American History

  • Common Sense

    A pamplet by Thomas Pain that incouraged coloniest to revolt against Britian
  • First American Flag

    Betty Ross created the first american flag
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Decluration of Independence was sighned and anounced freedom from Britian href='http://' >Declaration of Independence </a>The Declaration of Independence was sighned announcing seperration from Britain
  • End of the American Revolution

    End of the American Revolution
    US won idependence from Britian
  • Sighning of the US Constitution

    Sighning of the US Constitution
    The US constitution established the laws in the US
  • George Washington is elected president

    George Washington is elected president
    George washington is elected as the 1st president of the United States
  • Louisana Purchase

    Louisana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson bought this land for $15 million from Nepolean
  • The start of Lewis and Clark expedition

    The start of Lewis and Clark expedition
    Thomas jefferson sent them to explore the west
  • Start of the war of 1812

    Start of the war of 1812
    Britian invaded the US and burned down the white house.
  • The indian removal act

    The indian removal act
    Native americans were forced from there homes and moved west
  • Pony Express was invented

    Pony Express was invented
    Was a faster way of delivering mail
  • The Start of the Civil War

    The Start of the Civil War
    The civil war was fought over slavery and land arguements