All About The Amazing Muqadus

By muq923
  • Birth

    I was born this on this day. The most happiest day of my familys life and my life.
  • Moved to Canada

    Moved to Canada from Pakistan
  • Youngest sister Born

    My yougest came to the world,
  • England Trip

    We went to England for my uncles wedding.
  • Student of The Year

    I was a Future Ace that meant student of the year in each class.
  • Moved to Mississauga

    We moved to Mississauga from Toronto.
  • Winning 2nd Place

    iI won 2nd place in art.
  • Graduation In Grade 5

    Graduated from Grade 5 and had a wonder ful time in school.
  • Went to New York City

    Went to New York City and had so much fun . We bought lots if cloths and shoes. We also saw the Statue of Liberty.
  • 1st Youngest Sister born

    There was another baby born after me and it was my young sister. I turned into a older sister.