American History 8th grade

  • Roanoke is founded

  • Virginia Dare is Born

  • Virginia is Founded

  • Massachusetts is Founded

  • Maryland is founded

  • Rhode Island is founded

  • Connecticut is founded

  • Navigation Acts

  • New York is founded

  • New Jersey is founded

  • North and South Carolina Founded

  • Period: to

    King Phillip's War

    Part of Wars with NAs for Land and Resources
  • New Hampshire is founded

  • Pennsylvania is founded

  • Period: to

    King William's War

    Part of Wars with NAs for Land and Resources
  • Period: to

    Queen Anne's War

    Part of Wars with NAs for Land and Resources
  • Delaware is founded

  • Georgia is founded

  • Period: to

    King George's War

    Part of Wars with NAs for Land and Resources
  • Slavery Becomes Legal

  • GW Builds Fort Necessity

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • BR James Abercrombie tries to take Ft Carillon

    is defeated by Montcalm
  • BR Edward Braddock tries to take Fort Duquesne

    BR Edward Braddock loses & dies
  • BR capture FR forts, Fort Duquesne --> Ft. Pitt

    BR capture French forts
  • BR Wolfe captures Quebec from Montcalm

    Wolfe vs. Montcalm. BR Wolfe enters the "impenetrable" Quebec vy following a hidden path.
  • BR take Carillon & rename it Ticonderoga

    BR take over Ft. Carillon and rename it Ft. ticonderoga
  • BR win Battle of Montreal

    BR victory
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    Ended the 7 Years' War. France loses everything except NO (but gives it to Spain). Spain loses Florida.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

  • Proclamation of 1763

    King George closed of the Frontier to settlement soon after the end of the French and Indian War.
  • Stamp Act passed

  • Quartering Acts

  • Parliament repeals the Stamp Act and Passes the Declatory Acts

  • Townshend Acts passed

  • Boston Massacre

  • Tea Act passed

    Gave the East India Tea Company a monopoly
  • Boston Tea Party

  • Intolerable/Coercive Acts passed

  • 1st Continental Congress

  • Ride of Dawes, Prescott, Revere

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

  • 2nd Continental Congress

  • Declaration of Independance

    A ststement to the word mostly written by Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams go to France for help soon after.
  • Wahington crosses the Delaware to reach Hessians

  • Benedict Arnold wins Ft. Stanwix

    Benedict Arnold sends NAs to be captured and make St. Leger think that his army is much larger, St. Leger flees
  • Burgoyne Captures Ticonderoga, 1st AM win

    1st AM victory, taken by John Burgoyne
  • BR Howe captures Phileadelphia, Congress moves

    BR William Howe captures Phileadelphia, which was then the Colonies' capital. Congress moves to New York.
  • Period: to

    Articles of Confederation

  • George Rogers Clark takes OH river valley

  • BR take Savannah & overpowers Howe

    BR overpower Howe & he retreats to SC
  • John Paul Jones defeats the BR ship Serapis

    John Paul Jones fights the BR Warship Serapis. The Bonhomme Richard sinks, but Patriots win
  • BR take Charleston

  • Swamp Fox (Marion) does well at Camden, but BR win

  • Cornwallis angers the King's Mtn. Militia, bloodiest battle!

  • Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown*

    *FR cut him off from the sea and GW comes in from the north
  • The Treaty of Paris 1783 ends the Revolution

  • Shay's Rebellion Begins

  • Treaty of Fort Stanwix*

    *US gains West PA, North VA, OH, and Northeast Kentucky from the Iroquois
  • 3/5 compromise

  • Constitution Passed (written mostly by Madison)

  • GW becomes President

  • Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin

  • Whiskey Rebellion

  • Battle of Fallen Timbers (Mad Anthony Wayne)

  • Jay's Treaty*

    *US gains the OH valley and trade in the West Indies from Britian
  • Treaty of Greenville*

    *Shawnee, Chippewa, Ottawa give us the Ohio territory
  • Pinckney's Treaty*

    *US gains the Mississippi RIver and the ability to store goods in New Orleans from Spain
  • John Adams becomes President

  • XYZ Affair begins

  • Alien and Sedition Acts Passed

  • Thomas Jefferson wins the Election of 1800

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Marbury v. Madison (Judicial review); Marshall Court

  • Sacagawea helps Lewis and Clark

  • Cumberland Road is Authorized

  • Embargo Act

  • James Madison becomes President

  • Madison becomes President

  • Father Miguel Hidalgo's Grito de Dolores

  • Impressment becomes an Issue

  • Battle of Tippecanoe*

    *William Henry Harrison defeats Tecumseh (Shawnee cheif that vowed to stop the invasion of NA territory.)
  • Burning of D.C. after BR defeats Napoleon

  • AM invade the BR capital & burn stuff: Battle of York

  • Battle of Lake Erie*

    Oliver Hazzard Perry barely wins after the Lawrence sinks Banner: Don't give up the ship
  • W. H. Harrison wins the Battle of Thames in Canada

  • BR bombard Fort McHenry (Armistead)*

    Francis Scott Key writes The Star-Spangled Banner
  • Clay & Calhoun's American System

  • Monroe becomes President

  • Adams-Onis Treaty

  • McCulloch v. Maryland (loose interpretation/judicial review)

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Use of Erie Canal begins (NYC --> Buffalo)

  • Steve Austin arrives in Texas

  • Mexico Splits with Spain (Iturbide is Emperor)

  • Monroe Doctrine (colonization= act of war)

  • Election of 1824 (John Quincy Adams Chosen by House)

  • Andrew Jackson becomes President

  • Slavery ends in Mexico, but not Texas

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Santa Anna is a cruel dictator

  • "Come and take it" (Open Texan Rebellion)

  • The Alamo

  • The Goliad

  • Great Migration West Begins

  • Trail of Tears

  • Texas is Annexed to the US

  • '49ers go West for Gold

  • Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • Supreme Court upholds slavery in the Dred Scott case

  • Lee thwarts John Brown's attack at Harper's Ferry

  • South Carolina Seceeds (directly after Lincoln is elected)

  • Mississippi seceeds

  • Florida seceeds

  • Georgia seceeds

  • Louisiana seceeds

  • Texas seceeds

  • Abraham Lincoln becomes President

  • Battle of Ft. Sumpter & Start of WAR (CV)

  • Virginia seceeds

  • Arkansas seceeds

  • North Carolina seceeds

  • Tennessee seceeds

  • 1st Battle of Bull Run (CV) -Stonewall Jackson reinforces-

  • Shenandoah Valley/ Seven Days' Campaign (CV)

  • Shiloh (CV- Grant loses)

  • 2nd Battle of Bull Run (CV- Pope is fired)

  • Antietam (PV??-BLOODIEST)*

    Egland and France decide not to support the South. U.S. Grant is nicknamed "The Butcher."
  • Emancipation Proclamation makes slavery main issue

  • Chancellorsville (CV- Stonewall Jackson is killed)

  • Siege of Vicksburg (PV- Anaconda plan!)

  • Gettysburg (PV w/ address)*

    Lee goes to PA!
  • Chickamauga (CV- victory on W front)

  • Chattanooga (PV)*

    *Grant becomes commander-in-chief & sends Sherman after Johnston while he goes for Lee himself
  • Wilderness (CV- Grant is ANGRY)

  • Spotsylvania (South retreats)

  • Cold Harbor (CV)

  • Sherman's March (PV, Savannah and Atlanta fall)*

    *Messes up Southern morale
  • Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth

  • Fall of Petersburg, Lee surrenders @ Appomatox

  • Purchase of Alaska from Russia

  • Period: to

    Jim Crow Laws

  • Plan is formed to overthrow Lilioukalani

  • Hawaii becomes part of the US with Dole as President

  • Plessy v. Ferguson = separate but equal

  • Brown v. Board of Education = NO separate but equal

  • Period: to

    US involvement in the Vietnam War

    Longest war fought by the US. Costed 141 billion dollars. (Unnecessary bombing!) Eventually causes protests.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    US planes photograph missles on Cuba pointed at us, causing lots of tension as we wait for the USSR ships to meet our blockade. They eventually turn around.
  • MLK is shot by James Earl Ray

  • North and South Vietnam are reunited

    Yay! (not really)