party, the colonists would still have to pay high taxes and put up with the British and their tea.
  • Continental Congress Forms

    1. Who - Twelve states against British Parlement
    2. What - Continental Congress forms
    3. When - September 5, 1774
    4. Where - Philidelphia, PA
    5. Why - Continental congress fought for America to be won against the British for our freedoms.
    6. How - We would've had a lesser chance of freedom without the continetal congress
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    1. Who - 56 signers and committee of 5 (John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman)
    2. What - The signing of the Declaration of Independence
    3. When - July 4, 1776
    4. Where - Philidelphia, PA
    5. Why - The Declaration of Independence claimed our freedom from England, this is our country's pride.
    6. How - We broke away from England, claiming out freedom.
  • The Flag

    The Flag
    1. Who - Betsy Ross and 2nd continetal congress
    2. What - Betsy Ross created our national flag
    3. When - June 17, 1777
    4. Where - Pennsylvania
    5. Why - Our symbol of pride was made
    6. How - We made the flag our national symbol of pride
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    1. Who - Paris and American colonists
    2. What - Paris signing a treaty to end the American revolution
    3. When - September 3, 1783
    4. Where - Paris, France
    5. Why - This freed the Americans from British bonds
    6. How - The treaty ended the war between England and the colonists, gaining our rights and ending the English reign on our ends.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    1. Who - Daniel Shay and the Supreme court
    2. What - Daniel Shay and 1,200 men attacked the supreme court because of high taxation
    3. When - August 31 to February 4
    4. Where - Massachusetts
    5. Why - This led to the movement of the constitutional convention
    6. How - People demanded a stronger central government after going through a rough economic situation
  • First President

    First President
    1. Who - George Washington
    2. What - George Washington inaugurated as the first president of America
    3. When - April 30, 1789
    4. Where - New York City, New York
    5. Why - America's first president is the man who fought for our independence
    6. How - Washington's inauguration is important because by electing him as president, out government got stronger.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    1. Who - France and America
    2. What - America purchases the Louisiana territory
    3. When - 1803
    4. Where - Louisiana territory
    5. Why - This was a complex time in history, France, Spain, Britain, and some other countries were in a war, and America was trying to help, but also purchase more land
    6. How - America wouldn't have expanded and had been as big without the purchase
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    1. Who - Identify major people involved.
    2. What - Name and description of event.
    3. When - Date(s) of event.
    4. Where - Location of event.
    5. Why - Why did you choose this event?
    6. How - Explain how its important.
  • White House Burning

    White House Burning
    1. Who - Protesters and the Madisons
    2. What - The white house was burnt down by protesters.
    3. When - August 24, 1814
    4. Where - Washington D.C
    5. Why - If the protesters didn't burn down the white house, there wouldn't be a need to build a new one.
    6. How - The President's resident was burned down and one thing that was saved was Washington's portrait
  • National Anthem

    National Anthem
    1. Who - Francis Scott Key
    2. What - Francis watched U.S Soldiers raise a large flag over Fort. McHenry.
    3. When - September 13, 1814
    4. Where - Baltimore, Maryland
    5. Why - The Star Spangled Banner is our countries anthem when it's played we stand and pay respect to those who fought for our freedom.
    6. How - The national anthem, along with our flag, is a symbol of our freedom and pride.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    1. Who - James Wilson Marshall, Californians, foreign people
    2. What - Tons of gold was found
    3. When - January 24, 1848
    4. Where - Sacremento, California
    5. Why - People all over the country and even in others were coming to mine for gold.
    6. How - People got very greedy over time for valuable gold. California also decided to join in the Union,preventing slaves in their state.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    1. Who - Identify major people involved.
    2. What - Public land was given to small farmers
    3. When - May 20, 1862
    4. Where - Missouri
    5. Why - The homestead act allowed free slaves into the western territory.
    6. How - People were able to get land cheaper on the western side, expanding and also gaining more money.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    1. Who - President Lincoln, Willliam Seward, Salmon P. Chase
    2. What - President Lincoln transformed the fight to preserve the nation into a war for human freedom.
    3. When - January 1, 1863
    4. Where - Antietam, MD
    5. Why - The Emancipation Proclamation was the start for slave abolishment.
    6. How - People recognized slaves to actually be humans and not some way of showing wealth or property.
  • Chivington Massacre

    Chivington Massacre
    1. Who - Colonel John Chivington
    2. What - Colonel John Chivington had a group of people slaughter the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians.
    3. When - November 29, 1864
    4. Where - Sand Creek, Colorado
    5. Why - Innocent Indians were being killed for their land. Recognizing massacres that happened over one hundred years ago is important.
    6. The government wanted more land and have people settle west where the Indians were. They had some tribes put into reservations and actually slaughtered some.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    1. Who - Congress
    2. What - The amendment was passed to the house of the Senate to approve of freedoms for all men.
    3. When - April 8, 1864
    4. Where - Washington, D.C
    5. Why - Every man became free in America, slaves became known as people.
    6. How - This became a civil law, slavery was officially abolished.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    1. Who - Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth (And other conspiracists)
    2. What - Lincoln dies the morning after he gets shot in Ford's theatre
    3. When - April 24, 1865
    4. Where - Petersen House, Washington D.C
    5. Why - This was a shock wave to many Americans, especially since the Civil war was just signed off.
    6. How - After America was free and reunited, the man who saved our country was shot.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    1. Who - Congress, the House-Senate
    2. What - The 14th amendment gives the aspects of the rights Americans have.
    3. When - July 9, 1868
    4. Where - Washington, D.C.
    5. Why - This amendment shows that is they are naturalized from the U.S, they will not be treated differently or given limited freedoms.
    6. How - This shows that U.S citizen is limited freedoms or