American History Final

  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown, Virginia
    Jamestown was the first English settlement established in America. Many came to the new lands for economic and religious opportunity. Jamestown suffered many consequences due to the difference in climate between Britain and America. Many were effected by the harsh first winters, and lacked in preparedness. Around 80% of the settlement died from either the cold, malnutrition, or disease. Eventually the discovery of tobacco helped Jamestown economically and encouraged more people to settle there.
  • Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Plymouth was the second colony to be established in the Americas. Pilgrims, also known as separatists, came to the new world in hopes of finding religious freedom. The Plymouth colony created The Mayflower Compact, an agreement made in hopes of establishing a new government that was based on Separatist views. Due to the lack of interest in separatist views, the colony eventually was absorbed by the Massachusetts bay colony in 1691. Eventually the remainder of separatists became puritans.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams, due to his banishment from the Massachusetts bay colony for having different religious views. Williams created Rhode Island as a place in which religious freedom was possible, without the hatred from others. The colony was one of the first to declare their split from Britain, and divided the church from the State, meaning religion was no longer interfering with the government.
  • The Navigation Acts of 1651

    The Navigation Acts of 1651
    The Navigation Acts were a set of acts that Britain put in place to control the colonies trade with other countries. Goods being exported and imported were regulated by the British, and the colonies could only receive most if not all goods from Britain. The act was meant to bring in a profit from the colonies to Britain, while also making sure that the colonies remained dependent on Britain. The acts were one of the first signs that showed that Britain wanted control over the colonies.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch trials were trials held against people in Massachusetts who were accused of using witchcraft. The trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts and lasted from February 1692 to May 1693. Some of the Women accused of witchery were, Sarah good, Rebecca Nurse, and Elizabeth Howe. The trials are significant due to the lack of evidence obtained. The cases showed how flawed the judiciary system was, and the things that needed to be fixed.
  • New York Slave revolt of 1712

    New York Slave revolt of 1712
    The revolt happened due to slaves being angered at Christians and white people. The effect of the revolt was the trialing of 40 slaves, 18 of whom were let go, and the rest executed either by hanging, or torture. Due to the revolt, New York placed heavy laws on slaves, which allowed for slave owners to do as they pleased with them. Some owners even made it so that slaves could not be in contact with each other.
  • The Pennsylvania Gazette

    The Pennsylvania Gazette
    The Pennsylvania Gazette was sold to Benjamin Franklin, and a colleague of his, Hugh Meredith. The previous owner of the paper was Samuel Keimer, who was also the founder of the Gazette. The newspaper was the second one to be opened in Pennsylvania, and was one of the most popular newspapers in America. Franklin used the newspapers as a way to get his views on politics out, and even wrote about experiments that he was working on, or his experimental findings.
  • New Albany Plan

    New Albany Plan
    The New Albany plan was created by Benjamin Franklin, who hoped to unify the colonies. The plan consisted of creating a uniform government that was in use in all colonies. Even though the plan failed, it foreshadowed the idea that an independent nation was underway. The plan also encouraged colonies to befriend the natives. The hopes of this was that they would be allies if in war with Britain.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation was one created By the British government that would prevent colonists from moving out beyond the Appalachian mountains. Many colonists were angered by this, and continued to move out towards the Appalachians. The colonies did not like the idea of King George being in charge of land that was across the ocean, and felt that he did not have the right to govern it.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The sugar act placed taxes on sugar, giving money to the British government. Parliament hoped that by putting taxes on foreign goods, they would get more money to pay off debt they had acquired during the Seven Years war. Many colonists were angered with this because they felt that they should not have been taxed because of their help in the war. Instead of paying the taxes, many colonists smuggled in sugar from other places even though it was more expensive than just paying the taxes.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The massacre occurred due to the colonists being angered by the taxation on goods, and the many British soldiers that were in the colonies enforcing the taxes. Some colonists would vandalize British stores to show that they were upset with the store owners who were supporting the British economy. A fight broke out between Private White Hugh and some colonists. White called in for reinforcements, and eventually firing broke out. The event caused colonists to be more infuriated with the British.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea party was an act of rebellion that the Colonists in Boston Massachusetts displayed, by dumping British tea into the harbor. The event was led by the led by the Sons of Liberty, who dressed as a native tribe in hopes of disguising themselves. The tea party was an effect from the tariffs placed on the teas, the taxes, and the anger from the Boston Massacre. The group ended up dumping around 340 boxes of tea into the harbor.
  • The Coercive Acts

    The Coercive Acts
    The Coercive Acts, also known as the intolerable acts, were a set of acts that were put in place as a punishment for the Boston Tea party. Four act were put into place. The Boston port act, the Massachusetts Government act, the administration of justice act, and the Quartering act. The acts closed off the Boston Harbor, and allowed for British soldiers to be housed in any house they pleased. The acts caused deep hatred towards Parliament, and helped set off the Revolutionary War.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Lexington and Concord was the first battle in the Revolutionary war. The battle started when British troops were going to march to Concord to get into an Armory. Joseph Warren a member of the Sons of Liberty heard word and sent Paul Revere and William Dawes to warn others. The British arrived in Lexington, and fought off the Colonists who were greatly outnumbered. Once they defeated the Lexington colonists, the British moved on to Concord. The British were outnumbered at Lexington, and lost.
  • The Deceleration of Independence

    The Deceleration of Independence
    The Deceleration of Independence was a document written up by Thomas Jefferson and many others. The paper was sent to the King in hopes of stating that the colonies demanded to become an independent country. The deceleration did not work, and only angered King George. The result was more war, and the Revolutionary war did not end until 1783.
  • Battle at Trenton

    Battle at Trenton
    Washington in hopes of raising the spirits of his troops decided to sneak up on the British during Christmas. Washington and is troops crossed the Delaware river and fought Hessian troops. The Colonists won, and moral was boosted. The battle is known for the infamous crossing of the Delaware river, the harsh winter weather, and the fact that it was Christmas. This meant that no one was expecting fighting to break out, but it did.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of confederation were a group of writings designed to create an American government in which all thirteen colonies would abide to. The articles gave power to both the states, and the federal government, as well as stated that the colonies would help one another in an attack. The articles reflected the colonists fears and was not a realistic document in that all thirteen colonies had to approve a law or act before it could be passed. The articles still have influence today.
  • Battle at Yorktown

    Battle at Yorktown
    The Battle at Yorktown was a significant battle in that it was the last major battle in the War. General Charles Cornwallis had retreated to the coast of Yorktown to protect the British Navy. What General Cornwallis was unaware of was that the French had defeated the navy at the Battle of Capes. Cornwallis and his men were surrounded by the American army, and the French Navy. Cornwallis ´ only option is to surrender. This allows for the Americans to win not only the battle, but the war.
  • Shay´s Rebellion

    Shay´s Rebellion
    Shay´s Rebellion is an important part in America´s history in that it showed the cracks in the Government´s foundations. Many farmers were angry that they had debt from the revolutionary war, so they started to rebel under the authority of Daniel Shay. Many Wealthy people in Boston grew afraid and called for the help from the federal army. Since the federal army was so weak, they could not do anything, and the wealthy hired private armies. This showed that a country needs a standing army.
  • Connecticut Compromise

    Connecticut Compromise
    The Connecticut compromise was created in hopes of disputing arguments on voting representation in States. The compromise allowed for the House of Reps. to hold votes based on population, while the Senate gave each state two votes. The compromise also made it so that a law would have to be passed in both houses. Roger Sherman is the one credited for the compromise, which is still in use, and shaping our government today. Because of the compromise´s affect on today´s government, it is important.
  • Federal Judiciary Act

    Federal Judiciary Act
    The federal Judiciary act of 1789 was signed by George Washington in hopes of outlining each branch´s role in the government. It gave the Supreme court more power, in that it allowed for their ruling to be final. The act also allowed for smaller federal courts under the supreme court. The act allowed for five jduges, and one chief Justice. At the time Washington appointed John Jay as chief justice. The act impacts our judiciary branch still today due to the supreme court still having final say.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion occurred due to taxes being put on alcoholic products. The taxes hurt small farmers, but helped big farms. Many Federalists liked the tax, and the fact that it benefited big farms. Many small farms refused to pay the taxes. It wasn´t until Washington led troops down to Pennsylvania, that the farmers paid taxes. Although no shots were fired, the rebellion showed that the federal army did have power over the people.
  • Pinckney´s Treaty

    Pinckney´s Treaty
    Pinckney´s Treaty was a treaty formed between the US and Spain. The treaty allowed for the Americans to have rights to travel freely on the Mississippi river, and use the New Orleans port for business. It was a temporary treaty that would only last for 30 years, so a permanent solution was still needed. The treaty was important because of how the ports impacted travel and production of products. The treaty helped the american economy due to the shipping of products to foreign countries.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    The XYZ Affair was the attempt to repair America´s relationship with France. John Adams sent three diplomats to negotiate a treaty with France. France demanded that America paid a $250,000 bribe before negotiating. This infuriated the diplomats, and America, who wanted war. Adams luckily negotiates with Napoleon, and creates a US Navy, which protects trade routes, the coast, and merchant ships.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    John Adams approved the Alien and Sedition Acts. These acts were unfair because it allowed for Adams to deport any immigrant for any reason. It also allowed for the printing of any material that was critical of the president illegal. The act was unconstitutional, because it went against the freedom of speech right. The Naturalization act was also wrong in that it made immigrants living in the US live there for a longer time period. This was an advantage to Adams due to political views.
  • The Revolution of 1800

    The Revolution of 1800
    The Revolution of 1800 was caused by Thomas Jefferson´s winning of the Presidential election. He won against his opponent Adams. Adams giving up office peacefully was a critical part in world history because it was done without blood shed or corruption. Many saw this as a huge step in a peacefull government because of the two rivals views. Many thought that Adams would refuse to give up power. Jefferson´s victory also ended the Federalist era, and changed political ideology forever. T
  • Marbury V. Madison

    Marbury V. Madison
    On Adam´s last day in office, he fills up the Judicial branch with Federalists, in hopes of giving the federalists some power in the government. John Marbury decides to sue James Madison when he discovers that he was one of the judges Adams was going to put in the Judicial branch. The court sides with Madison, deeming that Adams plan was unconstitutional. The Supreme court also claimed to the right of Judicial review before an act can be passed, to make sure the act is constitutional.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was one of the most significant points in history due to the increase in US land size, at a cheap cost. The purchase doubled the size of the US, and was sold for four cents an acre. The land also gave access to the New Orleans port, and Mississippi river. Jefferson who at the time was President, sent Lewis and Clark later to research and gain information about the land. The Louisiana purchase helped create more opportunity, and allowed for expansion.
  • Embargo of 1807

    Embargo of 1807
    The Embargo of 1807 was an act that Jefferson put into place when Britain and France were at war. The embargo banned all foreign trading with the Americans. Jefferson wanted to stay neutral with both France and Britain because the US finally had good relations with both countries. The embargo had both negative and positive effects. The negative side of the embargo was that it destroyed the economy. The positive was that it forced manufacturing to take place, industrializing the US.
  • The battle of Thames

    The battle of Thames
    The battle of Thames was a battle that occurred during the War of 1812. The battle holds significance because the Americans defeated both the British and Native forces. The British fled, and the natives fought until their leader Tecumseh died. This angered the natives and resulted in tension in the Ohio river valley. The American army was led under General William H. Harrison.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. The treaty enabled peace between Britain and the US, later helping them become long lasting alliances. The treaty returned all conquered lands back to the original owners. The end of the war, also showed that the US was a strong country who proved that they were not a nation to be messed with. America earned a new respect, and was now looked at as an independent, strong nation.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The election of 1824 was an important election in that it pointed out some flaws in the constitution like the fact that a presidential canidate had to win a majority of the votes. This did not happen in the 1824 election, so it goes to the House of Representatives to decide who would become President. At the time Henry Clay was the leader of the House, but was also running for Presidency. In order for it to be fair, he drops out of the running. Still, there becomes news of a ¨corrupt bargain.¨
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    The Tariff of Abominations was a tariff that that the north and south debated heavily over. The north thought that the tariff was a good idea in that it would increase industrialization in the US. The south was against it because they thought that the tariff would hurt their economy, because cotton would be more expensive, and other countries like Britain would not want to buy from them. All in all the tariff is passed, and tension arises between the north and south.
  • McCormick Reaper

    McCormick Reaper
    The invention of the McCormick reaper changed agricultural ways in the West. The reaper made farming much easier, because of the sod that it cut. Due to the invention, living in the west was much easier and more people started to move out there. The sod that the McCormick reaper cut was used to build sod houses, that would last a long time as long as they were taken care of. The invention of the reaper transforms the plains, creating more opportunity, but also later problems with natives.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The trail of Tears is a dark part of the US history. The trail of tears was the result of the 1830 Indian Removal Act. The act allowed the government to move the natives west, even though the Natives were their own nation. The trail of tears was a series of trails that joined together in the west. Many natives died of harsh conditions, malnutrition, or disease. The natives were moved by force from the military, and were given little to no time to prepare for the journey.
  • Worcester Vs. Georgia

    Worcester Vs. Georgia
    This case was famous due to the arguments held on both sides. Worchester argued that the US had signed treaties with the natives, recognizing them as an independent nation, therefore giving them rights to the land. Worchester claimed that the US was taking away land that was never theirs to begin with. The court ruled in Worchester´s favor, but it was never enforced. Andrew Jackson defies the court´s decision, and continues to remove natives. The case showed how broken the government could be.
  • Battle at the Alamo

    Battle at the Alamo
    The Battle at the Alamo is a widely known battle due to the commitment the Republic of Texas showed during the battle. The troops all promised one another that they would not give up fighting until either the other side lost, or they all died. Every single fighter from Texas was killed, none refused to break their promise, or give up. The Alamo stands today as a symbol of freedom, and the fight for a country´s independence. The Alamo will always be remembered for the lives sacrificed for freedom
  • The Annexation of Texas

    The Annexation of Texas
    When the US heard about the war between Mexico and Texas, many Americans thought that they should send help to Texas because the people in Texas were past Americans. President James Polk only agrees to help Texas if they become apart of the US again. Texas faces a tough decision due to them wanting to become an independent nation, but eventually comes back to the US and becomes the 28th state in America. The Annexation of Texas brought disputes about borders between Mexico and the US.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay created the Compromise of 1850 in hopes of mitigating political disputes. The compromise allowed for California to become a free state, and abolished slavery in Washington, DC. These were the advantages for the North. The South got strict fugitive slave laws, meaning that if a slave escaped the north was required to return them. Clay also made it so that any territory applying for Statehood would have to be governed by popular sovereignty on the matter of becoming a slave state.
  • Dred Scott V. Sandford

    Dred Scott V. Sandford
    The Dred Scott case is most known for the decision the court made. Dred Scott was a slave who sued for his freedom from his owner. His argument was that because his owner moved to a free state with him, he was a freed slave. The court ruled against this and said Scott was still a slave. Many in the North became angry with the ruling because it basically allowed for slavery to be in the north, even though the Northern states were free states. The Supreme Court´s decision showed that it was broken
  • The Election of 1860

    The Election of 1860
    The election of 1860 was between Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas. Lincoln wins the election due to the split in the Democratic party. The win causes chaos among the country, due to the belief that Lincoln was going to end Slavery. Although Lincoln had no intention of ending slavery, the South secedes, and America is split into two. Lincoln´s real priority was to unify the south and north, but his winning the election created an even bigger divide.
  • The Anaconda Plan

    The Anaconda Plan
    The Anaconda Plan, also called Scott´s Great Snake was a military tactic created by Union General Winfeild Scott. The plan was to slowly surround south waters, closing off ports and water routes so that the south would not have access to foreign exchange. Another part of the plan was to split off 3 states from the south, that way the south was less powerful. The plan did help, and was successful in that some states were eventually cut off, just not the right ones.
  • The Homestead Act

    The Homestead Act
    The Homestead act was created in hopes of getting rid of the natives by taking out their culture. The act gave 160 acres to any native who became apart of the US. The problem with the act though was that Natives stayed in groups/tribes and shared the land with each other. Breaking the land up into pieces actually hurt the natives more than it helped them. The natives lost the land to the government when they refused to split, and were moved onto reservations.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a Document created by Lincoln that had the job of abolishing slavery only in the South. Lincoln made it so that slavery was legal in the North, but illegal in the south. The main purpose of this was to get the southern states to rejoin the union, by showing them that they could get slavery back if they joined the Union. Border states also were allowed slavery because if Lincoln angered them, the power could shift to the south. The proclamation fails.
  • Gettysburg

    The Battle at Gettysburg was the last major battle in the Civil war. The battle was known to be the bloodiest battle, with around 50,000 casualties. The confederate leader was Robert E. Lee, and the Union Leader was George M. Meade. The Union won the battle, and won the war overall. The South´s loss cost them slavery, and a chance to become an independent nation. At the Battle, Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address.
  • The 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment was written in order to make slaves free people. The amendment also prevents slavery from happening in the future, and prevents it in any place the US is in control of. The amendment was written at the end of the civil war, securing the Union´s victory. The amendment also says that man can not be forced to work, unless the is paying of his criminal charges. The amendment signified the end of slavery, but not segregation. Equality was still not on anyone´s minds.
  • The Burlingame Treaty

    The Burlingame Treaty
    The Burlingame Treaty was a treaty formed between the US and China. Its purpose allowed American missionaries to travel to China, and in return, Chinese laborers could immigrate and work for the US. The treaty basically allowed for free movement of citizens in both countries. The treaty helped strengthen America´s and China´s relationship. It was the first treaty like this since the Opium wars, to be signed.
  • The Battle of Little Big Horn

    The Battle of Little Big Horn
    The Battle of Little Big Horn was Between George Armstrong Custer and his troops vs. the Cheyennes, Sioux, and Arapaho tribes. The fight broke out when the natives refused to leave their land, and be taken to a reservation. The battle lasted one day, and was by the Little Bighorn river in Montana. The US actually lost this battle, but the natives never got to keep their land. Eventually they lost it to the government, and were forced onto reservations.
  • The Oriental Telephone Company

    The Oriental Telephone Company
    The oriental telephone company was a company held together by an agreement made between Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and the Oriental telephone company. With the invention of the phone, people were better able to stay connected with each other. Companies like The Oriental helped industrialize America, as well as expand it into the west. The company was significant in that it had agreements with countries all over the world, meaning eventually the world would be connected socially.
  • Yellowstone National Park

    Yellowstone National Park
    Yellowstone National Park was the first park to be established in the US after the Act of Dedication was passed in congress, and land was set aside for the park. The government decided to reserve the land due to all of the industrialization happening in the country. Many people vacationed at the park´s hotel, and would look at the park´s beautiful sights. The park also helped preserve plants, and animals without the fear of them being hunted.
  • U.S. v. E.C. Knight

    U.S. v. E.C. Knight
    U.S. v. E.C. Knight was a supreme court case that ruled against the Sherman Antitrust Act. The case ruled against the government in an eight to one vote. It was decided that the government had no right to get involved with a business's manufacturing, but still could be involved in it's commerce. This made it very clear as to what the government could and could not get involved with when it came to business', allowing for the rise in monopolies during the early 1900s.
  • The Sinking of the U.S.S Maine

    The Sinking of the U.S.S Maine
    The Sinking of the U.S.S Maine was one of the causes of the Spanish-American war. The US wanted Cuba to become independent due to the American investments in sugar companies in Cuba. When the U.S.S Maine blew up, the US thought that Spain had done it as an act of war. Decades later it was found that the ship had blown up due to a boiler that had malfunctioned. The ship holds significance in that it was one of the main reasons for the start of the war, and shows that "perception trumps reality."
  • Gold Standard Act

    Gold Standard Act
    The Gold Standard Act was an act that used the weight of gold to set the price of the U.S. dollar. William McKinley signed the act, hoping that it would prevent inflation. The act had disadvantages, in that it set a strict price, making it difficult for making it difficult for the government to regulate the economy. The standard could also be taken advantage of by other countries, so the U.S. switched in 1971 to fiat money, allowing the government greater control.
  • William McKinley's Assassination

    William McKinley's Assassination
    William McKinley's assassination was significant because not only was he the third President to be killed, his death was one of the reasons why the secret service was tasked with protecting the president at all time. McKinley's assassination also lead to his vice president Theodore Roosevelt to becoming president. This was important as Roosevelt passed the Pure Food and Drug act, and created many national parks. Both of these are still in use today, and have significant impact on our society.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The Pure Food and Drug Act was significant in that it created what we now know, as the FDA. The law gives the government the power to ban drugs, food, and chemicals that are harmful to humans. The act is still in use today, and has impacted the way society thinks when it comes to foods, and medicine. The FDA has lots of credibility, and if something is not FDA approved, then many people will not buy that product. The act was created due to the horrendous conditions of a meat packing plant.

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was created to help in the fight for equal rights. The NAACP is still in business today, and helps many. The organization was created by W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells, and many others. In the 1900s, it main focus was the Nicaragua Movement, but over time switched its focus to ending segregation. The NAACP is the largest and oldest civil rights organization.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was not only a tragedy, but a wake up call that showed the horrors workers in factories had to endure. 146 workers died, many were young women who were immigrants. The deaths could have been preventable, but due to the poorly made building, many died. The damage the fire caused, lead to many safety laws and regulations being passed. Sprinklers, and fire walls became necessary. Overtime wage, work hours, and the right to organize were all a result of the fire.
  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    The Election of 1912 was between three main candidates. William Howard Taft (Republican), Woodrow Wilson (Democratic), and Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive). The winner was Woodrow Wilson who gained 435/531 electoral votes, and 42% of the popular vote. This was due to the divide in the Republican party. The election of 1912 was significant because Roosevelt a third party candidate, got the second highest of votes, something that almost never happens. Wilson also won in a republican era.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    The sixteenth amendment allows congress to tax all citizens who earn income, and to tax business'. The amendment was created due to court cases like Pollock v. Farmers' Loan Insurance Co, a supreme court case from 1895. The decision from this case helped ratify the sixteenth amendment. The amendment is significant due to the fact that the money collected goes towards the US military, roads, schools, and public needs. The amendment is still in use today.
  • Federal Trade Commission

    Federal Trade Commission
    The Federal Trade Commission was created to overlook business'' to make sure that all commerce methods were fair. The Federal Trade Commission is still in use today, and helps make sure that business'' aren't fake, or unfair to the customer/consumer. Woodrow Wilson was the one who signed the Federal Commission Act, to increase business' competition, but to also protect the buyer. The FTC also looks at how government policies might be effefcting the economy.
  • The U.S declares war on Germany

    The U.S declares war on Germany
    The U.S. declared war on Germany for two main reasons, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the interception of the Zimmerman Telegram. The sinking of the Lusitania was significant because there were 128 Americans on board who died. The Zimmerman Telegram was the main cause for the U.S' entrance in the world due to Germany promising Mexico Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona if they created an Alliance with Germany. This was in hopes that the US would be to distracted by Mexico to deal with another war.
  • Wilson's Fourteen Points

    Wilson's Fourteen Points
    Woodrow Wilson's fourteen Points was a plan that was designed to help end the war. The plan did not blame any country for the war, and ensured global peace. Wilson wanted to have open diplomacy, freedom of the seas, and freedom of the seas. He also thought that borders should be restored, and for a league of Nations to be created. In the end, his plan failed due to Germany not getting any punishment, which made countries like Britain, and France upset. The treaty of Versailles was a result.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The Nineteenth Amendment allowed Women the right to vote in elections. The impact of the amendment was huge in that it gave women a say in politics, and a voice for civil rights. The Amendment is still in use today, and has overtime helped women get more of a voice in today's world. After the amendment was passed, their was a rise in women working. Some significant people who helped get amendment were Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Ida B. Wells, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    The immigration act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants coming into the US to 2%. The percentage was also based off of the 1890 census, meaning that the 2% was not really 2% of the population. The act was created due to the Red Scare/ the spread of communism, and post war isolationism. The act not only reflected American's hate for communism, but also their racism towards other ethnicities. The act was re-evaluated in 1952, but still has some effects on today's world.
  • Wall Street Market Crash

    Wall Street Market Crash
    The Wall Street Market Crash was one of the main reasons the economy crashed in the late 1920's. Also known as, "Black Tuesday," many investors lost all of their money, and became broke. The crash was so bad that some even committed suicide, because they were never going to recover financially. The crash lead to many in debt, and homeless, as well as jobs being loosed due to no one buying any goods, because they had no money. Around $15 billion was lost in the crash.
  • The First Hundred Days

    The First Hundred Days
    The First One-Hundred Days was reference to the first one-hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidency. During these first months in office, Roosevelt came up with the New Deal. A plan that would last for years, and create many organizations to help the American people. The plan consisted of three main topics, Relief, Recovery, and Reform. The whole idea of the New Plan was to get the economy back on track. Roosevelt's first months in office also showed how good of a president he was.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

    Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
    The AAA was a program put in place by Roosevelt due to the overproduction of crops. Because crops were being overproduced, the value of them would go down. Roosevelt had the idea that if farmers stopped growing as much food, then prices would go back up. Farmers would get paid for restricting the growth of their crops. The act was controversial due to it effecting poor farmers, and cutting food supply, when many were not getting enough food as it was. The AAA still exists today.
  • The Social Security Act

    The Social Security Act
    The Social Security act is an act that is still in place today. The act was created to help ensure economic security to Americans in old age. By putting a percentage of money into the act every so often, when Americans turn a certain age, they will start to get checks. This although not enough to live on alone, helps seniors to be able to retire, an idea that was not very common in the early 1900s. The act also allowed for insurance to be given to those who were unemployed.
  • Hindenburg Explosion

    Hindenburg Explosion
    Although the Hindenburg was created in Friedrichshafen, Germany, it crashed in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The aircraft was coming to the US to be inaugurated for it's flight season. The Hindenburg had come to the US ten times. The explosion was broadcast on American news, and ended passenger transportation on airships not only in America but around the world. Lakehurst has become a memorial to the Hindenburg, and gets tourists every year. The explosion has given Lakehurst character, and a fun fact.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a major event that lead to America's involvement in World War II. Japan flew in 81 fighter planes, 135 dive bombers, 40 torpedo's, 5 midsized submarines, and 104 horizontal bombers. The attack had five phases, and was a result of the US demanding that Japan withdraw from China and Indochina. The outcome of the attack was that Japan began their quest for a pacific empire, and because the US declared war, Germany and Italy declare war on the US. This lead to an all out war (WWII).
  • D-day

    D-day, also known as "operation overlord" was a military plan that was created to open another war front. The invasion was the largest seaborne invasion in all of human history. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin were allies that created the plan. The plan was cancelled three times, but was finally put into place. The plan had no evacuation, rescue, or escape plan, meaning that the soldiers would literally have to fight for their lives. 7 days later, 80 miles was taken.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta conference was a meeting held between Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin. The conference divided Germany into four zones, as well as the Capital of Berlin into four. It also discussed the Soviet's role in war against Japan, as well as Poland's border was moved as a compromise between Stalin, Churchill, and FDR. The conference ultimately failed due to the tensions that rose in Germany, and the tensions between the US and the Soviet Union (lead to cold war).
  • The Atomic Bomb dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The Atomic Bomb dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The Manhattan Project was a secretive project that involved around 600,000 people. When Harry S. Truman was vice President, he was not aware of the project due to the high levels of classification. Truman, when President, was the one who ordered the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. The amount of deaths due to the bomb is unknown. The bomb dropping is significant because it lead the the idea of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), and lead to fears of nuclear war in the future.
  • Truman Doctorine

    Truman Doctorine
    The Truman Doctrine was created to help Greece and Turkey fight against communism and to prevent the spread of communism in other areas of the world.. The doctrine allowed Truman access to $400 million dollars, and to help aid a democratic nation under communist threat. The doctrine was significant in that the US would become the country looked upon in times of need. The Doctrine also showed how divided the world was on communistic views. The doctrine also changed the involvement of the US.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan was signed off on by Harry S. Truman, and allowed for the U.S. government to pay for the reconstruction of Europe due to the effects of World War II. The plan was put into place due to the rising fear of communism spreading in Europe. By giving money for the rebuilding of some of Europe, the United States helped ensure that many European areas would not become places of communism. A total of $13.6 billion was spent, but in the end was a huge success, as Western Europe was free.
  • Shelley v. Kraemer

    Shelley v. Kraemer
    The Shelley v. Kraemer case was a supreme court case occurred due to the restrictions (covenants) put in place saying that only Caucasians could live in certain areas and neighborhoods. The Supreme court made the decision that the covenants were a violation of the equal protection Clause (14th Amendment) due to the covenants being created on just race. This ruling was major in that it opened more civil rights up for African Americans, and showed that some Americans were willing to change.
  • Operation Vittles

    Operation Vittles
    Operation Vittles was put into place when Stalin would not allow Americans into the Western part of Berlin, meaning that the US could not support the people with goods, which could have lead to communism. The result was that aircrafts would fly goods out and drop them in Western Germany. The operation lasted for around a year, with about 761 flights each day. Truman threatened that if even one plan went down, Russia would be responsible. After a year, Russia took down their blockade. US victory.
  • Fair Deal

    Fair Deal
    The Fair Deal was created by Harry S. Truman to help get the American economy back on track postwar. The deal created minimum wage, encouraged health insurance, and sought to make sure that all Americans had equal rights. The deal impacted wages, and social security, and was in some ways similar to the new deal in that it kept/ reformed some of the ideas of the new deal. The lasting impact of the Fair deal was that it gave way to civil rights reforms, and raised taxes.
  • Army-McCarthy Hearings

    Army-McCarthy Hearings
    The McCarthy hearings were a series of trials in which Joseph McCarthy accused the army of bring communistic. The Army in return Accused McCarthy of trying to use influence and pressure to get his friend, David Schine special treatment during his time in the army. The hearings gained attention through broadcastings, and ended the McCarthyism era. Due to Joseph McCarthy's lack of evidence, and his accusing of the army, many people lost support for him. These hearings ended the fear of communism.
  • Domino Theory Speech

    Domino Theory Speech
    The Domino Theory Speech was given by Dwight D. Eisenhower, and addressed the fears that if one country had fallen to communism, the countries next door would also eventually fall to communism. Because of the speech, the US entered the Vietnam war on South Vietnam's side, hoping to end communism in the North. The speech also influenced the Policy of Containment, a policy in which the US would do everything in their power to stop the spread of communism to other countries. America hated communism
  • National Interstate and Defense Highway Act

    National Interstate and Defense Highway Act
    The National Interstate and Defense Highway Act was the biggest publics work project the US had ever taken on. The interstates built served two main purposes. To make evacuation easier if needed, and to be available for military planes to land almost any where needed too. The act was created as a result of Cold War fears, but ended up being more useful than imagined. Now anyone can access any part of the country, at a faster speed than what was possible in the early 1900s.
  • The end of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The end of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The ending of the Montgomery bus boycott was significant because it not only showed how determined African Americans were to change policies, but the boycott was a success. The boycott lasted 381 days, and ended when the Supreme court decided that the segregation on the bus violated the 14th Amendment. The boycott also helped in starting the Civil Rights movement, and was a major success in breaking segregation in public transportation. It laid out the foundation for more peaceful protests.
  • Kitchen Debate

    Kitchen Debate
    The Kitchen debate was a debate that occurred between Richard Nixon, and Nikita Khrushchev. During an American National Exhibit in Moscow, Nixon and Khrushchev got into an argument over the economics and government system of both countries. The argument remained peaceful, due to the debate being televised. The debate was not planned, or scripted, meaning that both Khrushchev and Nixon were saying what they wanted to. The debate showed both the Soviet Union's and America's view on government.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was significant, in that it was a time when nuclear war almost broke out. During the Cold war, the Soviet Union built missile sites in Cuba. President Kennedy found out when a picture was taken by a US military plane. If the missiles were released, almost all of the US could be destroyed. To stop this from happening, Kennedy and Khrushchev made a deal that the US would take missiles out of Turkey and Cuba, if the Soviet Union took missiles out of Cuba.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was one of the greatest accomplishments in the Civil rights movement. The act banned discrimination in the workplace, in education, and in public accommodations. The act helped to end segregation in some areas, but not all. Voting still was not offered for some African Americans, causing protesting for the signing of the Voting Rights act of 1965. The Civil Rights act was one of the reasons the civil movement ended, because it was exactly what people wanted.
  • Kerner Commission

    Kerner Commission
    The Kerner Commission, also known as the National Advisory Commission on Violence and Civil Disorders was created to investigate racism in Detroit, Newark, and other cities in the US. The report found 150 riots between 1965 and 1968, and said that the main cause of the riots was racism from white Americans. The report advised President Lyndon Johnson that America was separated into two, and that those living in poorer conditions were more likely to start riots, and violence.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was a major victory for the US, because it was the first time a person had walked the Moon. Neil Armstrong was the first ever to walk on the moon, claiming a win for the US in the space race against Russia. Because of the Success of Apollo 11, many more flights to space have been possible. Talk of living in space, and going to mars has also come to life and could be possible because of the impact that the Apollo 11 flight had on society. It also showed how advanced the US was.
  • U.S. invades Cambodia

    U.S. invades Cambodia
    Nixon ordered the US to invade Cambodia because it was believed that North Vietnam had communist headquarters there. The invasion angered many antiwar protesters in the US, many who were college students. The invasion was successful in getting Americans out, but when American troops left Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge took over, and drove inhabitants to the countryside, creating a bloody revolution. The invasion angered many, and has made a lasting impression, due to the US leaving when still needed.
  • The Watergate Scandal

    The Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal is one of the biggest scandals to ever occur in American History. Five men that had connections with Nixon were arrested for breaking and entering the Watergate building. Nixon was not involved with the break in, but did help to try and cover it up. Tape recordings from Nixon's office were never handed over, but edited transcripts were. Nixon was going to be impeached for three different accounts, and so to leave on his own terms, Nixon resigned. The scandal showed corrupt.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    The Roe v. Wade court ruling was a major turning point in the fight for abortion. The Supreme court overturned the case, meaning that their decision changed previous court rulings. The court decided that the constitution of the United States allowed women the right to an abortion in most cases. The decision sparked many protests and many questions about the ethicalness of abortion. Just recently Roe v. Wade has been overturned, showing that it has impacted society for decades.
  • America pulls out of Vietnam War

    America pulls out of Vietnam War
    President Nixon started pulling troops out of Vietnam due to several factors. The US didn't want to continue fighting as it was unlikely that they would win anyway. The war was costly, and was hard on US troops due to the unknown territory. Anti-war protesting was also becoming a problem, as more and more people wanted troops to come back home. The end of the Vietnam war allowed for troops to come back home, and America to stop protesting. Once US left, Vietnam was taken back over by communism.
  • Camp David Accord

    Camp David Accord
    The Camp David Accords was a peace treaty created by the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and President Jimmy Carter. The purpose of the accords was to create peace between the two countries who had been at disagreements for awhile. The US getting involved showed that we were the Country responsible for the peace between other countries. The accords were diminished soon after though die to complications in Iran. The accords changed the dynamics.
  • AIDS hits America

    AIDS hits America
    AIDS was not really known until 1981 when five homosexual guys were found to have the disease. The significance of Aids coming to America is that with it came the fear of not knowing what the disease was. Aids has spread more and more and has become a problem. With no cure, precautions and extra safety matters have had to be taken to prevent aids from spreading. Ryan White was an example of the little known medical information of aids in the 1980's, and how aids effected those with it.
  • The Iran-Contra Affair

    The Iran-Contra Affair
    The Iran-Contra Affair was when the US illegally sold weapons to Iran, and then used the money gained from the sale to Contras to support them in their revolution. The American people freaked out, and Reagan was questioned about his knowledge on the situation. Reagan held his stance, and said he knew nothing. People began to worry that it was going to be like Watergate all over again. In the end, Reagan was never found guilty, and won over the people's hearts again. There was no proof on Reagan.
  • The Challenger Explodes

    The Challenger Explodes
    The Challenger explosion shook the nation who watched across the nation on the television. The space craft was in flight for 73 seconds when it exploded due to malfunction. The seven crew remembers aboard all died. The explosion was the first "in-flight" disaster. NASA in response to the explosion changed the design of their shuttles, and changed some safety procedures used. The explosion impacted many children, who sat and watched the explosion, and has been become a never forgotten memory.
  • Chemical Weapons Accord

    Chemical Weapons Accord
    The Chemical Weapons Accord was a treaty signed between President George H. Bush, and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. The accord entailed that both countries would stop the production of and destroy 80% of their nuclear weapons. This was to encourage smaller countries to not posses or hold onto chemical weapons. The significance of the accord was that it created a foundation of safety against chemical and nuclear weapons. In 1993 a Chemical Weapons Convention was held, prohibiting the weapons.
  • The Human Genome Project

    The Human Genome Project
    The Human Genome Project took thirteen years to accomplish, but changed the course of history forever. The project has had a lasting impact on society in that it has allowed scientists to look at a person's DNA sequence and determine what diseases or disorders they may have. With this, scientists have been able to cure many diseases, and may eventually be able to cure genetic disorders, and cancers by stopping the production of certain proteins. Francis Collins was the lead geneticist.
  • North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    The North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was a treaty made to create a free trading area for Canada, Mexico, and North America. The treaty ended up being a failure for the US due to the loss of jobs it came with. Mexican farmers went out of business' and US wages diminished. The pros of the agreement was that it boosted all three countries economies, and lowered prices on some food products, and oil. In the end NAFTA was replaced by USMCA, an agreement that is mutually beneficial.
  • Columbine School Shooting

    Columbine School Shooting
    The Columbine School Shooting was the first school shooting to ever occur in the US. Fifteen students and faculty members died. The significance of the shooting was that it was the end of a peaceful educational era. It marked the beginning of school violence, and a fear of public school shooting everywhere. The shooting made school boards rethink safety procedures that were being used, and eventually came up with different methods of protecting students. Today, students are still effected.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a day that will always have a significant impact on the U.S. Both Twin Towers were crashed into by two hijacked planes, not only killing the passengers, but also those trapped in the towers. The attack was carried out by a group of 19 men who were apart of a group led by Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. The Pentagon was also hit, but the fourth plan, headed for the White House was taken back over by passengers, and crashed in Pennsylvania. The event impacted the hearts of all Americans.