American History

  • Oct 12, 1492

    FInding America

    Christopher Columbus landed in Guanahani.
  • Jamestown

    First permanent English settlement, known as Jamestown, Virginia
  • Slavery in Virginia

    Slavery was introduced to the colony of Virginia
  • Mayflower

    Mayflower ship lands in Cape Cod, Massachusetts with 101 colonists.
  • Slavery Law

    Rhode Island enacts the first law which is slavery being illegal.
  • Detroit Established

    The French establish a settlement at Detroit.
  • Louisiana Slaves

    First group of black slaves brought to Louisiana territory
  • Pennsylvania Gazette

    Ben Franklin began publishing the pennsylvania gazette, it becomes the most popular colonial newspaper
  • Baltimore Founded

    Baltimore is founded in the Maryland colony
  • 3 Violent Uprisings

    Uprisings by black slaves occur in South Carolina
  • Iron Act Passed

    Iron act is passed in English Parliament, limiting growth of iron industry in America to protect English Iron Industry.
  • Currency Act

    The currency act prohibits the colonists from issuing any legal tender paper money.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act passed by English Parliament imposing the first direct tax on the American colonies. American colonists quickly unite in opposition by those who are most affected, which is scheduled to go in effect on November 1st.
  • Boston Massacre

    Mob Harasses British soldiers who then fire muskets into crowd, killing 3, mortally wounding 2 and injuring 6.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonial activists disguise themselves as Mohawk Indians and board the ship and dump all 342 containers of tea into the harbor.
  • American Revolution

    Beginning of American Revolution
  • Washingtons Farewell

    George Washington delivers farewell address, troops are discharged.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris is ratified by Congress, Revolutionary war officially ends.
  • Post-War Economic depression

    Americans suffer from depression including a shortage of currency, nagging creditors, farm foreclosures and bankrupticies.
  • Constitution

    Delegates vote to approve and sign the new Constitution
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana without asking for others opinions.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark began an expedition led by Sacajawea to survey the land being purchased.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was reelected president, he recieved votes from all state electors except Conneticut, Delaware, and two from Maryland. George Clointon was vice president.
  • War of !812

    U.S. war with Britain began
  • British act

    The british burned down the Capitol building in Washington to get back at the U.S./ provoke.
  • Napoleon defeated

    Napoleon finally defeated at Waterloo
  • Black Voting Rights

    New York gives free Blacks the right to vote.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson was elected president.
  • Georgia Slaves

    Georgia prohibits the Education of Slaves.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground railroad was a secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before Civil War.
  • Virginia Revolt effects Alabama

    Alabama makes it illegal for blacks to preach because Nat Turner, a Baptist slave preacher leads a revolt in Virginia killing at least 57 whites.
  • Texas Independence

    Texas declares independence from Mexico.
  • Migration

    There was a large migration westward before the war.
  • Mexican American War Begins

    America goes to war with Mexico over land.
  • Mexican War Ends

    Mexican WAr ends with treaty of guadalupe hidalgo. In exchange for 15 million dollars and settling of 3.25 million dollars in american claims, mexico cedes 500,000 sq miles of its territory in Western U.S,
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise admits California a free state but fugitive slave law was enacted.
  • Kansas

    Free Soilers establish government banning slavery of blacks from Kansas
  • Henry Bessemer

    Henry Bessemer invented a process that allows mass production of steel.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln was elected president
  • End of Civil War

    Lee surrenders and then the remaining confedrate armies surrender, ending the war
  • Assasination

    Lincoln was assasinated in a theater by john wilks booth
  • 15th Amendment

    15th amendment was ratified, giving blackes the right to vote before women.
  • Blacks in office

    Blacks began to be elected into office.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil rights act was passed guaranteeing African Americans equal treatment.
  • James Garfield Shot

    President James Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau, a disappointed office-seeker. But wasnot killed.
  • Thomas Edison; Electricity

    Thomas Edison; Electricity
    Thomas Edison's Pearl Street station in New York City begins generating electricity to supply 400 street lamps and 85 customers with electrical power.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    The statue of liberty arrived in New York Harbor as a gift from france.
  • Oklahoma Land Rush

    At noon a startling gun shot announced the star of the Oklahoma land Rush where 50000 would-be settlers rushed to steak their claim.
  • Johnstown flood

    The Johnstown floodkilled more than2200 people after heavy rain destroyed the South Fork Dam.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island Immigration Station began processing immigrants to the United States.
  • First Automobile

    The Duryea Brothers road-testthe first-ever,rican-made, gasoline-powered automobile in Springfield, Massachusetts.
  • Income tax

    Congress passes the first graduated income tax. The U.S. Supreme Court declares the "direct tax" unconstitutional the following year.
  • The Last Gold Rush

    The last great american gold rush beings when goldis discovered in the Yukon District of Canada
  • Fighting Erupts

    The U.S. and the Philippine revolutionary forces began fighting.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    McKinley assassonated, Theodore becomes president
  • Flight

    Wright brothers flew their first flight
  • Big San Francisco Earthquake

    Big San Francisco Earthquake
    The earthquake caused 700 deaths and destroyed the town
  • William Howard Taft

    Taft was elected president

    NAACP founded, for the blacks right
  • WWI

    World War I begins in France
  • US expanding

    US expanding
    The US acquires the Virgin Islands
  • US enters war

    US enters war
    US enters WWI with France, they need a bunch of soldiers.
  • Zimmerman

    Zimmerman created the telegram
  • WWI ends

    The war ends with Treaty of Versailles