Allied Aided By U.S.

  • 1935-1937

    Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts. The Neutrality Acts made it illegal to sell or lend war material and money.
  • September 1939

    September 1939
    President Roosevelt asked congress if they would allow them to sell American arms to the Allies.
  • March 1941

    March 1941
    The Lend-Lease Act was passed. The Lend-Lease Act allowed the president to lend or lease war materials and other supplies to any country the could help the United States later on.
  • Summer of 1941

    Summer of 1941
    The U.S. navy started escorting British Ships that carried U.S. arms. Hilter found out and order his submarines to sink any cargo ship they saw.
  • September 4, 1941

    September 4, 1941
    A Germam U-boat fired on a U.S. destroyer in the Atlantic Ocean. Roosevelt then order his commanders to shoot German submarines on sight. But the attack actually came from Japan