Alfonso x 1

Alfonso x "El sabio"

By unknow
  • Nov 23, 1221

    Born of Alfonso X the Wise

  • Period: Nov 23, 1221 to Apr 4, 1284

    La vida de Alfonso x el sabio

  • Oct 7, 1252

    Date that he start to be the king

    Date that he start to be the king
    Before this date, had already written the songs of derision and, most likely, some hymns of praise to the Virgin.
  • Jan 3, 1255

    Date was granted the royal charter Aguilar de Campo and Sahagun

    Date was granted the royal charter Aguilar de Campo and Sahagun
    Meets the requirement of providing a uniform law for the newly reconquered Castilian cities
  • Oct 7, 1255


    He never enacted and the circumstances of its composition are not clear. It may have been a draft of a section of the Siete Partidas, although some critics argue that it is a work composed during the reign of Sancho IV and his son Ferdinand IV.
  • Oct 10, 1256

    The 7 items

    The 7 items
    Date of commencement of 7 items.Recoge the theoretical foundations of the earlier legal works and makes a universal legal code and general application to the kingdom of Castile Castile regulates life in all areas, both religious and civil.
  • Oct 7, 1264

    The lost job

    We know the existence of other important works written for the desktop alfonsí have not survived to this day, at least in its final version in Castilian. So did Muhammad Scale, a work in Castilian, 1264, we have been transmitted in a copy in Latin and a French translation
  • Oct 10, 1265

    The 7 items

    Date of the end of the items. It was divided into:
    Part One: Addresses the foundation of law and essentially turns to canon law.
    Second: It's about government and legal relations between lords and vassals.
    Third, procedural law and civil law.
    Fourth: The right of marriage, family and lineage and social status.
    Fifth: commercial law.
    Sixth, probate and inheritance law
    Seventh: criminal law.
  • Jan 1, 1284

    Santa María´s canting

    Santa María´s canting
    This is a set of about 420 compositions in honor of the Virgin Mary. Most are ballads that recount miracles that took place with the intervention of Mary's work also integrates the Festas das Cinco Cantigas de Santa Maria Cantigas das Cinco Five Festas do Nostro Lord, though Sete sing two widows Santa Maria do seu fillo and a maia.
  • Apr 4, 1284

    Death of Alfonso X the Wise