
All Quiet on The Western Front

  • Assassination of Franze Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franze Ferdinand
    Princip shot Franze and his wife, Sophie, in Bosnia. Princip was Serbian - Austria wanted to use it as an excuse to punish Serbia
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    Austria declares war on Serbia
    Serbia begins with Russia, then moboloize - Austria-Hungary invades Serbia
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    The base of the story begins when Germany is in need of soldiers.
  • The Great Retreat starts

    The Great Retreat starts
    ends September 14th - begin trenches on western front .
  • Zepelins used at war

    Zepelins used at war
    All of April in general - German's use of them increases - Zeppelins drop bombs on London
  • Poison Gas introduced

    Poison Gas introduced
    poison gas used for the first time in WWI used in this battle - German side used the gas - several British casualties
  • Paul and Unit 2 enlist in the ARMY

    Paul and Unit 2 enlist in the ARMY
    Paul and the rest of unit 2 are all attending school together - there, is where Kanterok, a teacher, convinced all of them to join the army - all of them decided to. My birthday
  • Pauls Training

    Pauls Training
    Paul and his friends are at training for about 4 months - Himmelstoff is their platoon corporal - they all hate him very much, and think he's worthless
  • Paul arrives at the Western front

    Paul arrives at the Western front
    Paul gets to the front, along with the rest of the second unit. This is where it's all about to go down.
  • Kemmerick Dies

    Kemmerick Dies
    Kemmerick had gotten injured, and had his foot amputated - at the time, Paul visited him - Kemmerick realizes he doesn't have a use for his boots, without his foot, so he lets Paul give them to Mueller
  • Third Ypres

    Third Ypres
    Third Ypres was launched on 30 june 1917 and continued until the fall of Passchendaele village on 6 November. where the battle parts could have taken place.
  • Paul goes on leave

    Paul goes on leave
    Paul gets to go home for 17 days - there, he struggles on whether to try and convince people, including his family, if he should convince them on how bad the war is for soldiers - he also wants to save them from worry and anguish though
  • Paul draws blood for the fist time.

    Paul draws blood for the fist time.
    Paul is hiding in a shell hole, and a French soldier jumps in too - this is the first time Paul has actually killed someone, and it's in hand-to-hand combat - Paul struggles greatly with himself on whether it was the right thing to do.
  • Paul is injured

    Paul is injured
    Paul's arm becomes broken by a piece of shrapnel - Kropp also suffers injury to his leg, right below his knee
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    actually just in December in general - Russians sign the Armistice with Germany - Russia surrendered Poland Ukraine, and other regions - stops Socialist propganda - pay 300 million roubles for prisoners
  • Paul returns to the front

    Paul returns to the front
    Paul, fullyrecoverd returns to the frontline.
  • Kat dies.

    Kat dies.
    After getting caught in drossfire Kat is badly injured and Paul carries him to safety. However, Pual does not realize that Kat has suffered severe damage to his head and quickly dies.
  • Paul inhales poison gas

    Paul inhales poison gas
    After inhaling poison gas, Paul is given fourteen days of leave to recuperate. A wave of intense desire to return home seizes him,
  • Armistice signed

    Armistice signed
    ended war - signed in French town of Redonthes
  • Paul dies :(

    Paul dies :(
    After years of fighting, Paul is finally killed in October of 1918, on an extraordinarily quiet, peaceful day. The army report that day contains only one phrase: “All quiet on the Western Front.” As Paul dies, his face is calm, “as though almost glad the end had come.”
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    Germany signs the treaty this day. pretty much ends Germany's participation in the world war, for now.