Alonzo's ww1

  • Russia Mobilizes

    Russia Mobilizes
    Russia begins to move there army to get involved against Hungary in favor it's ally, serbia, This movement starts a chain reaction, making european powers react aswell.
  • Archduke Assassination

    Archduke Assassination
    Archduke Franz ferdinamd is assassinated in Sarajevo. His death is event that sparks World War 1. He was a very important man.
  • World War 1 Begins

    World War 1 Begins
    Geramy invades Belgium, Startin World War 1, Now the 4 year war now begins.
  • Germans Fire

    Germans Fire
    German fire power was very effective. They had fired shells filled with Cholrine Gas. Smart stragegy by Germany.
  • Connections

    The war had forced people to reach there allies. Conncetions were being forced to be use, because if you didnt you was most likley to loose.
  • WW1 prices of 1915

    WW1 prices of 1915
    $1,040 Average annual incomefor workers in finace insurance and real estate
    $687: Average for industrial wokers
    $510: Average income for retail trade wokers
    $355: Average income for farm labors
    $328: Average for teachers
    $11.95 cost for a bike
    $1 cost for hotel
  • First Tanks

    First Tanks
    British had used the first tank ever in war. At detville wood. Although they were useful at breaking through stuff and clearing paths.
  • Weapons

    The WW1 led to some of the first materials, and weapons we got now. For an example.
    -Fighter Planes
    -Chemical Warfare
    -Gas Mask
  • Jeannette Rakin

    Jeannette Rakin
    The first woman congressional representative, explained her victory by saying that women in Montana got the vote. Because the "spirit of pioneer days was still alive".
  • How to make a Doughboy

    How to make a Doughboy
    Armmed with 107 Piceces equipment
    Rilfle cartridges
    Steel helemet
    Gas mask
    Wire Cutters
    Trech Tool
    Bayonet and Scabbarb
  • Wednesday

    They were all Drilling, all day not even being allowed off grounds. Hard work with very little breaks.
  • Tuesday

    Today was the day of The Big Boat Race. Early in the morning the crews went out for practice.
  • Monday

    'Today I went to the office but I had no work to do... At 1 'o' Clock Ely and J ate lunch.
  • Wednesday

    "Today J had just reciveved the pleague
  • Monday

    "French people, forever were most ammusing , and had fun. I learned more and more interesting things about them".