

  • Video Released

    Video Released
    The video revealing what lies outside the fence is released shocking all members of the city and ending a bloodbath.
  • Choosing Ceremony Bowls

    Choosing Ceremony Bowls
    To show an end to the old rules and customs of society, the factionless smash the Choosing Ceremony Bowls, which have been part of a tradition for 100's of years. Edgar, a factionless member, is almost killed when people disagree with the smashing of the bowls.
  • Kidnapping

    Tris is kidnapped by Allegiant, a rebel group that wants to reinstate the old ways of life and adventure beyond the city fence. She is invited to a meeting of the Allegiant that will occur the next day.
  • Sentencing

    Caleb, Tris's Brother, is put on trial for his role in the opposition. He is sentenced as a traitor and will be executed in 2 weeks.
  • Escape

    Tobias breaks Caleb out of his prison cell to escape outside the fence. Tris, Tobias, Caleb, Tori, Uriah, Peter, Cara, and Christina escape outside the fence. Tori is killed in the escape. They are met by 2 people that used to live inside the city and are transported into the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.
  • Truth

    Once inside the Bureau of Genetic Welfare, everyone learns the truth. Their city is a controlled experiment that started many generations ago. It was started due to the problems with the genetically damaged population after the Purity War. Divergence means they are genetically healed.
  • Testing

    Tris and Tobias are genetically tested by Mathew and Nita. They learned that Tris is genetically pure as her divergence suggests. However, Tobias is not genetically pure even though he is divergent. They are not completely sure why this has occured but it causes Tobias to be depressed.
  • Attack

    Nita, the genetic tester, is also genetically damaged like Tobias. She has plan to attack the compound due to the discrimination against the genetically damaged population. Tris is sceptical but Tobias aggrees to help. In the atack Uriah, a friend from the city, is seriously injured. Tobias is thrown in jail for the attack.
  • Plan

    Tris and Tobias learn that the Bureau of Genetic Welfare is going to wipe the memories of their loved ones in the city to reset the experiement. They form a plan to innoculate their loved ones and wipe the minds of the leaders of the Bureau of Genetic Welfare to stop the discrimination.
  • Volunteer

    Caleb, Tris's brother, volunteers to be the one to release the memory serum. His hope is that his sister will forgive him. The serum is held under strong security, and he will utimately die from the death serum upon deploying the memory serum.
  • Inoculation

    Tris, Tobias, and their friends inoculate themselves to be immune from the memory serum. Tobias and Christina travel into the city to inoculate their loved ones. Tris stays behind to help Caleb.
  • Sacrifice

    At the last second, Tris puts Caleb at gunpoint and forces him to let her sacrifice herself. She decides to utimately face her death instead of Caleb.
  • Serum

    After bombing through the entrance, Tris makes it inside the serum room. Then the death serum kicks in. Somehow, she lives through it, something completely unheard of. Then she makes her way to the keypad where she has to deploy the memory serum.
  • Death

    After making her way inside the room, Tris is confronted by David, the leader of Bureau of Genetic Welfare, who holds a gun. Tris, who is weoponless, has no defense. As she lunges for the key pad, she is shot several times. After punching the numbers in the keypad Tris dies and is greeted by her parents on the other side.
  • Aftermath

    Tobias returns to find his girlfriend, but instead is greeted by friends saying "Sorry." In disbelief, he enters a dark time in his life. Eventally, he reconciles with his mother Evelyn, but is still plagued by grief for the rest of his life.